hi all!! so sorry to be inactive as being sahm, i seldom have time and chance to log on my pc. once awhile will read with my phone but its hard to reply.
my angel is back, not much of the language barrier with my myanmar maid but she's a fresh maid with no experience, everything i have to teach from very basic, like she dont even know have to move away stuffs on the floor while mopping. so anything she sees, like a shoe box or a toy, she just mop around it! and a lot more other things to talk about. how's your boy new cc?
kis, hope your boy has adapted to pg already. how's he doing now? my maid can understand english but have to slowly say it to her, cos i think different accent and tone, she have to listen a few times to get what I say.
hapieger, my first payment was around $4k too cos is a fresh maid, i have to pay the first 7 months loan of hers to agent first. yes, they are kinda slow, and somemore no experience really make things worse. my blood boils everyday. comm problem still okay as she can understand me but when i speak too fast, she dont get it, but she just nod her head and go off. nowadays, i will ask her so she nod head is understand me or answer yes to my question? then no response from her, i will ask her again my question and ask "yes or no?" she will tell me No.
I realise my this round pregnancy, I've no patience at all. keep scolding the maid when i'm not a hot/quick temper person. really thinking if i should let go and not having a maid. haiz. but preggie now with a girl and bring her to school, then cook can be quite taxing. I didnt let my maid take care of my girl at all. she only here to do housework and assist me in whatever things i need. she also cant react much to my girl's danger like her hand already reaching out to touch a hot cover from the wok, the maid can just look at her and stone there. this kind of thing i dont knw how to teach her already. thought is common sense. really v pek chek to have a maid at times.
anger will affect baby hor. i feel so bad. my first pregnancy i was still working and everyday can chat with colleagues, go out for fresh air during lunch, do what I want during weekend. Now i'm really like a yellow face housewife, everyday just cook, take care of my girl and now to take care a maid. Have to learn to control my emotion better for the little one in my tummy now. I remember I only angry once during my first pregnancy and bcos of work at office, but v fast cool off already cos have ppl to talk to.
CL: I have engaged one during my 5th wk. very kaisu this time, cos scare good CL are all booked. last time my CL cost was $1.9k (2yrs back), now should be $2.3 / $2.4k last time AB I gave $20 each for come and leave, cos dont feel she did a good job and keep chasing the "ai" show that time. Ya, if did a good job, i will give more on the leaving-AB.
some of you already did detailed scan! im only going for 16th wk scan this week. hee!!