Advice for delay of transfer of ownership due to divorce


Hi Mummies,

Would like to check if any one have faced such situation.

My divorce has been finalized with holding custody to my son and my ex agreed to TRO to myself. I just applied for my HLE in which HDB had given me a loan not able to cover and I have a shortfall as I need to return his cpf w accrued interest. My current flat is a new BTO which is 2years old.

I was wondering if I could explore the following:

1. To appeal to hdb to reaccess the credit they have given?
2. To keep the flat till reach MOP than sell to spilt the funds accordingly ( Must I appeal to hdb in this instance)
3. can I seek the bank to offer me a loan

To understand better,
How long does the court order stand after the divorce is finalized? Currently, I'm paying for the mthly mortgage loan by myself.

Appreciate your advice.

Thank you.

hai u not bad liao my vdivorce was oversea and ex wife agree to tro to me but hdb do not regconised it and insisit she come down sign now i have a family of my own soon hdb still insisit. really wtf
try to avoid getting the bank loan. HDB and CPF will almost NEVER repossess your flat and sell it. But the banks will not hesitate to do it. appeal and appeal and appeal and by the time you are done appealing a few times, maybe already MOP or you have other avenue.
