(2013/06) June 2013

girl^girl : this is so interesting! hahaa..so cute, i heard of pple using some table/chart to predict, but not sure abt that too, i'll leave it for the gynae to tell me

joanne/windy: think we can ask dr kang during our 16 wks visit...maybe she will say? so far i ask her alot of qns she will tell me...i find her v motherly and nice!

Joanne: i did ask her when i went for my Oscar.. She told me can try to see on 16 weeks.. if cant then 20 weeks.. so i going to ask her next week when i doing my U/S.

mabelths: ya, i like her for being motherly and nice. that why i decided to go with her. Any idea how much is her package from 20 weeks onward?
windy: oh i think its $868 or something like that..i think there's a note at the counter that states (i recall seeing it), but u can check on your next visit.

i'm going to ask her during my next visit too! hehe, hopefully my bb is cooperative so can see.
oh btw, to all planning to deliver at Mt A, did u all sign up for the Mt A ladies card? is it useful at this moment or shld we sign up later?

just asking coz i'm wondering when and if i shld sign up

morning mommies,

anyone starts expri back pain?
i'm having lower back pain if i sleep flat, so painful that i can't get off bed.
hi tangbai, do u happen to have a pertruding tailbone?

i have this before pregnancy and apparently it worsens back ache. for me it happens when i sit for too long.
it's helpful when u put a small pillow/beanie at your back when you sleep/sit.

try nt to stay in one position for too long too, but if it hurts really bad do check with your gynae. hope you'll feel better!

yeah, i have pretuding tailbone, plus i'm thin. since school time, i can't do situp on hard ground.

how did you overcome or ease the pain? any remedy?
i have tried the pillow matter, not helping =(

i just had my check up on wednesday and highlighted to the gynae. was pretty upset the way she handled my problem, conclude the only way to ease the pain is taking pain killer which i can't them as i have allergy.

i can now only sleep sideways which without to change side often, i'll get numb... sigh.....
tangbai: soon we wont be able to sleep flat also.. side is the better way to sleep. I am getting the pregnancy pillow hope it will help.

But i guess back pain is pretty common for preggie women cos the weigh of the baby is pressing on our back esp when we sleep flat.
Windy and malbelths>> Since your 16th week visit is next week, share with me more about the experience... Love to hear from u girls... I still gotta wait...
tangbai: me too, i have this problem, everytime i used to do sit-ups i will get blue-blacks and sores...but i endured then.

now i resort to sleeping sideways too, can't sleep on my back. i didn't get any remedy, because apparently there isn't any 'cure' per se, i got this beanie pillow (actually meant to relieve neckaches) to put at my tailbone area and it actually helps. i got it from the pharmacy at Changi hosp, but they probably sell elsewhere too.

have to keep moving. i get the aches in office when i sit on the chair for too long too, so i make it a point to get a small cup and keep walking to pantry to refill water every 1-2 hrs.

sorry am nt of too much help. will let u know if i find a way to help!

Joanne: yes, we'll update u! i can't wait for my next appt...do u all sometimes 'worry' for nothing? i keep wondering how's bb doing coz i really dont know...and my peers keep commenting that i dont look pregnant yet so sometimes i can get abit paranoid.
Hello mummies hows everyone.. I have flu and cough over the holidays luckily its getting better now. Most mummies should be moving into 2nd trimester already? Morning sickness should be gone soon! Jia you!
Mabelths, I'm also delivering at Mt A, but i heard that the ladies card no need so fast apply. Best is apply just before birth for best value but i can't rem the reason why. Later i can check and share if i know.

On the other hand, do you know when must we fill in the form to indicate our pref for the wards? I don't think it's first come first served though.
tangbai, I am also having some back soreness. I read somewhere that it is better for us to start sleeping on our left side instead of lying flat when we sleep to prevent baby from pressing against our blood flow or something like that. I tried sleeping sideways and just like you, will experience numbness. So at night, can toss a few times cos' just cannot find a comfortable position. Every morning wake up feeling very tired....

mabelths, I guess its quite common to worry about the health of our baby. I suppose its to keep it in check. If visits to gynae shows that baby is growing, it should be fine. I think some mummies are not showing yet so don't worry about it.

happymok, not taking tonics yet cos' was battling with bad MS so no point taking bird's nest as will puke - don't want to waste it =P But I will probably start taking essence of chicken and bird's nest only bah. Cos' don't really know what other tonics to take. And plus the multi-vits and fish oil prescribed by gynae.
Happymok, i heard can start taking Dongcongxiacao after 4 mths, but can b quite exp (a few hundred dollars for one "liang"), and better to buy fr e reputable Medical Halls.

Tangbai, i read that its better to sleep on our left side, helps in blood circulation.
Chloegal03: I was thinking of taking Dong Cong Xiao Cao and Birdnest once a month after 16 weeks. Think it will help to strengthen the baby n mother health? Since it will be 6 dosages till birth.
mabelths, lilac, chloe,
thanks for the tips and comfort.
i just hope the pain wouldn't be worsen as the baby getting bigger.
Will like to check any one cannot lay flat on back to sleep already? When i lay on my back to sleep, i feel slight uncomfortable and can only sleep side way.
Can ask where to buy mattress for the maid? We went to seahorse and the cheapest one is $129!!

I didn't know mattresses cost so much nowadays
chloe ng: thanks! maybe when u find out u let me know? i heard (but not sure) that when we book maternity package can indicate the pref ward, but they will still depend on availability on the day you are warded. so must pray hard..haha

happymok: not yet..i'm still having on and off MS too...so just taking the usual supplements that gynae is giving me. Actually i dare not take chinese herbs coz i dont know what is good and what is not...sua ku

lilac: thanks for the reassurance. I'm a little more paranoid because of a past MC...so am really excited yet nervous with each gynae visit.

