Hi sylvie3 (sylvie3)!
Like to share my experience here...
5mths ago, I had GA C Sect at TMC cos baby did not turn down. On the morning of the op, while my gynae is preparing to cut me, I was busy chatting happily with the anesthetic guy. Trust me, it helps when you're mentally prepared and in a joyful mood. I guess it could be the wonderful chat that I did not feel anything at all and the next thing, my baby girl flash passed me and yes, she flashed her mega watt smile! Wheee!
The stitch back was real fast and my gynae gave me a binder applied directly after the stitch up and I must say my recovery process have been fantastic. I heard not all gynaes practise wearing the binder directly as my cousin did not have her binder on after the stitch back (also at TMC but diff. gynae). It was a breeze going for my toilet break with the binder.
Breastfeeding is tricky as I realised that I seem to have a bigger tummy compared to mums who went thro natural birth. It definitely got into the way, but somehow, its already comforting to see your new born feeding happily! Remember don't get stress if you don't see milk as its normal... the first flow of colostrum is fascinating! They fill my baby up and when you relaxed, milk will start to flow in.
I did strain myself while trying to carry her and my wound torn alittle. OUCH. Never never never exert yourself. It's really painful to see wound torn and make sure you have your binder on ALWAYS. Yes, even after going to the toilet, bind your tummy. Get an extra piece if possible so that you can alternate the piece and wash it. I wear it even till this day. My tummy somehow did not sag that badly..
Last but not least, wanna share our bundle of joy, Baby Girl Ziru!
Hope my experience does give you an insight yay. Oh! prepare to have your camera ready for a great snap! Good luck and do share your experience here!