(2013/05) May 2013

Xuan, yea the whitish is normally the dirt or dried milk. Not to worry as not all will experience milk leaking during pregnancy. And there's no relation that no milk leaking = to no milk. Our left and right sides of breasts will provide diff qty of milk..
And don't use soap on ur aerola and nipple area. Just clean and shower with water. No soap as soap will tend to make the nipple area skin drier and diff the ph level. Even for now, I also don't use soap to wash my aerola and nipples area. just skip soap on these area..

R u too busy at home n hv no time to go shopping? Why not do online shopping.. I do sell cute bb clothings & products from Fisher price, Lamaze, Ang bao organiser in facebook with great prices.. . Come on in to my fb n shop now.. Is always good to hv another choice to shop.. The reason i create this page as am a twin mummies and know tt saving is very impt for us especially standard living so high now..
Visit www.facebook.com/precioustotcloset today...or search for Precious Tots Closet (bear icon) fr facebook to find out more.
2ks - I receive my poncho le... thanks for the effort..

Aden + anais swaddling blanket.. I have 5 pcs... super love them... can wrap can use as blanket can use as burping cloth can use as shelter from Sun and bugs... #1 still using as blanket and shelter when we are out... love the size and material...
Hi, I am from the Jan 2013 forum, just delivered my baby girl on Jan 9.

If any of you May girls looking for confinement nanny, I would like to recommend mine. She's from KL, her charges are very reasonable, her cooking is very good and she is very nice and reliable. very experienced and not too old. She was recommended by another friend and she did confinement for my first baby 2 years ago too! Just trying to help her cos she still has an empty slot only for May/June.

PM me, thanks!
Mummies..is there anything i shd inform Or insist to the confinement agency when come to CL?

My mil say must include washing hubby clothes and cooking for him. Washing yes but i dont think my hubby can tahan eating confinement food also lah.

I dont think i going to leave the CL to handle 100%. If not later she go liao, i sure panic attack

Some things i think i need help
- bathing bb
- wash clothes
- cook / clean up
- anything else?

Night feeding i am okie but if not the normal feeding time, i think she is the one who comfort the baby right?
Just went for check up today. Think baby on the small side. Weighing 555g at week 24. However I think my edd kanna push back make me only week 22. Sad

I think I should eat more beef to beef her up. Hehe..

Babymaine, I am looking at the Aden swaddle for very long already dunno wanna buy anot. Now thinking to buy Aden or TMC one.
bbkk - I bought mine from bp... buy 2 get 1 free for $30... even my traditional old mindset mil thinks that this is better than using the normal nappy as a swaddling cloth.... I've got the hippopotamus swaddling blankly too, but I feel it's under utilized during my #1 time...
The Aden swaddled works the same way as the traditional nappy white clothe? To me it look like the traditional white nappy, just with the design??
I love the swaddle from aden and anais...love the design and fabric...can used even as a bedsheet! Anyone has any idea where we can buy it cheaper online or in singapore?
bbkk: see your budget also lor.
aden one is $30 rite...TMC one is $13 for 2 pcs.
so see u wanna spend or not??
to me, just swaddle for 6 weeks, so i very the stingy la.
i think i saw Aiden swaddle at Baby Kingdom yesterday. Come in pack of 4?...ard $79.90.

aiyo..i think having bb really cost $$. The cot and stroller can easily come up to more $1K if we really buy good one.
2ks, then I think I will buy cheaper ones. Lol. Last baby already dun wanna spent too much.

Rem to add me if anyone buying ok. Thanks babe.
why 555g is considered small? i think our dates are quite near. i m going for my check-up tomorrow. did yr gynae mention wat the weight of the bb should be?
ya loh..

i am wondering whether i should get those car seat cum stroller or car seat + normal stroller.
bbkk: the bb weight: i think u dont have to worry so much now. bb weight usually will catch up later part.
how heavy is #1 previously? u can gauge the bb weight from there.
and i always believe bb put on weight much faster than outside.
2.5kg bb one month later will usually double their birth weight.
so not an issue la...
smaller baby easily to pop mah...
u wanna pop a 4kg baby ah??? pain leh...
worried79: by the time the kiddo can sit quietly and wont struggle out...
to me, i think 3 years old will be ok for booster.
otherwise 5-point harness still advisable
Morning mommies !!
=( This 2-3 few days baby like not kicking & punching much. Some times really don't know what's going on in there.
Cos I see those baby center saying roughly around 700g. But I know is a guideline lah. Was thinking mine could be much heavier. But dr says is a small bb, but nt a concern now.

