My baby is 4wks old now and on FM since day 1 & supplement with BM only when I pump. He have not latched since Day 1 & I doubt he will ever latch again coz I tried latching but he rejects it no matter how hungry. My BM supply is going very low now. The reason why I still pump now is coz I've been eating nutritious confinement food and I don't want it to go to waste by not letting my baby 'enjoy' it. My engorgement has subsided significantly due to low supply. For mummies undecided whether to latch or bottle-feed for night feeding, i seriously think latching for night feed maybe easier as baby takes forever to drink from bottle too. And the time taken to make fm vs time to unbutton ur bra is about 3min difference. 3min doesn't sound long but trust me, in the middle of the night, 3min of non-stop crying can wake the whole house up already.
During confinement, I bath my baby a couple of times and each time my baby cry throughout the whole bath. So mummies who are afraid of not able to cope after CL is gone, I believe you will get the job done just that the baby will simply tear the house down with his cries. He will be fed, his diapers will be changed, he will be cleaned, etc just that you'll have to endure his cries. I know this doesn't sound very encouraging but look at it this way, one fine day, ur baby will finally get used to u and stop crying. You just have to wait for that day to come. Having to endure his cries alone is better than having to keep him quiet and not disturb others. I stay with my MIL & she can't stand the cries of baby so I have to keep my baby as quiet as possible. Don't assume that MIL/anyone will help u out as they have their own life to lead too. So it's just you vs ur baby. Ur husband will most prob make 'guest appearance' only when it comes to taking care of baby. So do appreciate husbands who put in more time&effort in their fatherly roles.
For mummies who have a choice of not working after maternity leave, I wonder what are you waiting for? Just do it. You can earn your $ back after your 6mth break. If you intend to quit for 2yrs, u can have a 2nd baby in the meantime. I know of frens who do it and their only regret is to go back to the workforce after 2yrs. None ever regretted not working for 2yrs. It's understood that $ will be a concern so just live simply for those days that you are not working. I don't have this choice coz I just change a job b4 my delivery so I have to go back to work.