4 mth old baby waking in middle of night.


New Member
Hi ladies, have you all came across your babies waking up in the middle of the night crying no matter how we carry her? My baby do not want bottle milk and water and only stop when latch on. But breast milk is going to end soon.Due to working, don't wish to start supplement to increase milk flow again. Because of frequent crying, baby developed hoarse voice? How to treat the hoarse voice? Very troubled.....


It is not uncommon for babies to develop hoarse voice from prolong crying and usually it will go away after some time. So don't worry too much.

If you are really worried or if it sound bad, best to consult your doctor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My baby is turning 4mths old in 3 days, but recently he keep waking up in the middle of the night 3-4 times. He will cry n once we carry him the crying will stop n he will fall back to sleep.

This is making my hubby n me not getting enough sleep. Anyone have this problem too?

Dear ladies, get a bottle of "Lu Yi Yiu" from any chinese medical hall. Doesn't matter if your babies are colicky, just try and see if it works. Put 2 drops in your palm and rub them then place on your babies' tummies and push gently downwards repeatedly. Give them formula milk before they sleep so they can sleep throughout and you can have a better rest. They may cry to get up to burp, just burp them or let them sleep face down. Be patient as they are maybe "night" babies since they were in your tummies, i.e. more active in the night. Takes them some time to adjust to night time as sleeptime. Walk away when you think you're going to lose temper at your baby & let your hubby takeover.

Another mistake is to keep running to carry the baby immediately when it cries. It will spoil the child and cry for attention all the time till they grow up and expect things to be given to them quickly. Try to just pat by his side whenever he cries (after you had rocked him to sleep) without picking him up at intervals. It's only a matter whether your heart is firm enough with the message that you're not going to pick him up everytime he cries. That's the only way I'm afraid to stop your baby from crying, Mandy, because it seems that your boy's only trying to get your attention and will only fall asleep if you carry him. Pacifiers help them sleep too. It's not harmful. Ýou can train to wean off later.

My baby cries every night for his 1st 45days .I tried every thing but nothing seem to help . I even bring him to see pd and he is given super probiotics . It helps for one night only.It's super stressful. Nothing seems to help , he stop gradually after his full month. Now he is 6 months some times still wake up to cry especially if he visit new place . My friend share that some baby cannnot go out at night and should get a amulet for baby. Hope it helps

My baby is 6 mths old and there was a period he used to wake up more than 10 times per night. No kidding. (10pm to 7 am). He keeps waking up to cry. However, I simply need to carry, rock or nuse him then he will fall back to sleep very quickly. SO I did that for about 2-3 mths daily.

2 weeks ago, I decided to stop all these nonsense. So I started training him using the Ferber method and within 2 -3 days. He is sleeping thru the night or waking up once in the night. It is a tremendous improvement. I myself cannot believe it. Maybe he is easy to train. I am not sure if it will work for ur baby.

Need more info. [email protected]

Hi J Lim, my baby is going to 8 months next wk, & she still wakes every night... not for milk but she just simply wanna play! Just like ur boy, she can wakes up to 10x/nite! I'm seriuosly considering Ferber's method, but still in dilemma as I think it's pity to see her cries... she's always a happy baby, I feel bad to see her cry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My baby is 3 mths old.. also the same, keep waking up in the night to make noise.. eh eh eh... especially after 3am, he wakes up almost every hr!! I tried ferber method but it did not work.

Hi elise31,

Recommended age for Ferber method is 6 months but can try at 4 months.

My 2 nephews and my son were trained at 4 months.

Try Tracy Hogg's method. Found her book "Baby whisperer solves all your problems" very useful. She said sometimes its habitual waking. Wake baby earlier than her habitual time to break the habit.

She also recommend cluster feeding in the evening for a longer night sleep.

Tracy Hogg has a different approach to the ferber method. So for those who's not comfortable with Ferber, can check out Tracy.

Dr. Richard Ferber discusses and outlines a wide range of practices to teach an infant to sleep. The term ferberization is now popularly used to refer to the following techniques:

* Take steps to prepare the baby to sleep. This includes night-time rituals and day-time activities.

* At bedtime, leave the child in bed and leave the room.

* Return at progressively increasing intervals to comfort the baby (without picking him up). For example, on the first night, some scenarios call for returning first after three minutes, then after five minutes, and thereafter each ten minutes, until the baby is asleep.

* Each subsequent night, return at intervals longer than the night before. For example, the second night may call for returning first after five minutes, then after ten minutes, and thereafter each twelve minutes, until the baby is asleep.

The technique is targeted at infants as young as 4 months of age. A few babies are capable of sleeping through the night at 3 months, with training, and most are capable of sleeping through the night at 6 months. Before 6 months of age, the baby may still need to feed during the night and it is probable that the baby will require a night feeding before three months.

Ferber made some modifications in the 2006 edition of his book Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems. He is now more open to co-sleeping and feels different approaches work for different families/children.

usually if your baby keep crying at night.. it's because too much playing during the day time or before he sleeps... so try not to have too active activity for your baby.. like make him keep laughing.. usually he would get his nightmare at night...

it happened to my baby too, as my hubby likes to play with him and make him laugh, but after i asked him to stop playing too much with baby, baby stop crying already now at night...

when your baby wake up at night it's because he wants to drink some milk... so just give him some, although some doctors say no need to give anymore, but my baby is quite small size, so i dont mind to continue to give him milk at night, according to my PD one feeding during midnight is OK. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good Luck

My gal wakes up in the middle of the night, wanting for milk till abt 15 mths old, then gradually can sleep longer or even throughout the night

no point restricting the milk volume to them, they still near, hungry means hungry..

only if they are satisfied, then can sleep better

