(2014/08) August 2014

Have such a headache whenever She decides to cry while I'm pumping. Have to pause pumping, and continue later. The milk can't be left outside too long while I pacify her... or to let her cry while I keep my milk first...

ya me too. lucky I got my mum with me in the day. if she not ard then I try to latch. but my bb can't latch well & clear all the milk coz too used to bottle. suck awhile tired liao & don't want continue. so I still got to supplement with fm & pump later whenever I get the chance to.

I gave up bfing very early on for my elder one coz he doesn't want to latch (not even for comfort) & wants to be carried 24x7 so no time to pump at all.

my mum is asking me to give up bfing my younger one so that she doesn't have to always be ard. sigh.

My baby like to doze off when latching and I need to keep waking him up. End up takin 1hr to latch and I sit until backache.furthermore he may nt be drinkin that much. Was thinking drink frm bottle is more efficient.

initially it may seem easier to pump & bottle feed. but u risk bb not wanting to latch or can't latch well once u intro the bottle.

same as u, my boy took forever to latch & wasn't drinking much. so I started intro bottle after discharge from hospital coz his weight dropped more than 10% & jaundice wasn't going down. then I has mastitis & my boy had to be on full fm for 2 wks (I had to pump & throw at gynae's advise). since then he doesn't want to latch liao. my supply dropped (already got low supply at the start) coz of mastitis & not latching/pumping enough & need to supplement with fm. it's only recently that I managed to latch my boy again. but more for comfort. he still refuse to latch when he's hungry. sigh.
So i ask her..haha...how to not let her cry as a habit (since she really manage to make her less unsettled during the evening hours), she say always 'talk' to the LO, say 'cannot cry like that, like that papa mama wouldnt like you', then pat pat a bit, let her lie down and watch her surroundings if she like as long as she is not crying....i think easier said than done, but we are going to try it out ourselves while the CL is back with us for a limited time, to see if it works...

Yes I noticed my CL also can soothe my baby much better by talking to him. But when I talk to him it doesn't work, he will continue to bawl his head off. What is the magic that I am missing? Is he picking up her scent and rejecting mine? My CL doesn't let me carry him much, and takes him away every time I try to carry and soothe him.
Don't misunderstand that ur CL is taking bb away when they cry. Cos its CL job to take care of bb whatever situation is. :) we pay high price for a reason. So while CL is around. Leave it to them. We have plenty of time to get the bond back. Trust me.. after CL leaves. U may wan her to come back again. Lol. Talking to baby works. When they cry. U just need to talk louder then them. Once they hear u. They will calm down.. they recognized mom voice.. they r in us for so long. Lol.. its unforgettable.
Don't misunderstand that ur CL is taking bb away when they cry. Cos its CL job to take care of bb whatever situation is. :) we pay high price for a reason. So while CL is around. Leave it to them. We have plenty of time to get the bond back. Trust me.. after CL leaves. U may wan her to come back again. Lol. Talking to baby works. When they cry. U just need to talk louder then them. Once they hear u. They will calm down.. they recognized mom voice.. they r in us for so long. Lol.. its unforgettable.

Thank you shirleyten, this is so comforting to know. CL leaves tomorrow morning and I have the whole afternoon alone with baby until the hubs come back from work. Shall put to test talking loudly to him over his crying!
My lo urine keeps leaking through her huggies nb diapers... and she urined all over me and my bed just when I managed to latch her (finally).

Dilemma to continue latching or quickly change her and save my bedsheets...
Yes ladies.

I moved house with hubs right from my hospital discharge date. Now we stay alone. But his parents always come over (that's another story altogether..).
CL left on Sat before my son's full month party and its us this week. Next week hubs will go back to work and I'll be alone too.. Although relatives are taking turns to drop by in the afternoon. Hope I can cope too!

It's mummy energy we all have!!!

