ADHD kids


Active Member
Any support group? I just get a confirmation that my P3 son is suffering mild ADHD.
Hope to know more and share more about this from mummies.


My son has not been certified but was told he has VERY MILD ADHD too. And the Doc is not opening up a case as he is mild.
My son is very active ( although he doesn't walk around in class) but he is talkative and tended to get into trouble almost everyday in school. His attention span is low too!
I read and came across this product a herbal supplement from GAIA ATTENTION DAILY. Review claimed it's effective. So trying to give him a try.
Hi mummies, can u share more abt how ur children's ADHD was discovered? Did u visit the polyclinic to get a diagnosis or...?
Hi mummies, can u share more abt how ur children's ADHD was discovered? Did u visit the polyclinic to get a diagnosis or...?

We brought him to polyclinic to get referral letter. We can opt for IMH, other KKH but received a call from REACH who recommended us to try to work with them and school counselor. So we went through 2 sessions and received the letter with the diagnosis. They will call all the people involve in care giving, school teacher, tutors and so on to gather all information and feedback and they will have expert to analysis. OF course end of the day if we still want to go to IMH or KKH we can do so.
As for my case, I requested a school counsellor to observe my son. Then shortly the special needs teacher came along to observe. But they can't confirm him. Anyway they can't in the school.
So I order for me to have them either assist or close the case,
I actually went to IMH then Dynamics to get him tested.
Both results were mild and IMH didn't open any case for him.
So I have to dismiss the speedy need part from school. My son's major issue is focus. its causing him much trouble In School. So I am putting him through this program in BRAINFIT.
Giving him Fish Oil.
my friend's son also experienced ADHD.. she is giving supplement Omegagize and Ningxia Red from Young Living to him.. and she said the supplements help her son a lot in focus..
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Hi fellow parents,

Omega 3 supplement is helpful. Please check the content label and try to ensure that the EPA to DHA ratio roughly 1.5 EPA to 1 DHA. I would also recommend a good comprehensive Multi-Vitamin that covers minerals as well. (zinc, magnesium etc)

Cut out the sugar! And prioritize protein over carbs. My P3 son averaged 90% in all 4 mid-year papers this year. He has not been diagnosed because we were overseas and just returned so this is his first real school year in Singapore. I refuse to have him diagnosed on paper but I know he has ADHD classic symptoms. When he was in international school, 3 different teachers talked to me about how distracted and inattentive he was in class. He would fidget and pick stuff up from the ground when they sat on the ground etc.

His symptoms are not severe but can be troublesome if not managed. I have seen much worse cases where another boy would always get into trouble with fights and literally run off from class. My boy does poorly with composition but did surprisingly well in Oral (100 for Eng). I attribute part of this turnaround to a strict regimen of low sugar and 6 supplements I provide for him. I am literally researching and keeping up to date with supplements weekly.

You can checkout my blog here:

If you think the articles were useful and would like to see more, please like my Facebook page so I can be motivated to update. LOL

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My son is diagnosed with mild ADHD at 3yo, but he is improving alot after putting him childcare.
My son is taking Vayarin (type of food drug for concentration), Vivomixx (probiotics), Vitamin D drops and Ningxia red (from Young Living) to aid him in his focusing and attention daily.
Other than that, recently I am also using essential oils to help him in his sensory issues.

I read somewhere that epsom salts play a key role in helping children with ADHD.
It composed of magnesium and sulphate, both of these nutrients are low in ASD and ADHD kids.
Going to buy some for his evening bath to remove toxins in his body.
Since 2 of you have posted on Ningxia Red... is there any supportive evidence for this? It would be great if it has some validation.
I gave my boy Ningxia red to drink, because he has been rejecting food for few months. Only surviving on biscuits and formula milk. I was worried he is lacking of nutrients due to he is still a growing kid.
This supplement drink may not help in autism, but a powerful antioxidant drink (there are lots of berries such as wolfberry puree, blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices, natural stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine). I replace his yakult with this and although I find it very tangy, my boy loves the taste and didn't reject drinking it to the last drop.

So far I've finished a bottle already. Surprisingly, his appetite return few days ago, and he started eating food, normal food like rice, noodles, salmon, sausages, cakes etc. but still doesn't like veg. I am not sure whether is it because of this drink or the probiotics, but I see no harm trying. I bought from some bottles from YL members on carousell at $45 a bottle.
Actually I feel that my son problem is not speech. Sometimes he surprise us by speaking in full sentences.

His biggest problem in fact is staying focused, his attention span is very short, he cannot stay still or focused with his teacher for more than 10mins. He will drift away in class after a while, but when teacher call his name sternly, he will response and sit back together with the class.

