A Childcare To Recommend Ard Bt Batok, Toh Yi, Jln Jurong Kechil?


New Member

I m looking for reliable, good childcare centres around these areas? Does anyone have any recommendation? TIA

Hi Mummies,
I'm staying at Toh Yi but haven't heard of any childcare ctr to recommend. Carp Diem is along Jln Jurong Kechil.
Hi Janet, thanks. Yap, u r right, carp diem is along jln jurong kechil.

I hope i will have some recommendations so that I k put my boys there at ease
I put my boy at Sunflower Montessori which is behind High Oak condo. Small, cosy place, I think only around 30 kids. My son likes it there as it's homely and the teachers are nice. May not have the best program but teachers are genuine & class ratio is small.

btw do you know that there is a Children Community Library at Blk 13 Toh Yi Drive?
Residents are campaigning against its closure - has been in newpapers. Please bring your kids there if you stay in the area.
Hi Marie,
The library will remain open until the end of the year. Not many story books available there but still better than nothing. My son goes there weekly.
Hi Marie, tks. Yes, I know abt it, is actually opp my parents'place (she stays at Blk 13) . My mum told me she used to hear the kids crying when it started, now seems the situation much better.

So sad rite? Hope they wil change their mind abt it.
Hi Steffie,
How old are your boys? My DS is with Babies Inc. since infant. But can only put him there till 3 yrs old. I like the teachers there. Programs are quite ok and they have built in Kindermusik and Gymboree into their curriculums.
Hi purin

understand the charges at babies inc are on a high side. they hv kindy program? any idea how much is the fee?
Hi Purin,

My boys are 26 mths old. I just managed to sign them up at a playgroup at Grace Kindergarden last sat. Tks for yr info!
Babies Inc is near 6th Ave. They include Gymboree and Kindermusik in their program. That's the reason why it's so ex. If you bring your kid to these programs yourself and put them in a normal Childcare, the fees is actually quite the same in total.
Hi Red rose, is located at Bt Batok West Ave 4 (opp driving range). The playgroup is a new start-up from exisitng kindergarden from Grace Assembly of God, and the teaching method is based on Raffles House Pre-school. The space is very limited (only 6) cos they are only starting up with 1 class for playgroup.
Anyone tried Hillview Montessori, Little Wonders in Hillview or Rosy Hearts at Chun Tin area? thinking of putting my boy in one of these when he turns 18 months end of the year.
Some requirements when looking for a GOOD childcare:

- Low teacher ratio rate
- teachers must be caring, dedicated, patience
- Nutritious meals (no or little biscuits given)
- Hygienic and vigiliant even when no HFM outbreak
- Must allow parents to check on progress
- Environment must be vibrant so that kids will be happy
- Montessori teaching methods

hehe....tat's my requirements, very hard to meet...
A good childcare will really give the parents a peace of mind when they go off to work. We are not asking for the best, but must have assurance that the child is properly taken care of in school, and stimulating enriching for the kids.

I narrowed my choice down to:
- Columbia Learning Centre @ Akira Centre (Near IMM)
- Creative at Jurong IBP
Hi Hoshi5,
Babies Inc is ex cos they include 2 lessons of Gymboree and 2 lessons of Kindermusik every week.

If not wrong, per lesson is around $30 if you take it externally. If you factor that in, it's actually reasonable and at the same time, you don't have to burn your weekend to bring your kid to these lessons.
Hi Purin,

Yup, noted that. I have also done some research on that before I decided on my gal's childcare. She's now at TELC.

Babies Inc:
- Full day alone it's $1200 per month...
- Good, but location a bit far, and not convenient
- Environment pretty small and facing the busy roadside

Thanks for ur advise though!
Hi Hoshi,

Babies Inc is moving. Heard that they are looking for a bigger space. I agree that the current premise is small compared to the one at Katong.

Is TELC near to Ngee Ann Poly?
TELC is in SIM itself. The environment is very condusive, just tat a bit small.

Went to see this Canossian Convent... It's very big... but it looks like an orphanage to me..
hoshi5 - u went Canossian convent? wat do u mean it's like an orphanage? how so? u managed to sit in to observe any lessons?

ginger - i went carpe diem, bt timah to take a look recently. found it too crowded n squeezy for my liking. i prefer more space for my ger to run ard in...n inside a bit dark too...
where exactly is carp diem? along jurong kechil? or is there another one in bt timah? hmm seems like alot of CCs abit old n dark huh.
Hi Cheri,
I only view it from the outside.
It's very very big, need to drive in to park the car. Then from the building it seems like a 'mini-school' with small compartments as classrooms. I went ter ard 1+pm, I think during my lunchtime. And it's very quiet...

Carpe Diem is at Jurong Kechil, opposite signature park (I think(...

