i am a ezcema mummy who suffered from seasonable ezcema.
Had full-blown ezcema since my teens till now.Really dread hot weather and allergy to certain seafood (seafood lover)
As an experienced seasonable ecezma sufferer, i had since been using baby or organic products for bathing and avoid seafood during really hot months in spore.
Both my boys also had slight ezcema (30mths and 5mths old). An unwanted 'inheritance' from me, unfortunately.Started them on NAnHA since birth and on GAIA baby products recently.
Like you, PD prescribe cetaphil and steriod cream when my boys from newborn onwards shown signs on feet, face and neck. Did try Cetaphil and mustela products but refuse the cream though. No signs of recovery.
Instead from my own experience,i change my boys products from johnson baby to GAIA products.Keep my boys dry and powdered frequently. During really hot months -plenty of water, fruits and changing of clothes for them.
As a SAHM, i vaccum and mop my house daily and change the bedsheets weekly.
Your poor son is obviously in quite a serious state. Stop whenever you are applying or washing, seek professional help. Change PD, since he is not helping much, go to NSC instead. Western med can clear up infection faster then TCM.
Don't get me wrong that i look down on TCM, my elder boy is currently on TCM. Relatives and friends had advised me to go for TCM for whatever ailments only when your kid turn 1yr old.
Once infection clear, next step is the milk powder and baby products. You have to nip the problem now before your boy started semi-solids.
Hope to see your next post with positive results. Meanwhile stay strong as you know all mummies are behind you and you are definitely not alone.