How can I help him in focusing ? Is there any way or supplements I can give him ?
Vayarin doesn't seems to help cause he doesn't want to eat anymore. Even when I break the capsules, he will sniff the powder in his food and refuse to touch.
Hi hippo78,

As he is only 3, it is still pretty early. You shouldn't have to stress so much at this point. He will slowly improve over the years as he learns required behavior and responsibility.

BTW, regarding Vayarin, you may want to see this...

It's not like he has a real education per se at 3 yo... so take it slow and easy!
Just to share in case any mummies interested


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Hey folks,

I've a child who was variously diagnosed by KKH as Oppositional Behaviour and by a private practice as ADHD. I'm never keen on medication. Fortunately, I now found an alternative that really helped by child without medication.

He learnt some balance exercises to adjust his body tension, muscle control that helps lead to brain control & our kids can manage their own condition regularly.

Check our Dr Harald Blomberg. Read the following books:-

1. Rhythmic Movement Method

2. Autism - A Path to Healing

This was brought into Singapore & an American therapist & other European therapists hv been visiting consults to help train parents & kids on Brain Gym.


You can call Angela Lim 97878305 to check for new sessions. ,
May I know what is the brand of supplements you use ?

I gave my son Vayarin, for 7 months as recommended by the REACH nurse. but to no improvement.
I did a bit of research, and yes.. the Vayarin is a fake drug. When I told the REACH nurse. She said that she was just recommending it as the vendor was promoting it. She claimed no study on Vayarin has been done locally.
Actually I feel that my son problem is not speech. Sometimes he surprise us by speaking in full sentences.

His biggest problem in fact is staying focused, his attention span is very short, he cannot stay still or focused with his teacher for more than 10mins. He will drift away in class after a while, but when teacher call his name sternly, he will response and sit back together with the class.

How can I help him in focusing ? Is there any way or supplements I can give him ?
Vayarin doesn't seems to help cause he doesn't want to eat anymore. Even when I break the capsules, he will sniff the powder in his food and refuse to touch.

I used to be very concern & wonder if my child's lack of focus will affect his studies. Didn't find any psychologist.

Eventually, I used my instinct & firmness. Like what yr child's teacher did, I'm always firm with my child & sit to build up the discipline to do his work. He's achieved much earning himself a few years of MOE EduSave scholarships & u'stand my drilling that success comes with persistent regular hard work & practices. He's still lacking in focus, but much less actively running ard or giving excuses as he grows older. It'll get better so long as you don't let it develop into an undirected habit of non-focus.

I don't believe in medication & try to find natural alternatives. I don't want medication to damage my child's spontaneity for his childhood.

As a mother, you're your child's 1st teacher & the BEST! ,
May I know what is the brand of supplements you use ?

I gave my son Vayarin, for 7 months as recommended by the REACH nurse. but to no improvement.
I did a bit of research, and yes.. the Vayarin is a fake drug. When I told the REACH nurse. She said that she was just recommending it as the vendor was promoting it. She claimed no study on Vayarin has been done locally.

It is VERY irresponsible of the nurse!

Anything to be ingested, I'll never risk for my child. Not even for myself unless I know from reliable source. Even with doctors, I'm very careful to check their motives unless a doctor I personally know.
And that, in bold, is the exact problem. Terrible! I will PM you. ,
I gave my son Vayarin, for 7 months as recommended by the REACH nurse. but to no improvement.
I did a bit of research, and yes.. the Vayarin is a fake drug. When I told the REACH nurse. She said that she was just recommending it as the vendor was promoting it. She claimed no study on Vayarin has been done locally.
Yup, we are indeed the best possible coaches for our kids. I have never believed in the ADHD drugs. However, some supplementation has proven most useful.

I don't believe in medication & try to find natural alternatives. I don't want medication to damage my child's spontaneity for his childhood.

As a mother, you're your child's 1st teacher & the BEST!
I have stopped the use of Vayarin. Now I am giving Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil and Vivomixx probiotics to my son daily.

After engaging a home therapist twice a week an hour each session, he improved so much! Started only 2 months ago.
He even scribbled attempting to write his name. Now he can read a whole story book by himself.
Instead of saying simple sentence like : I want milk or I want biscuits, now he said: Mummy, can I have some more milk, pleeassseeeee...... ?

When there are no therapy, everyday after work and dinner, no matter how tired I am, I will spend an hr with him in a room with his storybooks, we will also do art and crafts, and do some simple maths. he love it. But sometimes he will feel tired after coming back from full day childcare, can see from his expression. But I try to make the session interesting, so that he can focus. So far, he is able to sit still and super cooperative. I really see his improvements.
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Hi parent,

Due to genesis cause, some adults and children with ADHD are unable to break down folic acid, B6 and B12 vitamins, critical to neurological health. A lack of these key B vitamins can effect concentration, language skills and the might-a-mins-spectrum-greenoverall nervous system.

And autism very sensitive to toxin, do give omega which free of toxins..

