(2014/08) August 2014

Pd will only give u medication similar to gripe water.. so its still back to square one. This is a stage we need to get pass and probably as they grow bigger. . This problem will be lesser.

Boy still has gassiness. On and off at night can't sleep. He doesn't cry. Just groans. I've tried medicated oil, burping him, massage.

Is it v bo liao to see PD for this?
Is it because of the food u eat of u are breastfeeding? I read tat certain food that u eat will affect breast milk and produce colicky babies.
Yeah. I've eliminated dairy and have been following the suggested food.
Also squeeze the foremilk from engorged boob before offering to him.

And drink fennel tea so that the tea can pass on to him through my bm...
I do that twice a day too! Hai. But still last night like that. On and off at night one. Difference in my diet yesterday is I didn't take fennel tea and I drank milkshake....
Hu mommies, may i know what is ur bb sleep pattern like? My lo is coming 2 month old but he is still sleeping a lot. He will feed 2 times at night and sleep until 10am when I wake him up to bathe. Then he will sleep again until 12 to feed. After feeding he will sleep all the way til feeding at 3 and sleep all the way again til evening to feed again. He will be awake at night from 9 plus til 12 am. Is that normal?Tia! :)
Hu mommies, may i know what is ur bb sleep pattern like? My lo is coming 2 month old but he is still sleeping a lot. He will feed 2 times at night and sleep until 10am when I wake him up to bathe. Then he will sleep again until 12 to feed. After feeding he will sleep all the way til feeding at 3 and sleep all the way again til evening to feed again. He will be awake at night from 9 plus til 12 am. Is that normal?Tia! :)
U r one of the lucky mom.. envy...
Hu mommies, may i know what is ur bb sleep pattern like? My lo is coming 2 month old but he is still sleeping a lot. He will feed 2 times at night and sleep until 10am when I wake him up to bathe. Then he will sleep again until 12 to feed. After feeding he will sleep all the way til feeding at 3 and sleep all the way again til evening to feed again. He will be awake at night from 9 plus til 12 am. Is that normal?Tia! :)

envy envy. mine doesn't want to sleep unless got aircon & carried to walk abt (e.g. go shopping). all babies r different. as long as he is feeding well, sleeping well, growing well then don't worry. :)
envy envy. mine doesn't want to sleep unless got aircon & carried to walk abt (e.g. go shopping). all babies r different. as long as he is feeding well, sleeping well, growing well then don't worry. :)
I'm more worried about his development. We tried v hard to wake him up and put him for tummy time and he will even sleep during tummy time. *faintz*
I'm more worried about his development. We tried v hard to wake him up and put him for tummy time and he will even sleep during tummy time. *faintz*

maybe u can check with PD if worried?

but old ppl say sleep more helps brain develop faster? my mum says I sleep all the time when I was a baby. had to be woken up for feed every 4hrs. can even sleep thro a James Bond movie (yah, my parents brought me to movies at 1mth old). hahah. and I turned out fine yah. but dunno y my boys r the exact opposite. sigh...
When do u guys put baby for tummy time? Cos I realised when he's awake it's usually for a feed.. Or just finished a feed. How to put on tummy?! Haha
Thanks kopibeanie for the reassurance! :) he is now awake with eyes big big after pooing and dirtying my bed sheet! Lol!

Queensg: a few of YouTube video says can start early like even when they r newborn. One of the kk nurses put my lo on tummy when he was crying so badly in the nursery as newborn. You can go youtube called baby handling. It's quite a good educational video and one part of talks abt how to do tummy time. :)
As in, when to do? Before feed = screaming baby. After feed = full baby.

I used dentinox tonight... Baby has been farting!! Happy baby. Happy mummy!!! I didn't know one can be so excited to hear farts... Kekekeke
I usually feed before bath! Cos when he's awake he always wants a feed first then can do anything else haha

usually I don't bathe immediately after feed. old ppl say not good. so baby wake up, feed, let him play on his own, tummy time, bathe, feed, make him sleep..

but my younger one doesn't like to be on his tummy. so I let him lie on me & he'll try to push up & look at me instead.
Boy still has gassiness. On and off at night can't sleep. He doesn't cry. Just groans. I've tried medicated oil, burping him, massage.

Is it v bo liao to see PD for this?

