(2014) ivf mummies support group

I went to see but didn't buy. Hubby prefer graco. Couldn't make up our mind. So we decide to wait for oct fair n see again...
Yes I probably do that cheerywalnuts. Anyway it's multi vitamin even no preg I think no harm eating. Haha. Actually my house got blackmores pregnancy vitamins but don't want eat that. Don't know suitable anot. I super long no see Twinnies already hope they are doing fine tomorrow :)

I'm having Monday blues Omg! The weekend always seems fast. Anyway start taking leave soon to prep birth? I think I hang around till early oct then start taking leave.
Hello everyone, wah today lynn busy everyone also busy? ? Taking early early oct. Think I am taking leave from 1 Nov onwards haha if baby don't pop out at week 37 or 38. Want to save more leave so can accompany my baby more after birth.
Oh walkadogstudio the person is oversea so will get back to me coming week.
How is everyone today? Monday is indeed very blue.
Buddy tomorrow can see beanies already. Oh you got to fast today.
Ya fast start from 12 midnight today. Lynncandy check with u is drink the sugar syrup then 2 hrs later take blood test right? I don't think I will see gynae again after result out cause my aptm with doc is 9am. Drink syrup is 8.30am. Later I going to eat full full to the max! U also power take leave from nov 1. I probably want to stop going office when mid oct comes. But will work from home. Shall see how it goes.
Hi mommies..

Want to know if anyone has this experience.

I did a scan at 6 weeks 5 days and the sac is dated 5 weeks only. No fetal pole and heartbeat
Then I do another scan at 7 weeks 6 days, saw fetal pole and saw heartbeat but dating at 6 weeks only. It's 2 weeks behind.

I'm very worried on the slow development. Has anyone come across cases like this?
Buddy, 8.30am they will take blood for you then ask you drink the sugar water. At 10.30am they will take blood from you again then send to lab for testing. You must ask dr how about your result and is already week 31. Wait for result is time to give birth already no point to follow anymore meal plan right.
Then by the time next review week 34 then give you the meal plan meh..
Got a meal plan to follow one depending on your result.
Btw fasting meaning no water also leh.. You must ensure until maybe 1045am then can drink water or eat. If they don't delay your drawing on your blood.
Very Cham leh. I can don't eat but no water oh no...I told dh cannot eat till all is over so I tell him u can still eat then he say no la eat in front of u so bad. See How he can control...boring leh cannot eat tomorrow do what in kkh while waiting for 2nd blood test :(

Tsf I think dating also may not be accurate. As long now show fetal
Pple and heartbeat shouldn be much of a worry already. Did u see yr gynae in charge and did he voice any concern? Cause the progress and growth also estimate only. My initial edd also being carried forward after a few checks so I guess so long every check u see bb growing should be ok. Don't scare yourself.

Everyone out celebrating mid autumn? Dolly bring godson out carry lantern? So long no c u in this thread. How are u already.

Circles also busy lately? This thread like suddenly quiet down already...all move to nov mummies?
I never buy lantern this year to hang. Just finish mooncake oops.. my poke finger test sure fail later. I have been monitoring closely on my sugar level.
Buddy, remember no water and please endure after drinking the sugar water. Otherwise got to redo.
Circle busy with work?
Sumiko any cooking today?
The rest celebrating mooncake?
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Seriously I think if redo forget about it. How many more weeks left only. Like u say I feel abit redundant if still must review after tomorrow's check up I find no point. If really high sugar I also no time to change diet plan already. Just hope all is fine.

I am munching on harsh brown now..air fry one. Just finish one magi noodles Korean kimchi favour :) mouth itchy!
Hi mommies..

Want to know if anyone has this experience.

I did a scan at 6 weeks 5 days and the sac is dated 5 weeks only. No fetal pole and heartbeat
Then I do another scan at 7 weeks 6 days, saw fetal pole and saw heartbeat but dating at 6 weeks only. It's 2 weeks behind.

I'm very worried on the slow development. Has anyone come across cases like this?

Don't worry too much. I think it'd help if you are light hearted and keep yourself positive. Things will work out fine.
Maybe the calculation wasn't accurate in the first place.
I never buy lantern this year to hang. Just finish mooncake oops.. my poke finger test sure fail later. I have been monitoring closely on my sugar level.
Buddy, remember no water and please endure after drinking the sugar water. Otherwise got to redo.
Circle busy with work?
Sumiko any cooking today?
The rest celebrating mooncake?