Pls pm me for further info as our supplements do help in some way..
Hi Crosailo, so far , have you tried out GAIA ATTENTION DAILY for your kid ? How did he behave?
Is it of help to him ? My son have short attention span too.

I am giving him Bioray Kids, NDF Focus and Shine daily.
Only started for a week, yet to see results. But he seems to talk more and in clearer, longer sentences.
hi all

May i know what supplements & brand is good for ADHD inattention?

I google and read about these supplements :
please share your reviews if your child has taken it before.

Biorays NDF plus - for detox
Efamol Brain - for attention
GNC attention - for attentive

Any other brand/supplements to recommend for inattention ADHD?

Thanks in advance.
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hi all

May i know what supplements & brand is good for ADHD inattention?

I google and read about these supplements :
please share your reviews if your child has taken it before.

Biorays NDF plus - for detox
Efamol Brain - for attention
GNC attention - for attentive

Any other brand/supplements to recommend for inattention ADHD?

Thanks in advance.

May I know how old is ur child?

I’m collating order to save shipping cost, pm me if interested to try.. ;)
Hi lovely0315,

7yo. Can you please tell me more about the products? what supplement is that?


Any parents whose kids are 10 years and above whom is diagnosed with ADHD or Dyslexic? Do you face any difficulty in their daily attitude or temper? Who do you approach for help?
Anyone interested in concentration and behaviour control exercises through advance feedback technology for all ages, pm me.

My son has not been certified but was told he has VERY MILD ADHD too. And the Doc is not opening up a case as he is mild.
My son is very active ( although he doesn't walk around in class) but he is talkative and tended to get into trouble almost everyday in school. His attention span is low too!
I read and came across this product a herbal supplement from GAIA ATTENTION DAILY. Review claimed it's effective. So trying to give him a try.
HI . I hope your son is getting better now. Just want to ask if did you ever had him a treatment procedure to an adhd expert? I would suggest you refer your son to a specialist, it would be much better also to consult an adhd specialist.
My friend's kid was also diagnosed with ADHD and oppositional behavior.. His is quite severe when he doesn't want to do homework he will hit his parents. Currently undergoing therapy.
hi Mommy, same here, few months ago since we found out that my son has adhd. Of course for us mother it was not easy to accept. Seeing your child suffering from adhd is heartbreaking, but we didn't give up, we admitted her to an adhd expert for her to get well and by the way my daughter is now 8 years old. Going back, Thanks to God and of course to the clinic who helped us. My daughter now is more okay before she wasn't still treated. I can see that she's not more hyper than before. So just want also to help you Mommy:). You can visit their website and ask help.
How to know your kids got ADHD? Your kids got go for check at polyclinic or kkh
I think you should observe first if you kids are impulsive or hyper or much better search for more symptoms. Actually there are many adhd clinic there. :) you can search it. Hope I was able to help you.
Dear mummies,
After assessment and follow up with the doctor, he confirmed that my boy is cleared from diagnose ADHD. However, he named it as "SIBLING RIVALRY"and require him to go for counselling. But in my heart, i think the diagnosis is not so accurate due to what my boy's teacher who is new and just knew my boy for 1/2 year feedback in the assessment form need to fill up by school teacher and mail back to the doctor. My boy obviously is having problem or split personality as he behaved as 2 different person in both school and home. Doctor said this is due to sibling presences. Anyway, since he confirmed he is fine, then so be it. Of course i am most happy that my son is normal but even the doctor has no clue on SIBLING RIVALRY resolution. Headache!
Knowing all of the similar characteristics of these disorders and being able to discuss them with a little bit of knowledge is a great thing.
This will never replace the opinion of a doctor or specialist. But it will allow you to understand better many of the things they talk about. It will also give you the ability to notice problems or incorrect assumptions in an ADHD diagnosis.

Being more educated may bother the doctors a little bit because of all the extra opinion. Some people call this cyberchondria, the behavior of people who use the Internet to gather information on health or healthcare.
They then often think that they know more than the doctors because they read wikipedia.

I would not go as far as thinking that we know better than doctors. However I think a strong debate over such huge decisions such as what to diagnose and how to treat ADHD should be accompanied by a well-informed discussion.

We rely heavily on the doctor’s opinions and prescriptions. In all situations, are own opinion strikes the most valid course of action. A doctor may give a diagnosis for one condition or the other.

In the end it is our opinion based on all the knowledge we have that will influence how we move forward with treatment.

My son has not been certified but was told he has VERY MILD ADHD too. And the Doc is not opening up a case as he is mild.
My son is very active ( although he doesn't walk around in class) but he is talkative and tended to get into trouble almost everyday in school. His attention span is low too!
I read and came across this product a herbal supplement from GAIA ATTENTION DAILY. Review claimed it's effective. So trying to give him a try.

Interesting, it sounds like you're taking a proactive approach to help manage your son's symptoms. Have you noticed any improvement since starting the herbal supplement?