My gal childcare is at SIM and is montessori.
ginger - ya, it's opp signature park as hoshi said. according to the carpe diem director that i spoke to, only 2 r under his charge n the rest r franchisees - the 2 r the jurong kechil n punggol ones. i think it's due to them being housed in landed properties...no choice but i dun think i will put my ger lor...too claustro for me hahah

hoshi - oh, u drove past? i actually went in, spoke to the administrator who brought us to the playground, canteen n some of the playrooms etc...but it was during hols so no kids n lessons going on...not sure how their curriculum is though but the staff r v frenly...
Cheri n Hoshi
Ahhh i know where is Carp Diem already. Looks pretty old huh

how old is your child? how many hrs is her CC at SIM? should be pretty new right? how much are u paying? paisei so many questions!
Oh, no wonder. it was hols is it?... hehee... then u will need to make separate arrangements to take care of ur kid during their hols lor.

hehe... dun judge the school by the exterior lah... who knows inside may be very very good!...

My gal is now 25 months... I put her in fullday.. so it's like 7.30am to 7.30pm. It's pretty new and environment very condusive... and most of the parents are working at SIM itself... so the envt is very good.
The full day is $700 after subsidy and half-day is $525 (I think).

U can go and take a look if u are interested.
Have you signed up with any school aready?

i agree! Anyway i went to TELC to have a look. Its not bad, but suprisingly, the kids there are all older, my DD is born in 2006, youngest child there is 2005! I like everything there except that they include meals

Anyone has kids with Faith Monte at Chu Lin Rd? Would appreciate any feedback!

thank you
i dun intend to send her to any school till she's 2 plus...she's now only 16 mths...i'm on childcare leave till next year. but my vibes abt Canossian Convent r very good...recently heard of 2 mums who send their kids there...very happy wif school n prepares them well for pri school...if nothing goes terribly wrong when we arrange our visit to observe their lessons, i will likely sign up there...

true, if not cc, then hols time, will hv to take care of her...but if i go back to my work as teacher, think will be ok as they follow the school term hols anyway...
hi mummies,

for those interested, the learning ladder next to highgate condominium may be worth checking out.

the caterpillar's cove within ngee ann poly is spacious with a unique indoor-outdoor layout. well-trained teachers and very creative curriculum.

Anyone knows of a good playgroup around this area also? Looking for a 2-3 hour type of programme. Any of the childcare above has playgroup type?

Signed up my girl for the PCF one, but the timing given was 11.30-1, which is her naptime and therefore not suitable.

I just came across this center called "Creative Thinkers" (next to TumbleTots) at Jln Jurong Kecil, opp Bt Timah Community Club. It offers playgroup for 18mths to 3 yo. 3 times a week $90. Timing 9-11am. Saw some really young ones going there by sch bus and they're really independent.
I've finally put my son in TELC at SIM and he loves the Chinese form teacher, she's really good with kids and so enthusiastic.

I'm going for a free trial class at Kindermusik in Turf City, is any other mummy signing up for it? There's a new kid's enrichment place in Turf City offering Kindermusik, I think they have free opening specials. Can check www.terrifictikes.com if anyone is interested.

I think there are some playgroups there like Kindyroo gym which are parent accompanied and for 1.5 - 2hours type. The lady at Terrific Tikes also said that they are offering play group with Montessori phonics and chinese speech/drama soon.
Hoshi and Clam,

I'm interested in enrolling my kid at TELC when he turns 18mth before I return to work. How do you find the teachers, environment and programmes and do your kids like it there? Thanks.
Hi babyspike,

TELC meets all my criteria, which is:
- Low teacher: toddler rate
- Montessori curriculum
- Caring and loving teachers (not those out to earn $$ kind)
- Friendly environment with lots of toys and good learning environment
- Nutritious meals
- No or little TV

One thing which I like best abt TELC is their learning environment. Coz they teach children based on experiential learning. eg. that month could be "animal" month and they will bring kids to the zoo.

And also one thing is that, they will not leave children of a younger age (playgroup classes) out. They will include them in the excursions, school plays, performance, etc.
I know of some childcare who will leave out children that is in playgroups and even N1 or N2s... and only children in K1/K2 are allowed to perform.... so it's quite sad for those younger kids tat they can only watch and not participate...
Hi Hoshi,

I'm glad to hear your positive feedback on TELC. I've called them up on a weekend and a Chinese teacher was so patient to answer all my queries and even got the administrator to call me on the following Monday.

My hb and I will make a trip to see their place. Thanks
Oh, tat shld be Sun(1) lao shi.... coz she's always ard on a weekend to set up and prepare the classes for the following week.

U can tell them tat u r recommended by Chantal's mummy...

One of the comment from some mummies is that the place is quite noisy, and messy... haha... but tat is a good sign.. coz it shows tat the kids are happy and free to explore the place without much 'restriction'... and messy coz there are so many toys and things to keep them stimulating-enriching... haha...

hahah din realize i've been talking to u on this thread last year too...

waa u really v strong spokesperson for TELC haha..which level is ur ger in now? N2?

does the sch allow for lots of creative fun exploring kinda activities? like letting them grow plants, catch worms etc? ooh...i would love that! hahah

how r the rest of the playgroup's teachers besides Sun Lao Shi? She's teaching them Mandarin rite? r the EL teachers good? Wat abt Mrs Loh, who teaches the montessori part?