Tried one slice of the Pan Pac hao tien lou mooncake last week. Was good and kind of craving for it ...
Weekends is always so short! Other than buying bassinet, stroller and bed linen sets for baby, I finally went for a swim on Sunday. Shiok!
I thought Ivf dating is very accurate becos we know the ovulation date (ER).
Iwanahealthybb, yrs is brought forward becos u expecting twins?
Korean noodles.... wah I miss eating it so much especially add kimchi inside and cook plus one egg. Well after birth the Eat ba. Now I got to follow meal plan. Best is eat subway to get a good reading.
I ate the 3rd slices of Mooncake oops..
Faithfully, let's count down for the weekend to come. Time really flies during weekend but not weekdays lol.
I just order nursing bra with wired from qoo10. I scare no wire later boobs go south.
Faithfullyours u still got energy for swim..gd! Wear bikini? Very sexy, won't obstruct the belly also. My only form of exercise now is keep walking think my legs very very strong now.
Hey hey! Me have been busy at work. This period is our ramp up all the way until nov.

I even gave up taking my tummy bump. Fainted. Blog also no time to write and post.

Me confirm go for epidural one. My threshold for pain is zero man!
Actually as 1st time mummies we really clueless on a lot of info and stuffs. The pain experience, contraction and all. Never feel before how to know also. How will it feel when waterbag burst etc.
Swimming is good for us coz we will feel so light weight in water. I bought my maternity swimwear from asos. It's tankini instead of bikini. Hehe! I still climb up the stairs whenever I can. They say exercise aids in smoother delivery.
I love swimming and was a swimmer before bfp. But due to my case I cannot go swimming during pregnancy so sad. Can't wait to jump into the water again after confinement.
Buddy, so you drink sugar water already? Taste like 7up? Remember to ask the list of questions and get 2 bottles of multi vit. Like she will deliver for you or standby doc? Then after this review how many weeks see once? When can go for csec? How will you know your glucose result?
I just finish seeing doc. Guess what kkh glucose water not orange in color. I thought I saw from pte clinic is orange color. They give me a cup quite big size transparent color to drink. Indeed very sweet and kinda thick but ok la. Manage to down in less than 15sec. Later 11.30am going back 2nd blood test. Result will not know today. Doc say if really ga will call me within a week. If not will come as schedule. My next aptm is end sept 3 weeks from now. Just now doc ask me what ways to deliver. She say usually twins csec less complications plus my twin b today scan she in breech position. Head still up. Anyway most likely I will go straight for csec. She also mention that usually for csec can chose week 38. She give me date 20-27 oct but I calculate that week I'm at week 37 only. So also don't know she calculate wrong or say wrong. Doc say if everything according to plan husband can come in during csec but if emergency csec then husband cannot go in.

Actually I thinking if I don't give birth week 37/38 Isit safe? I got friends with twins who give birth at week 39 so don't know how. I just scare week37/38 thou full term but their weight low.
Iwantahealthybaby, meaning you are waiting now as cannot Eat and drink. Wah same like me that time only until noon then can eat. Maybe you go mothercare shop shop but control haha..
My doc also ask me deliver end of oct... omg.. I don't want.. I think maybe you see can delay until early Nov. I think week 38 is really ok to deliver already. Big enough.
Yes lynncandy my aptm today very close together. Scan at adc 8am then glucose test at 8.30am and see doc at 9am but scan delay till almost 9am so by time I take glucose is 9.20am already. See finish doc and taken all medicine now waiting for 2nd blood test. After that Chiong nice lunch.

Suddenly very fast if next mth give birth haha. Kinda excited. Doc aptm for me is 3 weeks and 5 weeks from now. So end sept and oct maybe another check then get ready deliver haha. Today bb weight 1.6 and 1.7kg respectively. Estimate only according to size. I don't like today sonographer. A china woman I think. Long wavy hair wear specs. She like so blur. Also quite rough.
My appointment is actually next week then change to 22 Sep. After that one more visit in Oct then weekly visit should also time to delivery.. We have come so far... BB_hc same batch as us.. But who knows Circle, kitkats & faithfullyyours might catch up with us as they are just 1 week plus away from us.
Your beanies are good weight today.. is about there at this week.

Jia you for the blood test then can go and eat already.. I totally understand how you feel haha.. Pray hard you pass the test then no need to go on the meal plan. Very ma fan one.. then got to poke finger sian.

