(2013/05) May 2013

not true on the crabs thing lor. during #1 time, i had crabs almost every month...but my #1 hands not itchy at all lor.
whereas #2 hor..i ate crabs like 3x for the whole pregnancy and my #2 hands itchy like shit...
he can go my kitchen cabinets...take out everything, those stuff inside boxes also can take out lor..

crab: I dun eat crab during my no. 1 but still my girl super 'lots of hand', everything also touch one.. i dun eat crab not cause of this but cause crab eat anything, rubbish, flesh, etc... so i dun eat.. bt i guess anything in moderation is fine.

xuan: ya, use to it already, very obvious we are preggy, bt like u say they wld juz admire ur tummy.... bt they are still nice ppl who give up their seat for us though. :0
usually chinese don't give up seats one. those who give up are usually indians or filipinos...weird

my colelague going to due next week. Stomach so big also nobody give up for her. Got to stand all the way to office.
2ks, did u receive my pm earlier? Cos I think my pm not working, I never receive ur pm too. But anyway I transferred.
Pm u my addy too. Let me know if u never receive it ok. Thank u very much.

To Account POSB Savings
158-24231-1 2ks 
Transfer Currency and Amount S$33.00 
Transaction Reference 10495910829 
back to this giving up seats topic?
i do agree. i always tell my hb i m a walking sleeping pill. those ppl see me will immediately sleep one. i seldom take public transport, only on certain days when hb can't send me to work. but till date, no one has given up seat to me. i m used to it liao, at least its not that far, fr novena to sembawang. but i really dun understand, can someone just sit down and immediately fall alseep? haha
xuan: i emailed u. kindly please reply.
your self collection jet is available stock. could u contact natalie when u wanna pick up and update me please.
charliebrown: wah.. till now my pregnancy i drink less than half cup of coffee.. those raw like salmon i still got eat.. but i didnt eat too much.. cus thats wayyyy too addictive that salmon my auntie buy one LOL

JC: true leh!! hardly got chinese give seats.

worried: i got saw before.. a auntie. snatch sit for me then sleep liao.. hahhahaa i keep laffing at her non stop. cus she look so funny LOL
2ks, I have just transferred $33 to you and PM-ed to you my address. Transaction reference: 10495937449

Not sure is it the PM system got glitches, I didn't receive the copied PM also.
actually after travelling to HK, singapore is quite a graceful place already really.
in sg, there are still people who will immediately stand up when see preggy ladies, or sometimes the seats are left empty.

in hk, there are not much privilege seats and talking about snatching seats...
i think HK if 2nd plc sg will be 3rd la..
and when take trains, when they see strollers, they cant be bothered, and will do all their might to squeeze into that bloody full train. not like sg, we just wait for the next one rite..

so sg is quite gracious already. but of cos room for improvement.
chiro: i didnt pm each and everyone. cos there is a limit in PM everyday. think 20 persons or something. thus i posted here and wait for u all to PM me. if no receive i will inform again.

thank u mummies for the fast transfer...
Yesterday was the first time I took mrt after pregnancy.
So far so good, maybe my tummy big that why people give me seat. I usually will ask people to give me seat one.. Lol..
fabbie: yes -__- you can see how irritating my hub can be also loh. I always tell him I feel like punch him. LOL.

Don't know they 'pang tang' what lar. but I don't care. I sometimes just eat outside also :p

charliebrown: yah. old people believed in that lo. So, my hub also wah lao become cautious and paranoid on my food in take. sometimes I just tell him CAN LAH. ONCE AWHILE NAH. EVERYTHING CANNOT EAT, I BE DEITY BETTER~! *roll my eyes*

2Ks: wahahaha. your #2 like a cute ah. like my youngest nephew. everything also wanna get involve and touch. yah lo. actually somethings I don believe de eh.

rejoy28: agree that there are nice people and elderly. sometimes I feel paiseh when elderly give up seats eh. I tell them Nvm nvm..u sit. They will purposely said nvm lah, I'm still YOUNG and STRONG! I'm like -__- err. ok. thank u. then those young people around paiseh also. then just faster close eyes sleep. LOL!
On my way home now from raffles place and so glad I got a seat, nobody took the reserved seat so I happily took it haha!
I have been coughing for more than a week, quite bad and yes I do experience the leakages when I cough v hard, esp when bladder is full. Other than wearing panty liners, I realized crossing your legs tightly when coughing will help mitigate the leakage. I rem having that for #1 but heng with some Kegel exercises, the problem disappeared after delivery.

