Hi mommies, sorry been away for so long and have not been following cos baby is back from hospital and learning to cope with her. Lucky I have a good cl to help with taking care of baby so I'm not so lost.
Re bf, since my baby was in hospital for more than a week the nurses started bottle feeding her and when I wanted to latch her she rejected my nipple and cried until her face so red I couldn't bear to force her. Tried again yesterday and she refused to suckle just put the nipple in the mouth and wait for me to squirt the milk.... Sigh.... I have resorted to pumping and bottle feeding her. Anyway, my milk also not enough so am also using FM to supplement.
Hope all mommies waiting to deliver have a smooth delivery!
Oh, any recommendation for full month package pls? Am frantically looking around as only 2 weeks more to bb full month....