@miaoz13 - I used Huggies newborn only for first two weeks. Already leak siao. Now I put a towel on my bed and also carry him with a nappy underneath his bum, when I feed in the bed!
My lo urine keeps leaking through her huggies nb diapers... and she urined all over me and my bed just when I managed to latch her (finally).

Dilemma to continue latching or quickly change her and save my bedsheets...

congrats on latching! jiayou!

I'm using pampers now. thin & no leak. only use 1 pkt huggies which was given by hospital.
initially it may seem easier to pump & bottle feed. but u risk bb not wanting to latch or can't latch well once u intro the bottle.

same as u, my boy took forever to latch & wasn't drinking much. so I started intro bottle after discharge from hospital coz his weight dropped more than 10% & jaundice wasn't going down. then I has mastitis & my boy had to be on full fm for 2 wks (I had to pump & throw at gynae's advise). since then he doesn't want to latch liao. my supply dropped (already got low supply at the start) coz of mastitis & not latching/pumping enough & need to supplement with fm. it's only recently that I managed to latch my boy again. but more for comfort. he still refuse to latch when he's hungry. sigh.
I have been able to latch my baby and mostly breastfeed but now I was hoping to get my husband to feed him once in the night to get a break. And possibly use bottle when we are out do you think that might create a problem for the baby? Just using bottle once a day?
My baby is 4wks old now and on FM since day 1 & supplement with BM only when I pump. He have not latched since Day 1 & I doubt he will ever latch again coz I tried latching but he rejects it no matter how hungry. My BM supply is going very low now. The reason why I still pump now is coz I've been eating nutritious confinement food and I don't want it to go to waste by not letting my baby 'enjoy' it. My engorgement has subsided significantly due to low supply. For mummies undecided whether to latch or bottle-feed for night feeding, i seriously think latching for night feed maybe easier as baby takes forever to drink from bottle too. And the time taken to make fm vs time to unbutton ur bra is about 3min difference. 3min doesn't sound long but trust me, in the middle of the night, 3min of non-stop crying can wake the whole house up already.

During confinement, I bath my baby a couple of times and each time my baby cry throughout the whole bath. So mummies who are afraid of not able to cope after CL is gone, I believe you will get the job done just that the baby will simply tear the house down with his cries. He will be fed, his diapers will be changed, he will be cleaned, etc just that you'll have to endure his cries. I know this doesn't sound very encouraging but look at it this way, one fine day, ur baby will finally get used to u and stop crying. You just have to wait for that day to come. Having to endure his cries alone is better than having to keep him quiet and not disturb others. I stay with my MIL & she can't stand the cries of baby so I have to keep my baby as quiet as possible. Don't assume that MIL/anyone will help u out as they have their own life to lead too. So it's just you vs ur baby. Ur husband will most prob make 'guest appearance' only when it comes to taking care of baby. So do appreciate husbands who put in more time&effort in their fatherly roles.

For mummies who have a choice of not working after maternity leave, I wonder what are you waiting for? Just do it. You can earn your $ back after your 6mth break. If you intend to quit for 2yrs, u can have a 2nd baby in the meantime. I know of frens who do it and their only regret is to go back to the workforce after 2yrs. None ever regretted not working for 2yrs. It's understood that $ will be a concern so just live simply for those days that you are not working. I don't have this choice coz I just change a job b4 my delivery so I have to go back to work.
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I have been able to latch my baby and mostly breastfeed but now I was hoping to get my husband to feed him once in the night to get a break. And possibly use bottle when we are out do you think that might create a problem for the baby? Just using bottle once a day?

it really depends on ur bb. there's a risk that ur bb might not want to latch after he takes the bottle. if u do give bottle, try use newborn teats for as long as possible so that bb won't get used to the fast flow of the bottle.
My baby is 4wks old now and on FM since day 1 & supplement with BM only when I pump. He have not latched since Day 1 & I doubt he will ever latch again coz I tried latching but he rejects it no matter how hungry. My BM supply is going very low now. The reason why I still pump now is coz I've been eating nutritious confinement food and I don't want it to go to waste by not letting my baby 'enjoy' it. My engorgement has subsided significantly due to low supply. For mummies undecided whether to latch or bottle-feed for night feeding, i seriously think latching for night feed maybe easier as baby takes forever to drink from bottle too. And the time taken to make fm vs time to unbutton ur bra is about 3min difference. 3min doesn't sound long but trust me, in the middle of the night, 3min of non-stop crying can wake the whole house up already.

