(2013/10) October 2013

Welcome everyone!!
n congrats!!

Akira, my gynae is also Dr Paul Tseng.... Like him loads n d nurses there also v friendly n approachable...hope u like him during d 1st appt

JV: welcome welcome n congrats ! Are you visiting gyne soon?

Babychole: great great.. I heard many good stuff abt him, only concern is I prefer Mount A, which might b a lil tricky. Are his rates reasonable?

Hey All mummies, I should b 5 weeks plus, tested positive, not much of symptoms though, just very sore breast.. Still can eat.. All ok?
actually the other day i tested positive..but it's just a very very faint positive..but with all preggy symptoms though. Then yesterday i tested again it's a negative
so im very confused now..is it a positive or negative? But based on my edd im only in my 4th week now..so is it too early to show dark positive lines? Anyone any experience on this when will the test shows dark lines? When is best to test?

same ..i am actually having my 1st and having the same anxiety as you do as i also had a chemical pregnancy last year..so when after this test yesterday i was so down...i think test again in a week's time..as long i tell myself i don't see red then got high chance

think only a handful expecting 1st baby...
Akria/kayliz/jean tan/Natallia/myself...

Anyone can share can take prunes to counter constipation or not now?
Akira, his charges are reasonable but I think he got no packages so its pay each time u visit...I think Dr Paul delivers in Mt A too if I'm not wrong. U might wanna check it out during your visit...

Different ppl Has different symptoms n some dun even experience... Jus eat n rest well...
Hbabydreams, go get d clear blue test kit n test in a couple of days.... I tested positive before my next menses due date which is abt 4 weeks only.... Before that got all d bloatedness symptoms, nausea etc....

Yes u can take prunes to counter constipation...
hbabydreams: yes I am stressed too! Because after my MC last Oct my cycle became 6 weeks once. But whether 4 or 6 weeks cycle, my bfp arrived earlier than nxt expected period so I am monitoring.. I also tested with clearblue today 2 days after my faint positive but it looks the same. Everyday I chk my undies when I feel something or feel if my boobs are still sore. When I had my MC my preg symptoms including sore boobs just suddenly disappeared.. I just pray then this preg will work out.. Really gg crazy at this rate.

By the way this is my 2nd one, I have a 3 yr old princess.
thanks babychloe
will do so

kayliz me too mc last year as well..and my cycle is normally very long and then for my mc last year also my symptoms suddenly disappeared so i am really paranoid this time as well..even my hubby asked if im seeing any red mostly every time i go to the toilet when he's at home..oic..paiseh thought you're expecting nbr1 as well..hmm that makes it even lesser sisters here with 1st..hope to get more good news from others ttc gers soon
Hi ladies, I am into my 7weeks now and is expecting my no. 4. Am relying on gaviscon now I have been having terrible heartburn and horrible headache cum nausea cums only after 6pm. Hope all the mummies here are coping well.
Hbabydreams: no worries! Let's hope all of us will have a sticky baby..

Everyone says preg women are tired easily but I find that I have insomnia at night. My lower calf aches all the time esp at nite! Anyone has this problem?
Good morning all mummies!

Littlefren, we share the same gynea.

hbabydreams, i'm also paranoid from my past M/Cs prior to having #1. everyday feeling if my boobs are sore anot. now with #2 oni 7wks, my hubby also everyday asking if u'm seeing red in the toilet.

my appetite is really big this time.. i gained 0.5kg a week. i tink from last gynea appt till the next in 2 weeks time, it's prob another 1-2kg up. jialat! am already plus size and at this rate, i might put on 20kg for #2. my #1 time i only put on 11kg.

kayliz, i keep on waking up every 1-2hours. it's so hard to fall back to sleep too.
BluBeri, yup!! esp with my #1 who keeps waking me up every few hours to pee, drink water, milk, each time i wake up i find it hard to go back to sleep.

i'm just opp, right now i am always feeling full and no appetite at all.
Kayliz : NO worries .. YOu are not the only one lor. Mi ytd cant fall asleep too, so unlike from my 1st & 2nd pregnancy. I slept at 3am, ate fishball soup at 2+ think partly cos i hungry. This morning i wake up stil not feeling tired de lo. I also think i suffer insomnia for this pregnancy. Who havent go n see gynae? I havent go n see yet, will go n see this wed to confirm everything. I just wanna hear my bb HB.