Hello everyone, are you around?? busy??
So many ladies counting down. Jia you !
Enjoy the freedom during 3rd trimester... Eat and be merry.
After baby born, first 4 weeks I am like moo moo cow
Iwantahealthybaby , Lynn both of u so fast going to deliver next month. So excited!

I have an extra mosquito net n stand (brand new, floor standing type, white lace net) want to sell off at $25. I 'tong bang' my friend to buy it at taobao n she accidentally click qty 3 instead of 2. Never check qty as buy with other stuffs. Now we need to sell off 1 extra. Interested buyer pls ctc me. Self collection at north area.
The mosquito net so nice with the cot... Haha mine is playpen so comes with the net already..
I am praying hard baby will turn.. by next week, if not I really got to go for csec in Oct already.. No more 11 11 as it is too late to csec. The most I can choose is 1 11.
Kitkats, the mosquito net is nice! :) Shall discuss with DH and I'll get back to you.

I also used to be a sports person when I was young. Play this sport competitively for more than 15 years. Mine is a team sport and I shall not name the sport.

My last scan with Dr Ang, he told me that baby's head was at the 4 o'clock position and her legs were at the 10 o'clock position (imagine 12 o'clock is the position centre beneath my breasts). No wonder I keep feeling her kicks/movements on the right side.

Feeling excited and yet anxious as we are approaching baby's EDD. I got appointment with Dr Tan today. Wonder how much baby has grown so far.
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hi ladies I am back.

kitkats I also feel like very fast when doc tell me can chose oct mid to give birth. she was saying in such a way if I chose csec I can give birth at weke 37. why is this so? I forget ask her. why natural and csec diff? isit cause natural must feel contraction which usually happen at week 39/40. and is week 37 onwards consider full term for twins only or even singleton week 37 onwards also full term. forget ask doc till I leave hospital all this questions then pop out. always the case.

lynncandy actually your bp now still high? and if the poke finger test still shows signs of ga isit that you also better to deliver earlier? I head doc say week before I csec need to go back hospital to take blood test again. now my twin b head is top I guess wont change already cause inside not much space for them move too. so I guess csec my only choice and june was saying twins csec usually less complications.

as for my glucose test hope no calls from them if no calls means I pass the test can start eating durians. maybe end week I start buying and feast daily. after seeing doc today and the csec date she given me I can actually still fit into the Chinese lunar 9th thingy. got few dates happen to be the last of the actual lunar 9th mth so still consider ok. if I wait longer then will be the fake 2nd 9th mth lunar calendar already. anyway doc say now book the date 1st if during scan later part bb weight not ideal can postpone again. I just worried scan estimate weight ok but pop actual bb lighter. I guess I wont have weekly visit till I pop cause my checkup dates are still 2-3week apart. my next scan will be at kkh amc instead of adc don't know why also.

I have also sign up for the free 45-1hr breastfeeding talk by kkh wonder what they talk about and if its beneficial. since foc just go hear. my babies are position in such a way both are smelling one another backside. doc today ask me if I can feel movement already I reply yes but don't know from which bb and she smile and say yes you will never know. hahaha. during scan I see the sonographer position both are actually so near one another so I think the kicks I feel daily regardless of left right position could be anyone of them as their legs all rest around the same place.

by the way anyone know where to see master to calculate Chinese names or to see which date csec is gd? since doc ask me chose date for csec I wondering to go see master and see if he can sun bian give me some Chinese names selections. but I don't know if they need time of bb birth to calculate Chinese names or just date of birth can already.
Iwantahealthybaby, I think when Dr June suggested to c sect at week 37/38 is to minimise any further complication. When baby reaches week 37, he/she is considered as full term according to KKH standard. Sometimes it doesn't mean the longer they stay in our wombs means better.

I have a friend whose baby was still at the breech position at week 36 when she went for her regular scans. Her gynae suggested c sect at week 38 to minimise complication. She heeded her gynae's advice and she gave birth to her son at 3.3 kg.

