a bit off but im craving for confinement food! hahahha..just saw newbaby having 50% off their trial meal.. $15 instead of $30, so i'll prob order on one day im on leave and try!
Angelic^soul: i just came back from a trip actually and that was how i found out i'm pregnant.. cos totally lost appetite there, plus keep puking.. which totally spoilt the holiday!
Re: announcement of pregnancy
i also din announce, but my hubby go announce to his family, which i do not like. i din even tell my family! cos after 2 failed preg, i dun wan to raise anybody's hopes..
i have yet to go for first check up, and anyway the first check up is in mid jan 13. Just to check if most of u are on supplements? What supplements? multivits? neurogain? A bit out of touch here, so thought i'll go pharmacy get some supplements but dunno wat to buy..