Bluberi : Mi too mi too. Im feeling constantly hungry lo, can eat n eat n eat, im practically like a pig liao. hahaa.. But no choice i reali feel vv hungry that kind, must eat lo. But after eating, my tummy will feel weird sia. I think i gained some wgt le.
Mardhyna : saw your postings mention that u tested using digital test kit n it shows 2-3weeks?? Hmm mine too. But hor that one is based on a 28days cycle de. So i ownself plus 2weeks, cos my LMP is 1jan, using the online calculator im already 7weeks liao leh. U can remember your LMP? Usually they count from last menses de. .
Hi Mardhyna,
Does gavison really help to relieve the heartburn n nausea?does it approve by ur gynae?i am having too much of gastric acid that make me constantly feel like vomiting everyday after my meal,with tat something stuck in the throat really make me feel lousy at all time.
Blurblur: me! I think I'm only 4 weeks now so will wait a bit longer before making my gynae appt. Will wait till 6 weeks when can see sac and heartbeat.
<font color="0000ff">mummies
I called clinic and changed my appointment to today (suppose to be on 11 March). Around 5 weeks now, not sure if can detect HB. Pray for the good one.

I lost weight, wanna play safe. Will update again</font>
Kayliz : ohh.. okok.. Then your EDD shld be somewhere end of oct hor?? Im so excited to hear my bb HB though is my 3rd bb.

Hey ask u all hor... cos i forget liao. I somehow feel pain on my lower abodmen. Is normal one mah?? Like always on my left side.. Is it like some kind of "expanding of uterus"?? I just worried lah....
<font color="0000ff">blurblur

me too, feel left abdominal tighten, I guess is normal. Let me ask my gynae later when I see her.</font>
Blur blur- went to the gynae last week to check on my never ending flu bug and the horrible heart burn. Was given gaviscon and honestly, it does improve my heartburn. I took them 3 times a day and after meals. So far so good. Still keeping my fingers crossed though. I had small meals in between too. It is tiring to eat every now and then. Seen the baby heartbeat las week too! As per the gynae, I am in my 7w 4days last week and due date is mid oct. hopefully all goes well for me!

Stay healthy &amp; positive ladies!
Strongal 79 - I totally feel you. It's such a horrible feelin having to vomiting out the gastric juices. Do give gaviscon a try. You can check with your gynae first if you are not keen. It definitely relieves my headaches &amp; nausea.
Hey Mummies

Nice, so many experienced mummies here...

I wanna start on milk, would HL do or can't cos it's chilled? What about those formula ones? Which is better?

And what are the food to avoid or you ladies just eat as per norm?

Thanks Thanks
Hi Akira,

I've booked my Gynae appt mid Mar. Will be 9 weeks by then.
I will seeing Dr Eunice Chua. Anyone having her as Gynae?

My adominal feels funny. It cramps at different spots at different time of the day. And I drag to start on milk as I never like the taste

My gynae is also Eunice Chua, she is very nice and gentle, as in gentle to me when she need to do some internal checks. But she don't have package so if you keep seeing her when u have problem it's going to be x.. My last preg I have bleeding, water bag leaking so got to see her very frequently and till now I don't dare to sum up my bills... I told myself to change to a cheaper gynae for my next pregancy but nw I decided to stick to her because I am used to her Liao :p
@Kayliz: Thanks Thanks.. Shall start on it soon. Been avoiding cold stuff which are my fav, chilled water, coke, cold noodle, ice cream.... .... Think green tea is too cooling.. I stopped them too.

JV: me too, funny cramps at various parts especially after meals or when I lie flat on bed.

I started to feel nausea today, think being this is my 6th weeks.. Hopefully all'a well.