Her second son also went through c sect because she had GBS infection. She wanted to VBAC (vaginal birth after c sect) but her gynae told her if she wanted VBAC, there might be a chance that her GBS could pass to her baby during delivery and it's not good for the baby at all. Dr Ang also ever told me that GBS can kill the baby. So in the end, she went for c sect at week 38 and her second son weighed 2.81 kg at birth.
Thanks Faithfullyours for your friend case study. Ya I heard before certain things can pass to bb during vaginal birth. So which means usually if bb still breech position better to bring them out earlier? I hope by then at least each of them weigh 2.5kg and above. Saw a few friends their estimate bb weight and actual is a diff of 0.3 to as much as 0.6

You still waiting for dr tan? Aptm to see gynae in tps morning que better. Noon one can delay very late.
My appointment with Dr Tan is at 3.20 pm. But I didn't wait for very long today. They always give me appointment time around 3 plus in the afternoon. I don't mind afternoon appointment because I can sleep late in the morning. Hehe!

My glucose level is not good today. It's +4. I can literally see the colour change from yellow to greenish blue. Dr Tan asked me what I ate/drank for lunch. I told him I ate Subway roasted chicken breast and egg mayo and drank isotonic drink. He said it's the isotonic drink coz usually isotonic drink has a lot of sugar. I also ate quite a bit of mooncakes this week. I don't have family history of diabetes. He said not to worry. Next visit if glucose level doesn't improve, then we will do the test.

I also asked about the admission. He said week 35 onwards.
Buddy, my bp is very good. Actually all along is very good only when I go and see doc or admit to hospital then will shot up. I monitor daily at home with record and doc say my reading is good just that I got see got doc syndrome haha. The poke finger reading also ok and just got to watch what I am eating not like ice cream non-stop or those very sweet stuff. Other than that ok. Btw my doc also tell my csec week 37 OK already and consider full term so he keep telling me to deliver by oct. Aiyoo I hope my baby head will turn down by next week. Otherwise I will join you buddy for csec in oct already.
Faithfullyyours, I miss swimming.
back again after mopping floor. dh did the vacuuming while I do the mopping. but I wonder why hor csec at week 37 is ok leh? whats the rational behind? when my dh ask me just now I tell him maybe if wait till week 39 then csec maybe bb too big doc scare will cut the bb accidentally lol. then dh say maybe since aleady go for csec then why want to experience labour pain. chances of csec later means higher chances of experiencing labour pain. shall ask june tan during my next visit (so long.....counting down 3 weeks) don't worry buddy your bb will turn head down in the next visit all ready for natural birth :)

talking about ice cream, I just down a whole tub of ice cream from ntuc while waiting for dh that day while he sleep. its whole brand new tub...don't play play think got 650ml...milo ice cream somemore. hahaha. I am like that u give me how much I eat how much totally cannot control type. later 8plus then will go dinner now rest cause just finish mopping floor stomach abit hard think I bend and squeeze twinnies too much lol.

I just check online for some places where they calculate csec dates for u. all so ex. cheapest I find is $800 plus and I see got 2k one also. I think I give a miss on the dates of csec shall just go for Chinese name calculations. I will chose the dates myself easy to remember. by the way I read somewhere saying we chose baby birthdates (for csec) its not going against god decision cause if god don't accept the date you chose they will either let you give birth earlier (contractions pain) or later (maybe not ideal weight yet or gynae advice no) hehehe which I read already sort of agree too. nevertheless if I go for natural I will just wait till contractions come then go hospital but since I going for csec and doc ask me chose a date no choice I will have to make the choice myself. wonder what is my glucose test today. want to stat on durian feast already.

faithfullyous you will be taking glucose test in kkh not Thomson? I think both places give different syrup but don't know same sweet anot. today I urine on the strips I thought I saw slightest color change too but nurse wrote nil. then beside me I saw a mummy to be +2 so don't know what it means.
Faithfullyyours , let me know if u r still interested after discussion with your hubby? Thanks.

Iwantahealthybaby , I peifu u can down 1 whole tub of ice cream. That is a lot!

I was tested with GBS positive when I was week 16. That was when I went to hospital about the toilet bowl bleeding incident. Dr tan said he will test me again when I m nearer to my edd. So I may or may not able to go for vaginal birth. See what he said again nearer to my edd.
Hi ladies.. it's food again. .

Yesterday's lunch: lotus root soup, steam chkn wings with black fungus and stir fry kai lan.

Today's dinner: cantonese style porridge (dried scallop, dried oyster, minced meat and century egg). :p


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hi IWHB, your HB is right to say that! if twinnies are at full term and of good weight, dont have to wait till 39/40 weeks ...