Massage ur baby's stomach...
I posted the URL sometime back
usually I don't bathe immediately after feed. old ppl say not good. so baby wake up, feed, let him play on his own, tummy time, bathe, feed, make him sleep..

but my younger one doesn't like to be on his tummy. so I let him lie on me & he'll try to push up & look at me instead.
I tend to feed from one breast, massage baby for about 10-15 minutes then bathe then feed from the other side. If he is just up from a nap he is too hungry to bathe first
I gave once at 10 and another at 4. He passed out gas. But when lying down, continues to grunt, groan, moan and eventually cry when near his feeds. Anyone with a similar experience?
Shirley, thanks thanks...i think i will try to poke the tit to give it a try, to see if it helps and not due to my LO's tantrums.. now every milk feed is so torturous to me :(
Alternatively try NUK anti colic teat. My LO had the same pb as urs until i changed her teat. The medela, tommee and avent teat all had the same pb of air stuck and baby cant suck the milk out... the NUk bottle have the air exchange which helped
My lo having pimples! All over her face and even on eyelids. What happened to beautiful baby skin?!

But none on forehead though...
Thats rashes. My girl also like that. Just apply cream and will go away eventually. Was very emo back then. Especially on her baby shower. But now its all cleared
I am using this cream. But before I use this cream. My girl face was horrible. I guess you just have to let it all out then it will recover. Do worr ya. It will go away.


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Thanks mummies for your advices! Not too sure whether is it gas or other reasons causing her crankiness throughout her milk feeds.. We are thinking is it we are over-feeding our LO causing her to have abdominal pain. We called the PD and he advised us to not give her plain water and just milk and burp her and incline her after milk feed, but so far doesnt seem to work. I will give the NUK teat a try and see whether it helps!

Actually we have been giving my LO 3-hourly milk feeds (she is 8 weeks old now) in diluted form but i realised the milk container recommends only 5 milk feeds a day (which equates to 4.5 hourly interval), so we thought maybe we are over-feeding her and she is not very comfortable, so now we just feed on demand and if she rejects violently the milk feed, we just stop that feed :( hope this doesnt result in her losing weight....haiz....dunno what is wrong with her :(
its a good thing that your baby is sleeping well actually :) envy envy :)

Mine got problem putting her to sleep at night (she only falls asleep usually 10+ 11+pm after a long time of trying) and wakes up early with cries with her kicking legs and moans (5+am)........urgh
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Sigh...have been visiting the PD like 5 times since she was born, i think the PD also recognise us liao lor :( went to see him for colic, gas, ezcema, vaccination....haiz... then just yesterday, I realised she got some semi-solid (pus-like) discharge from one of her ears, so much that i had to use a few cotton bud sticks to remove them, but I dont dare to remove those that are deeper inside scared will hurt her! But so much that I think actually they are blocking her from listening.......:( And when i bring her ear close to me, I could smell that it is foul smelling, haiz again dunno what is wrong.... think tomorrow need to bring her to the PD again....sigh

and nowadays whenever we want to bring her out (even to PD), we also quite hesitant cos 1st of all worried about her immunity and secondly, also worried that she will be cranky facing new surroundings and will be cranky when she reach home...that time we dare dare garang brought her out in the evening to Citysquare mall for a family dinner....and she cried from 8+pm to 2am before she finally fell asleep.....
Thanks mummies for your advices! Not too sure whether is it gas or other reasons causing her crankiness throughout her milk feeds.. We are thinking is it we are over-feeding our LO causing her to have abdominal pain. We called the PD and he advised us to not give her plain water and just milk and burp her and incline her after milk feed, but so far doesnt seem to work. I will give the NUK teat a try and see whether it helps!

Actually we have been giving my LO 3-hourly milk feeds (she is 8 weeks old now) in diluted form but i realised the milk container recommends only 5 milk feeds a day (which equates to 4.5 hourly interval), so we thought maybe we are over-feeding her and she is not very comfortable, so now we just feed on demand and if she rejects violently the milk feed, we just stop that feed :( hope this doesnt result in her losing weight....haiz....dunno what is wrong with her :(

are u feeding full formula? there's no need to give water. juz dilute the fm by a little (e.g. put 35ml of water instead of 30ml, 65ml instead of 60ml, etc). don't dilute too much too.

overfeeding will make the baby uncomfortable too. baby can't differentiate stomach pain & hunger. so baby thought she is hungry when it's actually stomach pain, then feed again, then stomach even more pain, & the cycle continues. juz feed on demand & stop when baby is full. what I did last time was when my boy cries within 1hr from last feed, I give 60ml, 2hr give 90ml, 3hr give 120ml. so baby gets to feed on demand, doesn't get over feed & less/no milk is wasted. follow baby's que instead of what's on the milk container. my boy also drink more than the recommended amt.
Icic kopibeanie, okok will try that...yup giving her full formula liao. My poor LO....we have been 'scolding' her for throwing her tantrums for her crankiness during her milk feeds...but I think likely there is a reason that we dunno...and trying to guess
Any of u tried bringing baby out on baby carrier with infant insert? Or sling?

