On my way home now from raffles place and so glad I got a seat, nobody took the reserved seat so I happily took it haha!
I have been coughing for more than a week, quite bad and yes I do experience the leakages when I cough v hard, esp when bladder is full. Other than wearing panty liners, I realized crossing your legs tightly when coughing will help mitigate the leakage. I rem having that for #1 but heng with some Kegel exercises, the problem disappeared after delivery.
Speaking of bonus, I also can't wait for mine. It is typically announced in march and pay out by end march, for our previous calendar year performance. So I should not be penalized since I have worked the full year...but might be penalized in terms of promotion cos bosses might not want to give you a higher rank and pay to see you disappear for 4 mths. Unfair but it's a sad fact in some companies. The last time I had my #1, I still had v good bonus for the year I was physically away for 4-mth ML, perhaps cos my workload has always been much heavier than others. For me, think my bosses still fair to me in terms of monetary compensation but my direct boss is actually very chauvinist and kept telling me in the face that 4 mths ML is too long and 2 mths is just right. I disagreed with him totally. He even said some mean things to me like I don't have to do appraisal for this year. That happened late last year during my appraisal. So despite having worked v hard and done many deals/projects, there is a possibility I will be marked down unfairly this year. But I don't care lah, I just do what I need to do. If they really treat me unfairly, I will not hesitate to leave.