wa... your MIL really one pattern leh... can tell ppl off and yet she herself dont practise it... but it's really difficult to tell her off lor...
you know hor .. tat time also .. my mum seriously down with flu and cough... and wore a mask too ... cos she scare the bacteria will spread to my gal too .. then u know lah.. cough will take quite awhile to recover one.. so after flu recover liao and she still having cough, she din wear mask liao... but she tried not to get close to bb or carry the bb lor although she sometimes will still bathe my gal cos tat time she scared i get too stress up over it... so i also dare not ask her to put on mask cos i know that wearing a mask is not comfy at all lor... difficult to breathe too . somemore I had to rely on her to help me take care of bb too leh...
actually the 1st time that i have gone out 5 hours without pumping, my breast also engorged and pain like siao leh... but for me, once i get used to it... the body seems to be able to adjust it as well... and now also am relieved that I can skip one less pumping at nite and able to take it.... then like tat if my bb wakes up or wat, i can still take care of her without being too tired... although the initial phase when I started to skip the pumping, my breast really super engorged and pain lor... so i still have to do the pumping but extend to longer period of time, so more or less the body gets used to it... so now during the daytime, i will pump 4 hourly... and night last pumping is 11pm so that my morning 1st pumping can be 6pm.. it really works leh... and this will not clash with my gal's feeding in case she wakes up.. but occassionally will still clash and my hubby gotta wake up to feed her lor...
I also have tried to feed her more for her last feed, but she dont wanna finish it leh.. sometimes she will finish her usual daytime feeding i.e. 120ml... or sometimes she drinks even lesser... so early morning, she may wake up for 1st feed....
aiyo... the nightmare is when our kids are sick and not feeling well....
like the diarrhoea medicine, i also gotta force open my gal's mouth and insert in the syringe with the liquid... And their appetite is super jialet also.. they wont wan to drink much since they arent feeling well leh.. but at least got drink is ok lor... luckily now your gal has recovered... it's over already..... else the 2 of u will be super super tired already lor..
You got the same situation like me last time when my bb just born... she also latch on for 5 mins only and din wanna latch anymore and cried and cried... the moment when bottle feed her, she will finish the whole bottle... haiz... seems like the bb know how to do the easy job lor... no need to suck so much....
as what cljl as said, the cooler bag cannot last for more than 8 hours leh... so it's really best to keep in the fridge at least lor... then only when about time to go home, then u keep it in the cooler bag to bring it home....
I'm using avent double pump... Cos if you use single pump, it will take a longer time leh... which is effectively double the time... so its better to use double pump to save the time lor...
hey gals... how come you all take like 20 mins to 30 mins to pump ah?? you know what?? i only take 15 mins to pump if i pump 4 hourly leh... is it too short a time ah??? If I pump 6 hourly, then only will pump 20 to 30 mins leh...
wa... your MIL really one pattern leh... can tell ppl off and yet she herself dont practise it... but it's really difficult to tell her off lor...
you know hor .. tat time also .. my mum seriously down with flu and cough... and wore a mask too ... cos she scare the bacteria will spread to my gal too .. then u know lah.. cough will take quite awhile to recover one.. so after flu recover liao and she still having cough, she din wear mask liao... but she tried not to get close to bb or carry the bb lor although she sometimes will still bathe my gal cos tat time she scared i get too stress up over it... so i also dare not ask her to put on mask cos i know that wearing a mask is not comfy at all lor... difficult to breathe too . somemore I had to rely on her to help me take care of bb too leh...
actually the 1st time that i have gone out 5 hours without pumping, my breast also engorged and pain like siao leh... but for me, once i get used to it... the body seems to be able to adjust it as well... and now also am relieved that I can skip one less pumping at nite and able to take it.... then like tat if my bb wakes up or wat, i can still take care of her without being too tired... although the initial phase when I started to skip the pumping, my breast really super engorged and pain lor... so i still have to do the pumping but extend to longer period of time, so more or less the body gets used to it... so now during the daytime, i will pump 4 hourly... and night last pumping is 11pm so that my morning 1st pumping can be 6pm.. it really works leh... and this will not clash with my gal's feeding in case she wakes up.. but occassionally will still clash and my hubby gotta wake up to feed her lor...
I also have tried to feed her more for her last feed, but she dont wanna finish it leh.. sometimes she will finish her usual daytime feeding i.e. 120ml... or sometimes she drinks even lesser... so early morning, she may wake up for 1st feed....
aiyo... the nightmare is when our kids are sick and not feeling well....
like the diarrhoea medicine, i also gotta force open my gal's mouth and insert in the syringe with the liquid... And their appetite is super jialet also.. they wont wan to drink much since they arent feeling well leh.. but at least got drink is ok lor... luckily now your gal has recovered... it's over already..... else the 2 of u will be super super tired already lor..
You got the same situation like me last time when my bb just born... she also latch on for 5 mins only and din wanna latch anymore and cried and cried... the moment when bottle feed her, she will finish the whole bottle... haiz... seems like the bb know how to do the easy job lor... no need to suck so much....
as what cljl as said, the cooler bag cannot last for more than 8 hours leh... so it's really best to keep in the fridge at least lor... then only when about time to go home, then u keep it in the cooler bag to bring it home....
I'm using avent double pump... Cos if you use single pump, it will take a longer time leh... which is effectively double the time... so its better to use double pump to save the time lor...
hey gals... how come you all take like 20 mins to 30 mins to pump ah?? you know what?? i only take 15 mins to pump if i pump 4 hourly leh... is it too short a time ah??? If I pump 6 hourly, then only will pump 20 to 30 mins leh...