During confinement, I bath my baby a couple of times and each time my baby cry throughout the whole bath. So mummies who are afraid of not able to cope after CL is gone, I believe you will get the job done just that the baby will simply tear the house down with his cries. He will be fed, his diapers will be changed, he will be cleaned, etc just that you'll have to endure his cries. I know this doesn't sound very encouraging but look at it this way, one fine day, ur baby will finally get used to u and stop crying. You just have to wait for that day to come. Having to endure his cries alone is better than having to keep him quiet and not disturb others. I stay with my MIL & she can't stand the cries of baby so I have to keep my baby as quiet as possible. Don't assume that MIL/anyone will help u out as they have their own life to lead too. So it's just you vs ur baby. Ur husband will most prob make 'guest appearance' only when it comes to taking care of baby. So do appreciate husbands who put in more time&effort in their fatherly roles.

For mummies who have a choice of not working after maternity leave, I wonder what are you waiting for? Just do it. You can earn your $ back after your 6mth break. If you intend to quit for 2yrs, u can have a 2nd baby in the meantime. I know of frens who do it and their only regret is to go back to the workforce after 2yrs. None ever regretted not working for 2yrs. It's understood that $ will be a concern so just live simply for those days that you are not working. I don't have this choice coz I just change a job b4 my delivery so I have to go back to work.
Hi shirlen, i totally agreed. I hv no one to help me during my confinement. My mum came to my plv few times to visit me a couple of hours and lets not start abt my in laws. Hence, i am basically on my own since day 1. My husband took 2 weeks leave and after tt i am left with alone with my LO during my last 2 weeks of confinement. Imagine the raging hormones and crying baby. He basically scream his head off. Haha. But after a while, u will know his pattern and it will just get easily.

And i agreed with shirlen. I am taking another 8 months no pay leave and will be returning to work when LO hits 1 year. I might had miss the promotion opportunity but i think its totally worth it to witness his growth. Jiayou, mothers!
It takes so long to burp after a bottle feed at night. Want to direct latch Cuz less air but hungry baby cries when it's not the bottle. Also maybe the latch not very good so can't get milk fast enough. Need more practice.
It takes so long to burp after a bottle feed at night. Want to direct latch Cuz less air but hungry baby cries when it's not the bottle. Also maybe the latch not very good so can't get milk fast enough. Need more practice.

It is good to direct latch as baby's suckling will help to simulate the milk glands. Baby will cry since has to do more work suckling. Moreover the lactation consultant told me to burp the baby before you start latching and burp the baby when you change breasts. After the end of the breastfeeding if baby is sleepy, don't need to burp.
I haven been latching for last 2wks. Only pump. Cos i am on antibotics..
All bm pump for the 2wks goes to her morning bath. Too hard pain to throw. Hope LO still remember to latch later.

It will be gd if we can take care of LO ourselves/relatives instead of putting them in CC. If given a choice.
@kopibeanie I think there's 20% off at kiddy palace for pigeons products now. Seen at west gate yesterday

did u happen to see any steriliser bundle deal? I saw the 20% disc but don't recall seeing any bundle set at the compasspoint kiddy palace.

the steriliser at my mum's place spoiled liao. not sure if more worth to get a steriliser at 20% off or get the bundle set. hmm...
I'm a Pigeon fan & would love to go check it out but under confinement at the moment. But a friend went yesterday & managed to get some good deals but as what u said, stocks were pretty limited. Cheers.
I'm a Pigeon fan & would love to go check it out but under confinement at the moment. But a friend went yesterday & managed to get some good deals but as what u said, stocks were pretty limited. Cheers.

