(2014/08) August 2014

Just 1 more day to August...

Last night dinner, I gena food poisoning..Felt so damn..I tot I wana deliver liao..

End up vomited n LS out which is good..Then worried for baby cos after vomited n LS baby keep moving..then monitor till 2am plus I can go ahead to sleep.. :(

Condemned trade21 hub de first hong kong cafe!!!

Will there be any issue for my baby??? Worried mommy to be of 38wk with 1.5~2cm dilation.

I keep telling baby hang on..August August..kind bad..

I'm 37weeks, 5 days. I'm also having contraction that are similar to menstral cramp. I also have painless BH where the tummy tightens and hardens. Did ctg today and it shows I have contraction every 6 mins. No dilation though. Anyone experienced that? Doc also asked me monitor bb movement. Is it 10 movement the whole day or every 2 hours?
Kimmitan I'm in the same position as u. Ctg scan showed contractions but no dilation. Baby movement shld be once every hr. And 10 movements in 12 hrs.
u getting the binder for csect op or for beauty purpose?

if for csect op, I got mine (dale brand) from the hospital. they put it on for me, without me asking, immediately after my previous emergency csect op. but of coz will charge to ur acct la. this time I pass it to them before my elect csect & they put it on for me immediately after the op.

if for beauty purpose, got many brands to choose from & can get from retail outlets like robinsons/Watsons or even online.

Hi mummy it's for c-section use, I managed to get pre - loved binder from my cousin. Thanks for your suggestions :)
I am having terrible tightening of my tummy. it seems to get so tight and so long that I can hardly move. usu I adjust my position and the tightening should stop. is this contraction? confused and panicky ftm
Hi Nat - nat if the tightening of ur tummy stops after u adjust ur position, then it's not real contraction.
As a first time mum at 37wks, I'm really confuse at what I'm feeling now. I dunno what I'm feeling now is contractions or pelvic pain or other pain? I remember in my initial stage like 2nd month I thot my baby is unstable coz my womb area is painful. So the doc thot I am having unstable pregnancy and prescribe some medicine for me. After like 1mth later then I realized it's pelvic area pain not my womb pain and there's nothing wrong with my baby. Eat medicine for one month for nothing. I can't exactly differentiate and know which pain is for what purpose. Really confuse whether I'm going to give birth already or not. Where exactly at the body does contraction pain happen? And how does it feel like?

Hi when I had my first child the contractions felt like painful menses cramps in waves ...call the nurse and your nurse will ask you to take the timing between the 'cramps' to see the frequency .
I am having terrible tightening of my tummy. it seems to get so tight and so long that I can hardly move. usu I adjust my position and the tightening should stop. is this contraction? confused and panicky ftm

Might just be braxton hicks
i think my gynae will only do my CTG on weeks 39 and 40 ... as written on his package list. i'm currently 35w4d ...

the BH also getting to me, as it is coming on more often from the start of this week..
Just saw my gynae yesterday, and he told me my baby is a bit on the big side.
Estimated about 3.1kg - now I am into my 37w1d..
My last scan was 3 weeks ago and baby is 2kg..
He gained about 1kg in 3 weeks!!
Now I am a bit worried that he gets too big for natural birth since I have another 3 weeks to go.. =(
Anyway, was arranged to go for more detailed scan next week to get a more accurate estimation of the size..
went to doc on tuesday and baby is still comfortable inside. Cervix is still closed and baby is biggish at 3.4kg. Water level is borderline. So doctor ordered me to be induced on Sunday (due date). Is it advisable to go for induction? Or better to let the baby bake longer?
went to doc on tuesday and baby is still comfortable inside. Cervix is still closed and baby is biggish at 3.4kg. Water level is borderline. So doctor ordered me to be induced on Sunday (due date). Is it advisable to go for induction? Or better to let the baby bake longer?
I always think it's better to follow professional advice.
went to doc on tuesday and baby is still comfortable inside. Cervix is still closed and baby is biggish at 3.4kg. Water level is borderline. So doctor ordered me to be induced on Sunday (due date). Is it advisable to go for induction? Or better to let the baby bake longer?

