(2013/05) May 2013

Happymok: I bought e sheng hua tang at normal Chinese medical hall. Did ur CL ask u to get it?

Azel: have a good rest before e big day.. All e best for a safe n smooth delivery.

Hi mommies, sorry been away for so long and have not been following cos baby is back from hospital and learning to cope with her. Lucky I have a good cl to help with taking care of baby so I'm not so lost.

Re bf, since my baby was in hospital for more than a week the nurses started bottle feeding her and when I wanted to latch her she rejected my nipple and cried until her face so red I couldn't bear to force her. Tried again yesterday and she refused to suckle just put the nipple in the mouth and wait for me to squirt the milk.... Sigh.... I have resorted to pumping and bottle feeding her. Anyway, my milk also not enough so am also using FM to supplement.

Hope all mommies waiting to deliver have a smooth delivery!

Oh, any recommendation for full month package pls? Am frantically looking around as only 2 weeks more to bb full month....
MofMM: Thanks, but my delivery date has changed to tml morning cos they didn't manage to book an OT for me on Thur.. Now super "gan chong"..

pinkberries84: thanks!
Pinkberries84, may I know how much u pay for the Sheng hua tang? Need to take how many dosage? Must take once reach Hm right?
Happymok: it cost around $6 at si ma lu. U should b able to get at old medical halls. 2 packs drink 2 days consecutively will do.
Hi Azel, wishing you a v smooth n safe delivery tomorrow! Enjoy your confinement period and your time with the little ones! Have a good rest tonight too and keep us updated if you can!
Azel, wow time flies! It's your turn now. Wosh you. Smooth delivery, all the best.

Meow Meow: welcome Back.
be patient, u ill be able latch him on again. But bottle feeding is not bad also coz bb wont fall sleep so easily
MofMM: Thanks thanks! Yap trying to get some rest but not tired so decide to check the forum.. will try to enjoy the confinement period and everything... heehee.. will try to update too ;)

i love babies: Thanks thanks! Yap time flies so fast! Sometimes hope tat they are out quickly but sometime i hope that they are still resting inside my womb.. hahaha
2ks, pinkberries 84: I felt cheated le! I bought the Sheng Hua Tang at Eu Yan Sang and they charge me $37 bucks for 1 packet!!! And I thought its the usual normal price.
Hi mummies.
I m new here. Edd supposed to be today but Bb still dun wan to come out. OB ask to admit only next tue.

This is my 2nd bb and ist one was thru c sect but i insist on trying normal this time even though DR kept asking me to go for c sect cos baby is big..hopefully i can do it naturally this time
I heard of different quantity sheng hua tang. I was told if the quality is good u only need to drink1 dose. I bbought mine for almost $30 a pkt. I only drank once

If you decide to have a CN in this last minute, I have a good CN to recommand. She is from JB. No agent fees.. juz herself Has 15 year of experience. Very clean, cooks well and pro in BF. Importantly not calculative.

PM me for her contacts has she is available now till mid Aug.
I love babies, thank u for the encouragement and I'll continue trying. My baby sleeps thru her feed even when it's bottle feeding haha. She's a sleepy baby....
Sorry Everyone.. I went missing for awhile. It's been an overwhelming week for me. My mum is supposed to be my confinement lady but she end up only cooking for me n will be going holiday next week. *Sigh* I was struggling with a cranky Baby who is awake all night. As long as she is awake she wants to latch on leaving my nipples sore with blisters.
I think I have less than a total of 8hrs sleep for the past one week.

Hope all mummies are doing well! Jia you!

azel: have a smooth delivery!

dreambig: how are u doing dear? Do u know how much milk supply u have? Does your bb look hungry all the time? Mine is like opening her mouth n looking for milk. Hope u are doing fine! It's a blessing that the Cl is gone. Jiayou!

ilovebabies: Thanks for your advise.
I was feeling really down in hospital when the milk supply was zero n she was going through photo therapy which is very drying. I guess fm is OK. I m trying to go back to tbf but still unsure if the milk supply is sufficient. Hope all is well on your side!
Littlebabysmurf: don't give up, I understand how you feel... It can be overwhelming in the beginning especially with a cranky baby... My baby was like that for the first week too crying all the time leaving us parents helpless n desperate. But it will get better. Mine was exactly like your always wanting to latch on making my nipples sore... If you want, you can get nipples shield which will protect your sore nipples. Remember to apply nipple cream all the time. Eventually my hubby n I gave up and gave the pacifier to the baby even though we did not want to.... So instead of chewing on my nipples, we gave him the pacifier when he is just suckling for soothing... I guess no choice when the baby does not know how to self-sooth.....

