Our boy is 4yo and stands at 110cm, but we still use only 1 adult ez-link card for our transport on public buses and in mrt trains.
Before last year, we were always carrying him when we had to take the bus or train.
I must highlight to my dh about this sensor thing which I am not aware of.
So far so good, we have managed to pass thru the gantry w/o any fuss n we constantly remind our chd that this ez-link card is meant only for 1 person n as such, he had to walk as close to us as possible, inorder not to be penalised.
When taking a bus, we always tell our boy to hold our hand and quickly get on. Worst, he loves to take the 1st seat. So if the driver wants to, he could have stopped us.
I guessed we have been very blessed to have found favour in the eyes of SBS/SMRT staff
I do tell our boy that in time to come, we would have to get him an ez-link card as he is not getting any smaller
Generally, I don't think it is fair to penalise a chd just becoz he is taller than the other kids.
My friend told me that there are actually some typical Chinese food establishments who literally make your chd stand next to the height chart to cfm payment of food based on chd or adult pricing.
As long as we can continue with this 1 person ez-link thing, we will do so.