i think since the gynae recommended induction better go for it...mine is 3.5kg @ week 39 and he still ask me to wait...
however gynae also mentioned if bb become even bigger next week then might not be able to give birth naturally as well :(
sigh~~ i really want to give birth naturally!!
Just saw my gynae yesterday, and he told me my baby is a bit on the big side.
Estimated about 3.1kg - now I am into my 37w1d..
My last scan was 3 weeks ago and baby is 2kg..
He gained about 1kg in 3 weeks!!
Now I am a bit worried that he gets too big for natural birth since I have another 3 weeks to go.. =(
Anyway, was arranged to go for more detailed scan next week to get a more accurate estimation of the size..
try to cut down on sweet drink and carbo! jia you!
My friend said induce is more painful...yikes!

On the side note, can i ask you gals what is the agar market rate to give confinement aunty when she comes??
My friend said induce is more painful...yikes!

On the side note, can i ask you gals what is the agar market rate to give confinement aunty when she comes??

It depends on what kind of induce..maybe...
Cos i think i consider myself induce. My last checkup at 38wks..my gynae check,2cm dilated. Ask me if i wanna deliver or wait...i choose deliver. So she put her finger in and take out the mucus plug. And ask me to check in hosp. Then contraction and labour start. 4hrs later, baby out naturally.

But of cos, she cannot do that without at least 2cm dilation.
Any mummies here took epidural before? Can share whether it was painful or whether they will numb the spine area first? Will be delivering TMC this weekend and scared I bth the pain :S
They will do 2 injection.. 1 to numb the area before doing the epi... 1 to put in the epi... feels like bee sting to me...
They will first sit u upright on the edge of bed... clean ur back then numb the place they wanna inject... i find labor pain more pain than the epi.. after epi is relieved thru out my 12hrs labor until the time im almost fully dilated where the pressure kicks in..
Just saw my gynae yesterday, and he told me my baby is a bit on the big side.
Estimated about 3.1kg - now I am into my 37w1d..
My last scan was 3 weeks ago and baby is 2kg..
He gained about 1kg in 3 weeks!!
Now I am a bit worried that he gets too big for natural birth since I have another 3 weeks to go.. =(
Anyway, was arranged to go for more detailed scan next week to get a more accurate estimation of the size..
Same here. My baby was measured at 2kg when 32weeks. 3 weeks later where is 35weeks she was 3kg then! Btw, I will having scheduled c sect at 38 weeks as my #1 also c sect due to big size also. Yours 37weeks already still got hope for natural! Control your diet! Jia you!!
CTG today show I have mild contraction. Gynae checked dilation abt 1.5 cm and cervix is soften. As my bb is on the big side, gynae schedule me to induce labour this Sunday... so nervous. ..I hope for smooth delivery.

The dilation check is painful for me. . And I have stronger contraction after that, like menses pain. But now it stop le.
They will do 2 injection.. 1 to numb the area before doing the epi... 1 to put in the epi... feels like bee sting to me...
They will first sit u upright on the edge of bed... clean ur back then numb the place they wanna inject... i find labor pain more pain than the epi.. after epi is relieved thru out my 12hrs labor until the time im almost fully dilated where the pressure kicks in..

Thanks for yr reply! So, they do numb the area first! *phew*
Dear all..
I popped liao @ wk 38 3rd day..
Too painful hence opt for epi and both leg too numb till no feel n no energy to push so end up vacuum...cos her heart beat is dropping.

The moment baby is out..she open her eyes and wandering around curiously...


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Congrats JL72. I also opted for epi and my legs were too numb to feel anything. Btw, not sure if it's the effects of epi or drip, when I drink liquid after the delivery as I'm too thirsty, I vomited.
Congrats JL72. I also opted for epi and my legs were too numb to feel anything. Btw, not sure if it's the effects of epi or drip, when I drink liquid after the delivery as I'm too thirsty, I vomited.