My baby was always hungry initially so I was feeding on demand. It was very tiring in the first week as I could be feeding every hour or sometimes even 3 hours non-stop! But it is better now after the milk supply comes in... I am feeding very 2 to 3 hours now. Sometimes even 4 when I m really tired.... I don't really know how much supply I have as I m nursing directly n did not pump out. Alternatively you could also consider pumping out to feed if it is too painful for you to nurse for the moment.

Try to nap also whenever baby sleeps so that you can catch up on your sleep. Is there anyone helping you with laundry n cleaning? If you need confinement food, you can cater for it when your mum is on holidays.

And yes.... It is indeed a blessing w CL gone. I m catering confinement food now. My hubby helps to bathe baby when he comes back from work n my mum helps out a bit here n there to prepare my bath etc... I also got weekend help to come n clean the apartment.

Hope you feel better soon n Jia you!!!
Hi beanie, my feeding is not consistent.. It all depends if baby is willing to feed. When baby is willing, it can be up to 1 hour. If not sometimes only 10mins.... My baby is sleepy all the time especially when feeding so when he falls asleep I try to wake him but it does not work most of the time.
PigPig, jia you jia you~ Hope you can give birth naturally

littlebabysmurf, dreambig: My baby sleeps lesser than 2wks ago, and also wants to latch on to sleep...really a headache now.

beaniee: I feed 15-20mins each breast. When bb sucks well, i feed 10-15mins (didn't fall sleep). I think it should be enough becoz my breasts are 80% cleared after 10mins bumping.
Dreambig: thank u! feel so much better after Reading your msg. I am in week 2 and still she is latching on for as long as 2 hrs.
I Hope it gets better next week. I think I am a human pacifier. I tried giving her pacifier but she doesn't want.
I might just eat anything. Not sure if I am going to get confinement food. I think I am too tired to think of myself. Haha. Jia you!

Ilovebabies: Mine too! She needs to latch to sleep. Anyone knows any solution to this?
if she doesn't sleep I can be latched for 2 hrs plus.. It's super tiring.

Any mummies experience bb making strange noise in their sleep?
Littlebabysmurf: i think i m hardhearted. When i found that he wants to latch to sleep, i just stop doing so n n i m trying to bump bm out all the time. Only bfing twice or three times to avoid engorgement. Latching for hours might not a goodg habit i think. I Hope confinement can Be over asap so i can build up a routine for him...my cl got some bad habits.

Yes, my Boy also made strange noise before. I think that's phlegm or blocked nose, so brought him to see doctor. Was given spray for blocked nose. Burping is important to avoid phlegm.fyi
Littlebabysmurf: no problem... Its important to get support... Well, initially my baby did not want the pacifier too, kept spitting it out but we were so tired from lack of sleep that I stuffed it into his mouth several times n held it there for a few seconds until he started to suckle......... If you don't mind can try........

My baby makes noise at night when he sleeps,i thought he is woken up but when I check he is sleeping. I am assuming he's dreaming.....
I love babies n littlebabysmurf: we all have the same problem it seems....

Just this morning my baby refuses to feed even though I have milk... N he just keeps fussing n crying... Have been trying to feed him since 6am! He would just latch fr 5 mins n then fuss... Exhausted......

I only hope he will start to feed well.... Dont even dare to think about the luxury of having a routine yet! :S
Pat pat all mummies....

Makes me nervous thinking about what lies ahead when I've popped. My EDD is end may. I still haven't popped!

It's tiring right when they latch for short while only. I do wish they would drink 125 expressed EBM one shot! But that's just wishful thinking. Also BM digests very easily so they get hungry faster. I just take it as a chance to bond and increase milk supply. But yes i remember feeling like a zombie in the morning with all that disrupted sleep.

Hope things get better for you soon. Do you have any frozen meals, stocks which u can just use when yr mom is away? I'm also wondering how my meals would be settled. I guess I'll just eat whatever soupy stuff my mom gives or use whatever i have in the freezer to cook simple meals.

