Is the thread still on?? I have a 2yrs old (25mth) son who have speech delay too, He seldom babble when is small, he can say afew words but that was when he want to. his 1st word was mum mum at ard 12mth old, n after many months then got new word. I "used to" hear him say ball ball, bird bird, mum mum, gege (circle), purple (painting), ka ka (car), jia (home), hmm mo (what), but since then i seldom hear him say any of these words except mum mum n purple nwsaday ( many months already). For 1mth he keep repeating the word like jia, whenever we reach home, after 1 mth or so, he keep his mouth shut liao. N when u ask him to say, he ignore u n walk away. All his development is good, he took his 1step step when he is 10mth old, n his development skill are almost 1mth faster. He can understand instruction well since 9mth old, can fix 5-6pcs puzzle (meant for 3yr n abrove children) when he is 14-15mth old, He know almost all the picture n name from the ABC n animal charts which i paste on his room, i recently know he knw his colour well too, cos i thought i seldom teach him color, so i brought a chart for him, when we reach hme, i ask him, where is red, blue, green,n etc...., he can point almost all colour correct. I think he learn his skill thru educational vcd ba.
I find him a very clever boy, but just wandering y just cant he talk, he just start babbling around last few month. He is quite a shy guy, he ignore stranger n dun wana look at them when they talk to him. But if he ask him, force him to wave bye bye to them he will do so n look away. My friend say he got chracter. As for his eye contact, bery few times, he look at us when we talk ( but when we wana gain his eye contact n say something he interested or like, eg u 1 sweet, i get for u)then his eye bery fast turn to us, sometime he ignore us when we talk to him. he enjoy playing with my sis's daughters, n can join in the music n movement with other children in his playgroup, but i neva see him play with his classmate 1 to 1 b4..
I am worry he is austim. Cos he seldom babble when young, eye contact not so good, speech delay. Anyone got such experience like mine? Son can talk different word at certain month then suddenly stop talking n have not say the word again since then.
My mum say my bro only start to talk when he is 3.5yrs old n that was when he about to enter kindergarden. I wonder is my son same as my bro? I hope he was a just late talker n nothing serious or wrong with him.
Any mummies out there got children still cant talk at 2???