Am meeting Dr Paul Tsemg on Wednesday. Will update you ladies ya
Hi mummies,

just tested positive and this is the 1st pregnancy.

Not sure what to do next. seems like i should book appt with a gynae 1st. Any recommendation?
Me reporting here 2! Tested +ve last week. Me oso feeling worried &amp; paranoid. Booked doc appt for mid mar, not sure how I am going to survive these few weeks b4 I can get to see my bb...
Welcome all mummies! My morning sickness has been hitting me pretty bad for weeks now. There are times when I feel hungry but the thought of eating makes me wanna barf. :-(

During my 1st pregnancy I had pretty bad MS too.
Hi Babychole &amp; Reikohopes, i have the same problem too! I wake up at 4am every night &amp; can't fall sleep back until 6plus..
Feel so miserable

I always feel hungry but everytime after food i'll vomit damn badly.. So im afraid to eat too

&amp; i have constipation..

Im so problematic!!!
Thanks Flower. I went to see her to remove a poly and she was very gentle. Thats what I like about her. So I deicided to engage her as my gyane. The cons are she is always very busy, long waiting time and and its quite difficult to get through the line to book an appt. This shows that she is popular and good then

I have insomnia too!!! And its not me being excited, really. I've cut off coffee and now insomnia...its really miserable...No MS yet and I'm crossing my fingers!!!
Samesame.. i cant sleep at nite, morning go work very tired, the moment i reach home after work i snooze on the bed and end up night time cant sleep again.
During dinner time, i lose appetite, but at night when i cant sleep, i feel super hungry.

I feel dizzy at times but not to the extend of getting nauseous. I only got cramps especially at nite but boobs are super painful. lol
Hi all

Tested +ve last week. Have a girl turning 4 this May. Gynae gave me an appointment on 6w1d...wonder can see HB a not...any advice? Thanks.
hello mummies,

starting to feel MS now...diff frm my 1st pregnancy. previous dont feel MS much, throughout the whole pregnancy, only vomited 3times.

this round, every morning feel nausea, take mrt so cramp, sometime dont get seat. scared 1 day i'd vomit on someone!

everytime i put in food inside my mouth, feel like vomitting, but if nvr eat feel super hungry! the food that i used to love, i hate it now. everything dat i crave, once i got it, i'll just taste abit &amp; feel full, if i force to finish it, feels like gonna vomit! I just love mcd!! i know its bad, but its the only food i can finish!!

i wish im a SAHM! hurhurhur...everyday drag my feet to work!
So far my issue is the heartburn. Whole day feel so uncomfy like alot of acid. But so far so ms...maybe 2 early.

Welocome moomoogirl!

Btw, besides water, what can we drink? I usually drink kopi everyday leh...
I dnt have the preg issues you all have, is it normal? I only very sleepy after taking the utrogestan. My gynae say my bb very small in size I am very worry, what shall I eat or do so that the bb can grow well? I just went to the clinic to get medication because the test I did last week shows I am having infection.. My coming appointment is this Friday I am worry my gynae is going to tell me the same thing again
winkle: i love to drink tea. Teh-O, teh-c, milk tea.. but all i stop recently. i now drink milo or horlicks in the morning. sometimes i buy soymilk, or bring my satchets of oatmeal soymilk.

So everyone went for ur 1st appt at 6 weeks? i havent made any appt. im going to change my gynae as the previous one had a night clinic near my place but since moved to TMC.
Reiko: i also donno wat can drink wat cannot.. juz refrain from caffeine and those "liang" stuff i heard.. i also first time hahaha..

kayliz: i like bubble tea!!!! but now also stop le.. my first apptment will be this friday.. but not yet 6 weeks.. jus wan to have a peace of mind ba..
i just bought Jay Chou concert tixs!! can we go to concert during 2nd trim? by then will be 2nd trim already...

Kayliz, I oso hv not made appt yet. I wan monitor another wk first...anyway, cant see or hear anything b4 6 weeks rite? I think I will b more worried if doc say cannot hear hb cos 2 early &amp; ask me come bk another time... dunno y feel so anxious &amp; afraid...