I just came back from the pigeon sale. managed to grab my sterliser, some wipes & clothes. items quite limited. wipes can only buy 2 pkts per person.
Is it worth getting a bottle warmer? What do you find the most effective way to warmup milk?
I have an Avent bottle warmer and use it daily. But I guess you should get one with timer if possible because I sometimes overheat the milk if leave it there for too long and need to cool it down later.

However, I think just dip the bottle into boiling water works as well. So you just need a electric water boiler cum dispenser.

I got a Avent on the go bottle warmer as well. Its just a thermal flask for keeping boiling water hot while going out so that you can warm up the milk anywhere. Of coz if you can get boiling water outside it is fine as well.
Hey mummies,

Just wana share this with your..

Watch "Baby massage: Tummy" on YouTube - Baby massage: Tummy:

Work for my girl (I used ru yi oil) and aside feed half way blurp and continue feed and blurp baby again.. really helps my v.v.v.v.bloated LO stomach

Thank you so much for sharing this! Life saver! We do it after every diaper change and baby is much happier now! :D
Hi Mommies... Need some advice from you...

Recently, I realized that my LO has bad naval congestion. It's not the watery mucus kind but almost dried up and sticky booger. I bought the naval syringe but it's useless... Can't suck it out at all and I don't dare to push it too far in.

My LO now makes the snorting sound when she cries and I really feel uncomfortable for her. Any solution for this? I can see that both side of her nose are filled up with the booger...

She is 4 weeks old now...
Hi Mommies... Need some advice from you...

Recently, I realized that my LO has bad naval congestion. It's not the watery mucus kind but almost dried up and sticky booger. I bought the naval syringe but it's useless... Can't suck it out at all and I don't dare to push it too far in.

My LO now makes the snorting sound when she cries and I really feel uncomfortable for her. Any solution for this? I can see that both side of her nose are filled up with the booger...

She is 4 weeks old now...
Try to use cotton bud to dig it out but be very careful not to push them in. If LO struggle alot try to get 1 more person to hold her head still. If still cannot, go to PD get a nasal spray. The spray will either make your LO sneeze out or loosen the sticky mucus first before you use cotton bud or the syringe again. Anyway the syringe should work for mucus deep inside. You just gotta keep going to suck the mucus out slowly... there is no shortcut.
Try to use cotton bud to dig it out but be very careful not to push them in. If LO struggle alot try to get 1 more person to hold her head still. If still cannot, go to PD get a nasal spray. The spray will either make your LO sneeze out or loosen the sticky mucus first before you use cotton bud or the syringe again. Anyway the syringe should work for mucus deep inside. You just gotta keep going to suck the mucus out slowly... there is no shortcut.
To add on, use those cotton bud for babies. They are very thin, different from those use by adult.
for nose, Remember to wet the cotton bud so that the loose cotton won't remain in the nose.

For naval, u can use wet cotton bud and slowly clean the lines. Be very gentle.
Mummies, need some advice. My bb going for the 6wk vaccination. At birth, the PD advise it's fine to delay the vaccination for 1-2wks or bring forward by 1-2days. However, I'm unable to get the appointment date and my BB appt is scheduled on the 5th week of birth as GP advise it's ok to go for the vaccination after 4wks. I don't know which advice is more recommended. When did you all bring the Bb for the 6th wk vaccination?
My LO got some vaccines at birth, the 6 in 1 is at week 9. What are the week 6 ones? I'm worried that I might be missing out on some. My PD is at Thomson and I'm getting the vaccines from her
For all mommies reference. This is from poly clinic. Immunization schedule


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I'm following the polyclinic schedule which is different from the pte PD.