2ks, yes gynae did ask me my first bv weight. Says it should be same weight as first baby.
ok, i will find back my #1's record. I remembered i always asked for my bb's weight during #1's time, but gynae always say not to worry and so on. last one mth or so, i started eating abit of durian (actually i dun like durian one, but eat for bb's sake), and at birth bb's weight is 3.4kg. i just hope bb's weight is ok now, coz my appetitte is already improving liao.

i was thinking whether to get a booster seat for my #1, so that #2 next time can sit on the car seat, or to get a new car seat for #2...
i thought 500+ is okie.
i am week 22 and mine is 460+ only wor.

i felt bb kick liao! yesterday hubby was lying on the tummy and he felt a punch on the face. So he is super happy
hello, anybody has mother & baby issue for Feb? can share what are the partners and promotion for the Feb baby sales at Expo?

Wanna know what is available so that can make a list of things to buy.

thank you
Ok thanks all. My hubby also says I worry for nothing.but I dun like my edd being push back leh, could be due to the bb size, dun care I gonna stick to my original edd. Lol

JC, very cute right the kicks...
U can see ur stomach popping out too when bb kicks
JC - It feels wonderful right, with the baby movements and hubby interacting. =)

Went to Mrs Wong Boh Boi class yesterday, really quite useful as many mummies recommended. Quite intensive though, I already forgot 70% of the antenatal exercises. And interestingly she said if your uterus feels hard means baby is having mood swing, if it's soft and bouncy means baby is happy. Not sure of the logic though.
Chiro (chiro): ahh. really!? That's interesting!!

Feb baby sales at EXPO:
yup yup! Anyone can share??

JC (csy1): I took down video of my popping tummy (^^) At times it's all over the tummy. But I still can't differentiate between the hip-cups and the kickings/punchings.
charliebrown - braxton hicks i'm not so sure... ever read before it's not uncommon to feel it early. Maybe other experienced mummies can share?

Oh yea she said if your uterus feels hard then don't disturb it. And never rub in circles cos it will create a whirlpool effect inside. Use gentle tap movements, left, right, top, bottom, and "butterfly fingers" tapping when wanna stimulate baby.
Afternoon gals!! how are u all.. long time seems like quite long didnt come in.. i was so sick and so busy with my preorder.. finally i can have little bit of time to my next preorder hee

i just visit doc woody! so happy lor that my next visit is 3 week no more 4weeks liao.. so will just patiently just wait.. seems like time really pass quite fast! ^^ today im 26 weeks! and my girl was weight 825g. Doc say its normal as usual. so everything is fine. but i just got flu med from him so i can faster heal. but at least not bad its recovering liao. ^^

Doc told me that baby must at least kick 10 times. active is okai. not active is a problem. im like -____- alright.. lol

BBK dont worry.. next visit maybe u will be surprise ya baby girl will grow faster. =) anyway gynea told u is not a issue le right? so dont worry ya! *hugs*

Xuan maybe bb got move but ya sleeping leh? heee sometimes i forget my bb kick also. then i will be anyhow think n think.. but that time when im anyhow thinking she most likely is sleeping LOL

Reddish i dare not even touch my breast or nipple lor.. its quite painful right now..

i saw baby center said baby now can hear our voice quite clear. that time my hub lie on my tummy to listen my girl actually gave him a punch ask him to move away. LOL and yday he played with her.. as her to kick daddy. she really Kick wor.. my hub was damn super excited and could see the waves moves.. LOL

worried: when my girl was coming to 3years old i let her sit booster sit cus car seat i felt too small for her le.. so i change to booster seat.
babbiee.com (fabbie): mmm. Yah, I told myself probably he is just feeling REAL SLEEPY this few days. Haha! I love to see the waves on the tummy too. My hubby also talk so near and loud on my tummy -__-! Said scared baby cannot hear him, end up got punch (^^) Busy with what kinda preorder? Don't overwork yourself & take care!!
hi hi, anyone having monday blues?

Wow 26 weeks!! Imagine.... 11-13 more weeks more and you will be popping already! I'm only in my 22nd week I think. Must wait longer than you.

