Advice needed - Is it ok to feed baby of 10 months old while she is lying down?


New Member
Hi all,

I saw my mil feeding my 10 mths baby with her lying almost flat ( on a pink rocking chair type).

Is this bad for the baby digestive system in the long run?

Are there any professional article or reports that u can quote here so i can show it to them that it is actually wrong to do it?

Sad to say, i did voice out that it is not good to feed baby like this but my mil think i am doubting her and flare up. She say she is all alone taking care of the baby and it is hard to feed her on a baby chair as she will fiddle ard.

Please share your experience..

thanks in advance...
Babies seem to be built to feed lying down. I don't think I can drink a bottle of milk lying down, but little babies seem to have no problem with it at all. As they grow older and the food becomes more solid, they shoul start to sit more upright. Slowly.

It is not easy finding another caregiver that shares your own standards. You need to learn to pick your fight, and engage where it is most crucial. If you say too much, it becomes noise and irritant!
i understand how stressful it can be for her to take care of the baby full day.

But sometimes if u know things are going in the wrong direction or detrimental for your kid and yet dont voice out, it may have a long term harmful impact on the kid..

she may have managed to feed the baby with all the food but if eventually the food dont get digested normally, then wont it defeat the purpose?

In the long run, it may even affect the child body development...
As long as the baby neck is strong and no burping should be ok .. as by 10mth the baby can hold bottle and self feed .. which is also lying down to drink .. I don’t think have any issues cos I also does that when I have to do night feed during bb new born days
