hello all, happened to chance upon this thread, me jurong mummy too
butterwaffles, your nick v familiar, did you joined my BP before?
btw, i posted this because i wanted to share with you about my MS for my #1
i have MS till 6mths, and everyday i cannot even sip water. so i vomit non stop, dehydrated, cry n cry. sleep was the only time im not vomitting so i slept a lot. i was very insistent not to go to the hosp even though my gynae wanted me to....
i couldnt eat anything, but in order to vomit out something, i had a grand total of 3 pcs of biscuits a day, and thats not a big pc of soda biscuit, half the size nia
and sips of water in between vomitting session so that at least i can vomit out the water...the above scenario was for the GOOD days. bad days, no intake of food + water at all...just kept vomitting lor
i lost 10kg at least during the 6mths, i had to work too, boss not flexible about working from home. cannot sit in car, take train etc because of motion sickness...
i have a colleague's wife MS ALL THE WAY till delivery for her FOUR kids....
you are not alone. dont be depressed...never give up just because of MS. you have to tell yourself you can do it, then naturally your body will have the will to fight back and overcome. whats this pain compared to even more?
i hope i dont offend you here, just want to boost your morale
jia you!