I have a philipino maid that work for me for about 7mths for transfer, but i will only be releasing her in end-oct or nov when i get my ex-maid cousin in.
I've 2 kids 3yrs old and 1yr old, a big family that consist of me, hubby, mil, fil,gmil, bil, sil and 2 boys..she's oki with taking care of kids, but she's abit slow in doing house work and quite "manual" as in the sense that u need to constantly remind her to do the way u want..she need supervision for doing house work if not she will cut corner and take short cut..i guess thats common for most maid..and she's not honest enough to admit her mistake unless caught red-handed.
gd point about her is she is gd with children, and her english is gd enough to read story books for the kids..her temper also quite gd, no matter how naughty my child she also keep her cool. she's oki to do simple house hold chores that gotten repeatedly do daily like vacuum and mop floor..
overall she is gd with taking care of kids and doing simple household chores only like sweep/vacuum floor, mop, washing of clothes for small family.. not suitable for big family with alot of clothing to iron, alot of dishes to wash and cooking to do..
interested employer can drop me a pm with contact details, please read my positive and negative comments on her before msging me..