Good luck for your VBAC!
Dreambig, yes...we have the same prob
my boy is fussy today..the worst is both kids crying at the same time. The elder one kept Calling 'mummy mummy' while baby is 'nga nga nga'(crying), dont know. How to deal wf it without helper.
Thanks to i love babies & pinktulip!
finally delivered my 2nd gal VBAC after dr asking me to c sect again and again and again..it was painful even with epidural (tat few minutes before baby pop)i think dr lessen the epidural or wat..i can even feel all the stitches.. oh my butt damn pain now..but still think natural is better.

My elder gal cried when she went back juz now.i feel so sad and guilty.
Dreambig n ilovebabies: Ya! I had problem putting her to sleep the whole day. She was practically awake from 6am all the way to 6pm dozing off no more than 15mins n keep wanting to be fed when awake. But after 5mins of latching she falls into sleep or fuss. I thought babies need sleep! Is it overtiredness? I read that overtired Baby are like that.

Pinktulip: I don't have frozen meals. I will prob get my hubby to da bao food. I m more worried about coping with bb alone. Hopefully she will sleep well. Don't be nervous. We all go through it somehow or another. Try to ask for help if you can.
jia you! Are u going for natural?

Pigpig: Congrats!!!!!
Congrats pigpig! Really pei fu
how old is your elder one? Mine is 3+ yrs. I m quite worried that i will neglect her when i have to look after baby by myself.

Littlebabysmurf, my boy woke up almost hourly n stayed awake from 7pm to 11pm...fortnately, still have Cl to take turn ....now i m even considering using 'sarong' ...sigh
I love bbs
Mine ist gal now 4yrs old.staying with my in laws so mil is helping.somehow felt guilty and sorry for my big gal, shall pay more attention on her hopefully she knows she is big sister liao and muz help to take care of the small one.

I juz got to know i kana 10-12stitches..scary
Littlebabysmurf: when babies fuss it could be tiredness.. So need to look out for cues of tiredness n put them to bed before they become agitated... Otherwise they might have difficulty going to sleep... I have learnt to read some clues such as rubbing eyes... N hands flinging around as his sign of tiredness n he also whines... But also could be diaper dirty... Need to test n try....
Pink tulip, yes... I m hoping for miracle that one day my boy will be like those babies who breastfeeding easily that we read about........

Feeding shd be faster with expressed bm right...?
Though bottle feeding is fast, but it takes quite abit of effort to pump out the milk, feed, den still have to wash and sterilize pumps and bottles. I find baby more gassy being bottle fed, gotta burp longer.
Dear all moms
I think is quite norm after all for babies esp new born to fall aslp during bf.
So now I try to express if im really tire.
Yes leyash its a hassle to bottle feed. Prefer latch on too.

Just curious previously someone in this forum mention there is a fb page for may babies n mom. Anyone hv idea how to join?
Thanks dreambig

Urs is Caesar or normal? I cant wait to start my massage too next tue. But my stitches on butt still so painful. Hopefully by then not so painful to turn here and there.
congrats all mummies whom hv given birth. i had my csect laswk. bb weigh 3.3kg. can i check hw much ur babies drinking? my 1wk old girl is drinking 90ml ebm nw. isit too much?
Mine started with only 30ml when she was in the hospital. By one week she was on 50ml. I think is ok so long as she can drink.
Hi mummies, I had delivered my twin (bb boy - 2.72kg and bb girl - 2.77kg) on Wednesday but only managed to have time to come in today.. I was discharged yesterday and trying to get used without the help from the nurses.. :p
littlebabysmurf: how long will ur mother b away? I think you shld try catering confinement food, it is good and impt for your health.

PigPig and Nemo: congrats on your newborn!

Dream big: how was the checkup?

I love babies: one of my bb aso stay awake late n want ppl to carry.. Very tired! You really wan to put ur bb in 'sarong'? I kn tt there r adv n disadv wor, I'm more worry abt the disadv cos some bb get used to the 'shaking' motion, won't sleep without the 'shaking' motion..

Pinktulip: dun worry, dun b nervous.. Stay calm n positive!! You can do it..

My babies aso latch n sleep. Will detach n try to wake them up.. Then re-latch, if not let them sleep. :p