" then dh say maybe since aleady go for csec then why want to experience labour pain. chances of csec later means higher chances of experiencing labour pain. "
We miss the food photos by sumiko hehe now holiday can start cooking yummy food.
Kitkats, how doc test for gbs? I am curious if I should go for a test too.
Buddy, so late then go for dinner. Haha I also can eat lots of ice cream. But no more for me at the moment. Remember I can eat the whole waffles with 3 big scopes of ice cream and all the topping from udders.. haha after graduation then whack again. Now I guai guai first.
Kitkats, DH said he doesn't want the mosquito net. So we are not buying it.

Dr Tan said +4 is still within acceptable range. I can see the yellow square turns into blue square. My last visit to Dr Ang which was about 1.5 weeks ago, my glucose level was normal. So I also don't know lah.
Faithfullyyours , is alrite. :)

Lynn, the nurse swab(collect) internally of my vaginal to test for gbs. I think most dr will test gbs of their patient when nearer to edd.
if we going for csec straight will they still test for gbs? so far nothing on my side.

ecym ooo my dh is right for the 1st time lol.

ete durian thou healthy but seems like the only food to make bb big, wonder if its myth or what but seems like a lot cases all eat durian all bb grow super fast.

I wonder what will my weight be when I give birth. so far gain 13kg.

cheerywalnuts I went pharmacy today to see the binder. indeed price jump a lot on the sizes different. cheapest around $50 and ex can be as much as $100.

I went popeyo mash run out. sad. but manage to eat butter waflle from prima deli. 2 pieces somemore.

I am not really an ice cream lover but when I do start eating I can eat a lot. if I don't I can don't crave. I crave for waffles more than ice cream and waffles always go well with ice cream and that explains why i eat that haha.
sumiko-i love porridge with dried scallops n oysters... jus tat now not very sure if it's suitable 4pregnancy.. but i guess since we all almost all past 2nd trim should b ok... mayb i cook on sun too.. n i lov 2add corainder n chilli padi too...

iwahb-prima waffles reminds me of my so-iui n ivf days... the bakery is jus nex 2é main pharmacy... hope u enjoyed é butter waffle..
Hello! So envious to hear that u ladies can exercise. I can't eve carry heavy things. Womb will tighten. I think i got sensitive womb, any little things then will tighten. Itchy scratch also tighten. Sensitive nipple also tighten. Carry handbag and laptop then will tighten.

At least now can walk normal speed. Me super thankful liaoz. Even tcm doc also says bo bianz. Take one step at a time lor.

She also says my beanie is a 千金. Don't like home cook food, likes outside food. Now 24hr in aircon else itch will flare. Cannot carry heavy stuff also...

But healthy can liaoz... so I am thankful for that :)
lol circle I read your 1st sentence I keep laughing. everything = tighten. hahaha. I notice my v there very puffy like swollen also. think will continue this way till birth. I also feel some forms of tightening don't know isit cause there puff up or what. but not everything I do will tighten, is tighten contraction? yesterday june tan ask if I feel contraction I say should be no bah I also don't know what is contraction feel.

those were the days joy...but for me I always after take medicine faster go back office already no time to get breakfast during the ivf days...hahaha. rush to work everytime after scan etc. shiok I love the wet buttery dripping (very unhealthy and oily thou). actually now at third trim I think more relax in stuffs already. in fact I start applying underarm whitening too. my armpit turn dark lor. so ugly think also the hormones change during pregnancy.

I already done my natalessentials catering booking. u girls if want to take advantage of the early bird discount better book earlier. they will need you to attached supporting documents to show your edd so if you give birth earlier u are still entitle to the early bird discount.

yesterday I saw a video on you tube csec on twins. actually look horrifying...I know I shouldn see but yet I am so curious...seriously my body went jelly after that.

yesterday while I was talking to june tan, she was saying husband can enter op room if its on the selected plan date of csec if emergency csec then cannot. I don't understand when she say if emergency csec cannot. does it mean if emergency csec I wont be delivering under her as well? emergency means any in charge that day will deliver for me? forget ask her what she mean too lol. haiz always the case. in front of her all no ask after leave the hospital a lot ????

Emergency c sect means you are in labour for more than expected time frame and baby still doesn't want to come out then no choice gotta do emergency c sect or depending on the labour situation/complication, also will do emergency c sect or you got no sign of labour and yet past your edd, gynae can also suggest emergency c sect.

Yes when c sect is unplanned, DH cannot accompany you in the OT.