I thought with infant insert should be fine? But people say still not good for baby...
Hi mummies

I'm a May 2015 mummy n would appreciate if u gd CL to introduce...

Til now I have yet to confirm any cos many were taken... A bit of panic mode now

Any of u tried bringing baby out on baby carrier with infant insert? Or sling?

I thought with infant insert should be fine? But people say still not good for baby...

I been bringing my boy out everyday since 1mth old - supermarket, food court, restaurant, shopping malls, childcare to fetch my elder boy, etc.

using either the sling or carrier. short dist use sling, long dist use carrier. been starting to use the carrier more now coz can't take his weight anymore even with the sling, shoulders ache damn badly mann. hahah.

I use the infant seat with my manduca coz his neck still not very strong yet.
and nowadays whenever we want to bring her out (even to PD), we also quite hesitant cos 1st of all worried about her immunity and secondly, also worried that she will be cranky facing new surroundings and will be cranky when she reach home...that time we dare dare garang brought her out in the evening to Citysquare mall for a family dinner....and she cried from 8+pm to 2am before she finally fell asleep.....

with my #1 tat time we also very hesitant to bring him out. even going to the coffeeshop/supermarket downstairs sounds like a daunting task. every trip out muz plan in advanced on what to bring, schedule activities ard his nap time, bag pack big big, etc. but don't worry, u'll get better with time one. after few times u'll get used to the routine, what to pack, how to handle him when "accidents" happen outside, etc etc. now #2 I juz pack a small sling bag, put him in a carrier & off we go.

also I find that it's better to use a carrier than stroller. baby feels more secure & can face u so won't be overstimulated & can easily sleep when tired. less likely to be cranky outside & after that at home. so far whenever I bring my boy out in the carrier he ends up sleeping more than he does at home & continues to sleep well even when reach home. it's a lifesaver for me!
Hi mummies

I'm a May 2015 mummy n would appreciate if u gd CL to introduce...

Til now I have yet to confirm any cos many were taken... A bit of panic mode now

My confinement lady was very good. Ask for Tang Ya Jiao (Hong Ah Kew) from PEM Confinement.
Thanks mummies for your advices! Not too sure whether is it gas or other reasons causing her crankiness throughout her milk feeds.. We are thinking is it we are over-feeding our LO causing her to have abdominal pain. We called the PD and he advised us to not give her plain water and just milk and burp her and incline her after milk feed, but so far doesnt seem to work. I will give the NUK teat a try and see whether it helps!

Actually we have been giving my LO 3-hourly milk feeds (she is 8 weeks old now) in diluted form but i realised the milk container recommends only 5 milk feeds a day (which equates to 4.5 hourly interval), so we thought maybe we are over-feeding her and she is not very comfortable, so now we just feed on demand and if she rejects violently the milk feed, we just stop that feed :( hope this doesnt result in her losing weight....haiz....dunno what is wrong with her :(
I dont follow the milk container instructions, my LO cannot finish at all.. So I just follow my PD 150ml per KG body weight over 24 hr period as a guide. But even so, my LO is not able to meet target most days. He nw drinks only about 600ml to 700ml per day and he is now at 10 weeks. Dont worry about LO being hungry, if he hungry he is the first to scream hunger hahahhahaha... :)
Thanks mummies for your advices! Not too sure whether is it gas or other reasons causing her crankiness throughout her milk feeds.. We are thinking is it we are over-feeding our LO causing her to have abdominal pain. We called the PD and he advised us to not give her plain water and just milk and burp her and incline her after milk feed, but so far doesnt seem to work. I will give the NUK teat a try and see whether it helps!

Actually we have been giving my LO 3-hourly milk feeds (she is 8 weeks old now) in diluted form but i realised the milk container recommends only 5 milk feeds a day (which equates to 4.5 hourly interval), so we thought maybe we are over-feeding her and she is not very comfortable, so now we just feed on demand and if she rejects violently the milk feed, we just stop that feed :( hope this doesnt result in her losing weight....haiz....dunno what is wrong with her :(
Another way is put her upright aginst ur chest and burp her. This way her gas come out much faster than the hospital method ... Sometimes she feel gassy so she cabt drink more..

This.plus the teat work very well for my LO... Earlier on every meal is like fighting war for me haha...
Any of u tried bringing baby out on baby carrier with infant insert? Or sling?

I thought with infant insert should be fine? But people say still not good for baby...
Hmmm, elderly always tell me no good but occasionally I still bring him on that but I always hv a hand to support his neck and him lying on my chest... Nad just make sure his legs are nicely tucked... It just like yaolan, some ppl dun like,.but to some it solve their pb.. So indicidual preference loh.. Personally I fimd OK as long due care is given