I juz did the hep b booster (suppose to be 1mth) at 8 wks coz can't get any earlier appt. will be doing the 5-in-1 (suppose to be 3 mths) at 15 wks coz can't get any earlier appt.

I prefer to delay so that bb will be older & stronger. as long as don't delay too long it'll be fine.
my elder one took 6-in-1 at pte PD at 2mths, 4mths & 6mths. I usually delay (slightly by 1-2wks) rather than bring forward his appts.
btw, y u all don't go polyclinic ah? it's free leh. if take wkday morn appt queue quite fast. I got everything done in abt 1hr. service not bad too. the nurse really explained to u all the details etc before the shot. even my pd recommend that I make use of the free vaccinations at the polyclinic.
For all mommies reference. This is from poly clinic. Immunization schedule

This schedule very useful! Thanks!
Did u get Rotavirus at ur 1mth vaccination? After looking at ur schedule I realize the PD ask me to go visit at wk 6 so that he can give the 2nd Hep B & Rotavirus at the same time.
I haven't took up rotavirus. Maybe the next vaccine. I only gotbthe schedule after bb had her vaccine.

I feel so lousy lor.. was trimming her nails and the last final finger. I cut her. . I didn't even realised until I saw the mitten has blood. Though its not a deep cut but I stupidly tot becos I cut her nails.. thats why sge cry out loud. Only then I realised I cut her. Stupid mom
This schedule very useful! Thanks!
Did u get Rotavirus at ur 1mth vaccination? After looking at ur schedule I realize the PD ask me to go visit at wk 6 so that he can give the 2nd Hep B & Rotavirus at the same time.

hep b is included in the 6-in-1 leh. usually for pte PD, they offer the 6-in-1 (which includes 5-in-1 + hep b) & rotavirus at the 2nd month visit. so is 2 shots instead of the 3 if done at polyclinic.
Hello fellow mummies, I am new to the forum. Hope you are all doing great with your little ones.

I need some advice. My LO has been having a watery and sticky eye, with white discharge when she wakes up. I read that it may becos her tear ducts are still developed. Does anyone have similar issue? How long does it take to go away? What do u do in the meantime? Any advice would be much appreciated.

PS my CL is leaving next week and I am pretty nervous. It's really heartening to read about similar feelings from other moms and the encouragement shared. Jia you!

not sure if there r any changes recently.. but from what I know is that polyclinic will follow the schedule under the age column, & PD will follow the one with the pencil markings.
I haven't took up rotavirus. Maybe the next vaccine. I only gotbthe schedule after bb had her vaccine.

I feel so lousy lor.. was trimming her nails and the last final finger. I cut her. . I didn't even realised until I saw the mitten has blood. Though its not a deep cut but I stupidly tot becos I cut her nails.. thats why sge cry out loud. Only then I realised I cut her. Stupid mom

don't blame urself. it's so hard to cut their nails!! I did it once to my elder boy before & felt so bad too. sigh. since then I seldom cut his nails liao. scared liao. usually get my dad to cut for the boys.
Hello fellow mummies, I am new to the forum. Hope you are all doing great with your little ones.

I need some advice. My LO has been having a watery and sticky eye, with white discharge when she wakes up. I read that it may becos her tear ducts are still developed. Does anyone have similar issue? How long does it take to go away? What do u do in the meantime? Any advice would be much appreciated.

PS my CL is leaving next week and I am pretty nervous. It's really heartening to read about similar feelings from other moms and the encouragement shared. Jia you!
My girl first mth also like that. Till PD prescribed eye drop and it gets better. Now ok le.. my girl is yellow discharge somemore and only one eye..

don't blame urself. it's so hard to cut their nails!! I did it once to my elder boy before & felt so bad too. sigh. since then I seldom cut his nails liao. scared liao. usually get my dad to cut for the boys.
Luckily not deep. She is moving that hand and see those blood stain like she didn't realised there is a cut.
I am gonna be more careful next time.