Kome: for me it's sideways..but so far both left and right feels alright to me...i flip around at night so i am not conscious which side i tend to sleep on..haha

absentmama: yea..mattress is quite exp! esp if u are looking at good ones. i do know some neighbourhood shops that sell those of local brands (which are not too bad too since i slept on those prior to getting married), that costs less than $100 for single (not super single), so u may like to take a look? i know they sell in bedok, not sure abt other places.
so far i'm used to sleeping sideways. need to wake up a few times each night to pee even though i curb my water intake before bed. for the past few days, i noticed when i get up from the bed, my lower abdomen's got this "heavy" feeling and it's a little uncomfortable when i walk to the toilet. after peeing, will be back to normal. I guess it's just the sensation of a full bladder couple with the expanding belly..
I get backaches when I was heavier in my later pregnancy. The backache was bad till I cant get to sleep. I heard pre natal massage may help but it starts from only week 20 maybe you can try that and see if it eases the pain?

Havent really started on any tonics yet since the MS is not really gone. But usually will start from week 20 onwards. Last time I took herbal soup once a week or twice and a spoon of concentrated bird nest once a day.

Usually your gynae will help you book the hospital you can indicate your preference then.

I never sleep on my back de I feel a little bit breathless so I always sleep usually on my left side more than my right side.
Hi Happymok, im also tinkg of startg Dong Cong Xia Cao after Week 16, but im planning to consult a TCM doc 1st b4 i start on any chinese med. Im not sure abt bird's nest n whether it can mix with other ch herbal stuff. Best to consult TCM 1st. I can update u after my TCM visit, prob in 1-2 weeks time.
anyone starting to take bird nest already? actually what's the benefit of bird nest and must it be those boiled type? Concentrated or bottled cannot?
I think is for the complexion of the baby ba but heard cant overdo it as may cause asthma to the babies

For me I took concentrated bird nest because convenient as no one can help me pick the bird nest....

But I dont really like the taste so this time I am taking those bottled kind. Hubby insist I take because #1 I took so to be fair #2 must take.
Seems like alot of mummies already sleep sideways. Me too need to wake up at least 1 time to pee but quite a few times tossing ard and always will feel slight cramp at my left side tummy area when i toss from left side to right side lor.

I have already started taking dong cong cao also but not the bird nest yet. Heard that bird nest is good for bb complex only, any other benefits not so sure either.
Kome: I went Internet to check "Cordyceps is said to be safe and has no side effects. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children are not recommended to use it, since no studies have been conducted in such persons." Thus I am hesitate to take it Liao.

Coriang: Think birdnest will be best when we brew ourselves as those bottled one got preservative and sugar.
Ya lor I usually will sure get up and pee once a night and the timing quite fixed de then after that very hard to get back to sleep.

I think I also had turned into a light sleeper again.
thanks for your replies

i guess to boil our own bird nest quite tedious coz alot of work to do so end up we buy concentrated for convenience

i tried to avoid fluids after 9pm and it helps at the moment. no more waking up in the middle of the night. else after one toilet visit, i find it hard to go back to sleep
Hi ladies,

I am new to this forum.

EDD: 24 Jun 13
Gender: Unknown
Hospital: KKH
BB: #1
Gynae: Dr. Goh Shen Li
Location: West

Happymok, are you seeing Dr Goh too? Im seeing her next month and is my first appt with her. Previously i used to see Dr Sadhana but she only see me in my 1st trimester. I was then seeing Prof John Tee, however i felt very uneasy seeing a male gynae so i change to Dr Goh.
Hi Joanne, not yet my detailed scan scheduled on 24 Jan...

Chinese Medicine:
I am also taking Dong Cong Xia Cao 'tun' with some other chinese herbs and pork. got it from chinese seh sei..
PSP: Yes she is my Gynae. Just saw her yesterday for my monthly checkup. Guess yesterday she was busy so chop chop finish with my appointment. Normally she is friendly and and would ask if you have any more questions for her. I used to have a male gynae that is very negative and makes me worry. Dr. Goh will normally assure me that things are okay and normal n makes me feel more secure.
Chinese Medicine: So it is best to consult a TCM Physician before taking the Cordyceps. Any recommendation in the West side?
Mabelths, joanne, windy: I had a visit to Dr Kang today and during the scan we couldn't see the gender cos baby was not in the right position. Then while she was checking the heart and all she managed to show us something sticking out in between the baby's buttocks! (bottom view) hehehe she confirmed it is 90% boy

Mommies, is Dong Cong Xia Cao = Cordyceps? Have not started any tonics or bird nest. Feel tired constantly even after walking for awhile when I used to hv better stamina for sports previously. My favorite past time is now sleepingzZ
hi, i'm new here. my edd is also in june 13.

EDD: 6 Jun 13
Gender: Boy
Hospital: Mt E
BB: #2
Gynae: Dr. Ann Tan
Location: West
Ytd was a scary day for me. I actually slip and fell down. My knee cap is injured but just worry that don't know will bb be hurt or not.

Btw, any one of you already prepare a list as what to get for newborn? I have start preparing the list of things that are needed for newborn and for my confinement.

Hope you are ok maybe call up your Gynae and see what he says?

I haven't prepare a list anyway for me nothing much to buy because #2 will use #1 stuff. Only milk bottles, some set of new clothes , new pillow , mittens and booties that's all.

Confinement stuff No idea yet lol

I am having a splitting headache from yesterday till now no medicine to take its so uncomfortable