So you meeting 3 weeks once already? I think my gynae will ask for 3 weeks once only in my last trimester. Now still once monhly.

I think once baby discharges from hospital, he/she must be in an infant car seat already. In australia, you must have an infant seat ready at discharge. They take car seat rulings very seriously.
pinktulip: me, i am having monday blues as usual.

Any recommendation for car booster seat? By which age can the child sit in the car booster seat?
fabbie, i think the daddies are all excited when they can feel the kicks? my hub n i will feel excited when we feel the kicks.
evrery night, we will lie down n play with the bb
trying to guess where will he kick
high 5. hehe. But today my blues is not as bad as last week. Last week was so bad.....I wrote on my FB status " Hi Monday, it's you again"

I think if your kid is only 2 yrs old, a booster seat would be too "low?". My #1 sat in a Maxi Cosi Priori - http://www.maxi-cosi.com/ie-en/products/car-seats/toddler/priori-xp.aspx. I was horrified when my hubby bought it coz it cost about $500+ but it's good coz it's quite lean and compact, yet it's high at the same time. My #1 sat in it since he was about 12 months till he was about 4+. Now the seat has become my #2's.

I bought a maxi cosi booster seat for about $180 for him. It has a back rest too, so if he falls asleep, he can lean on the paddings too. I'd think best to upgrade to booster seat at 4 yrs old. else too low to see much outside the car.
i am checking my maternity leave with HR
than i realise is not calculate by months.

8 weeks + 40 days.

i thought i will come back in Oct but actually in Sep ..
Fabbie, hmm I don't feel any pain when I rub my nipples now eh.. Or maybe its cos my nipples are already seasoned from #1 abusive pumping of milk... Lol

Pinktulip, hi^5! My hb also bought Maxi cosi prior for #1 when she's around 10-12mths. Able to fit once 9kg.. Has been a use carseat as it could be reclined into a more comfy position.. But my girl had a diaper leaked on it recently and I haven't took it out to wash cos I don't know how to take it out..,
Hi Chiro,

I was in the same class as you yesterday. :p
Agreed that it is really interesting but too intensive for me to remember every single thing.
JC: if you intend to take flexi after the 8 weeks then it wld be 40 days, if you are taking at one time, is 16 weeks. 40 days is for 5 days work week mummies, if is 6 days work weeks, is 48 days. so depends on if you are taking flexi or everything at 1 time as well....

We may be in the same class! i went to wong boi boi class yesterday too...

Haha. Forgot about the exercises as well. But i keep "testing" whether baby is happy or not... Baby was really grouchy towards end of the day, prolly cos i had been out for the entire day and not giving it enough attention?

Do you all have the book that Wong Boi Boi was talking about? I'm not the SB (whatever) member.
Xuan: u can call me fabbie or fab la.. haha lol my hub always talk to my tummy i say i talk to your ear u like anot. -____- so baby so small mah. so maybe my hub or my no.1 talk baby inside will scare. LOL. Im busy with my online spree ^^ every month doing preorder on baby clothings u free come n see =) will give u discount but must tell me who is who. i will blur de.. LOL

JC: for me.. once give birth i put her in the car seat. i dont wish to keep carrying n carrying. if not next time she USED to my carrying thats it.. always need to carry all the way le.. hehe

Pinktulip: yeah lor.. time pass so fast! okai la.. 4 more weeks later than me quite fast de infact.. but i hope mine wont be induce 40 weeks. my no.1 is 40 weeks really that time wana burst liao. LOL ya next month will start 3 weeks le. think next week is into 3rd trims ba. 27 weeks right?

VI: my hub keep saying ITS SO SHEN QI HOR?! LOL and keep asking me how it feels. not pain this n that. i told him u put ya tummy to my tummy then maybe u can feel it lor. LOL..

worried when ya no.2 is out maybe u can carry on ya hand first? slowly then move no.2 to booster seat? just to save money.. or maybe just buy a 2nd hand one lor? cheaper ^^

reddish: my nipples are like always hard one.. LOL aiyo. think of it my hair stand. i remember last time i always pump the milk become tomato juice. LOL cham..

like this i have to confirm with my doc when is my EDD le. She going to induce me 2 weeks before. i stll plan to take 1 week to rest. Like this i don't want to waste it liao.

i told my hubby i won't give him 1 week of my maternity leave. not enough!!!!