I also vomited all early dinner out cos they said must eat I order to hv energy but I pain till vomit everything n cried in pain till beg for epi.. hub see also cant do much..yeah after birth I also v.thirsty n hungry but can only drink milo but I buay tahan drank warm water.
Btw im at TMC..Where u?
Dear all..
I popped liao @ wk 38 3rd day..
Too painful hence opt for epi and both leg too numb till no feel n no energy to push so end up vacuum...cos her heart beat is dropping.

The moment baby is out..she open her eyes and wandering around curiously...

congrats!! rest well!! :)
Congrats JL72. I also opted for epi and my legs were too numb to feel anything. Btw, not sure if it's the effects of epi or drip, when I drink liquid after the delivery as I'm too thirsty, I vomited.

think nauseous/vomiting is one of the side effects of epi.
Hi all, I'm new here. Supposed to be have an August bb but gave birth at week 33 and have a June bb instead.

Lovemyboy, I delivered at NUH.

Happy delivery everyone !
Dear all..
I popped liao @ wk 38 3rd day..
Too painful hence opt for epi and both leg too numb till no feel n no energy to push so end up vacuum...cos her heart beat is dropping.

The moment baby is out..she open her eyes and wandering around curiously...
Congrats! Rest well mummy you have done a great job! :)
Congrats to mummies who just popped! Ya vomiting is side effect of epi. Have a good rest and enjoy cuddling ur precious in ur arms. I'm still waiting for mine.... :)
Dear all..
I popped liao @ wk 38 3rd day..
Too painful hence opt for epi and both leg too numb till no feel n no energy to push so end up vacuum...cos her heart beat is dropping.

The moment baby is out..she open her eyes and wandering around curiously...

Congratulations ..baby open big big and a lot hair as well... rest well.
JL72, I've delivered in TMC last Friday and discharged on Sunday. Try to rest as much as possible and sleep more since you can always depend on the nurses to take care of the baby. Try to breastfeed the baby as much as u can. Usually they would push ur baby to u before the feed. My milk supply did not kick in during my stay there, after latching, I would ask them to top up with formula.
JL72, I've delivered in TMC last Friday and discharged on Sunday. Try to rest as much as possible and sleep more since you can always depend on the nurses to take care of the baby. Try to breastfeed the baby as much as u can. Usually they would push ur baby to u before the feed. My milk supply did not kick in during my stay there, after latching, I would ask them to top up with formula.

Yeah n baby latched and now quietly sleeping beside me
Anyone gave birth in Gleneagles yet ? I went to register and was told even I opt for single room, there is no guarantee I will get it ..
Congrats JL72. I also opted for epi and my legs were too numb to feel anything. Btw, not sure if it's the effects of epi or drip, when I drink liquid after the delivery as I'm too thirsty, I vomited.
Same i oso vomitted @ my 11th hr of being induced... gynae was actually telling me if i dun dilate by 12th hr she is gg to csect me! After vomit the nurse chk my dilation cuz she said stimes vomitting helps .. so Im so thankful for the vomit! :D
Congrats JL72. I also opted for epi and my legs were too numb to feel anything. Btw, not sure if it's the effects of epi or drip, when I drink liquid after the delivery as I'm too thirsty, I vomited.

I also numb all the way after epi. Manage to pop baby out with just 1push. Dont even feel any pain...
I feel nauseous..but didnt vomit.
But my bp suddenly go low..only return back to normal after baby pop...i was so worried then..but lucky, everything was fast and smooth.
JL72, I've delivered in TMC last Friday and discharged on Sunday. Try to rest as much as possible and sleep more since you can always depend on the nurses to take care of the baby. Try to breastfeed the baby as much as u can. Usually they would push ur baby to u before the feed. My milk supply did not kick in during my stay there, after latching, I would ask them to top up with formula.

I also pop on friday 25 july..