Speaking of bonus, I also can't wait for mine. It is typically announced in march and pay out by end march, for our previous calendar year performance. So I should not be penalized since I have worked the full year...but might be penalized in terms of promotion cos bosses might not want to give you a higher rank and pay to see you disappear for 4 mths. Unfair but it's a sad fact in some companies. The last time I had my #1, I still had v good bonus for the year I was physically away for 4-mth ML, perhaps cos my workload has always been much heavier than others. For me, think my bosses still fair to me in terms of monetary compensation but my direct boss is actually very chauvinist and kept telling me in the face that 4 mths ML is too long and 2 mths is just right. I disagreed with him totally. He even said some mean things to me like I don't have to do appraisal for this year. That happened late last year during my appraisal. So despite having worked v hard and done many deals/projects, there is a possibility I will be marked down unfairly this year. But I don't care lah, I just do what I need to do. If they really treat me unfairly, I will not hesitate to leave.
LOL XUAN... usually if i dont listen to my hub his words will come out all !@#$% LOL

Cham im down with a flu.. -____- and no.1 having fever.. siao liao.. teacher just now call ask me to bring her home as she's having high fever.. haiz.. poor gal.
Fabbie, take care.....

Captain piglet....I know what u mean...but nothing we can do now. I try to 看开.

2ks, 15 yrs in a co? Wah.....

I go to work with my hub
He will politely tell the chap to give up the reserved seat for me...so I m quite lucky......
<font color="ff0000">xuan: can u reply to my email. regarding your self collection. can update me whether u contacted the lady or not? cos the lady called me yday and asked for your contact and when u wanna do self collect.</font>
2Ks: Hi dear, Sorry ytd not feeling well so didn't check forum. Sorry to trouble u. Okay I will contact her later when I'm on the office yea...paiseh paisehs
morning mummies!

I oso kena coughing now...i think the culprit is cny peanut cookies,sigh.
Coughing non stop in the midnight , and "bosia" now....

Pigeon Sterliser : sorry for my poor memory, can't remember last time a mummy said Pigeon purple or blue which one is better?
2Ks: babe, I've replied to your email. So sorry for the trouble. yesterday I was having a bad cramp at the left side of my back. was not able to sit up at all...like my muscle kanna stretch till wanna break...
Dear all who ordered the ponchos, kindly please let me have the funds by tomorrow. i will pick up the ponchos on sunday and will have them posted out either following Monday or Tuesday.

Please PM me your transaction details and address. thank u.
Its been a long while since i last logged in due to work commitments... been catching up with the post on hp at night or on the road... =)

I had my detailed scan last thur. The doc was super efficient. Think she completed in 10 mins! Its double confirmed that I'm having a second gal! Placenta was covering her face so I could not get any good pic of her. I'm just back from gynae checkup and same thing, she's playing hide and seek. Her face is facing my back so could not capture her face again despite that my gynae is able to give me 3D scan each visit. So shy as compared to #1 where I got a number of nice pics. I have not been feeling a lot of movements but I guess it figures since her placenta is in front of her last week and now she is facing the back.

Baby's development is on track. 337g at week 20 and 392g at week 21. I've put on a whopping 11kg though! Gotta manage my weight gain or work hard bf after that.

I don't take the train often but my tummy is quite obvious so this time round at week 7, people gave up seat for me. During #1 time, I heck care and ask a chinese national if i can have the reserved seat. She acted blur, cannot understand english and i spoke to her in chinese and pointed to the reserved seat label and she walked far far away after that. =P

same... in terms of shopping. everything is for my gal. Think she now has 4 new sets of cny clothes while i have none. =( but thinking of closing shop after #2 so feeling it would be a waste if i buy more maternity clothes... hmm. where are you mummies shopping for your cny clothes?
TIE: 11kg is alot! but if u can shred off everything during bf, i think its fine.
this time round i put on very slowly...which i am also happy la
Mummies wanna check any of u facing the symptom like in first tri. My bloatedness is back lor. Ytd after lunch burp the whole nite and worse still no appetite for dinner.

Low lying placenta: I'm also diagnose with low lying placenta during DS. Then gynae scan and check saying its not blocking the passage way so it's fine. He nvr tell me to take note of anything and nvr comment anything leh.

Visiting during CNY: I esp like this year's CNY coz will not be visiting my dad's side relative due to some conflicts. Fabbie if u dun feel like going then juz give some reason, esp during that time is third tri so will b even more tiring.

Bonus: u all so shiok me got no bonus. SAHM lugi on bonus.

Beef: I take beef (medium well), as my hamaeglobin is low so doc suggested me taking more.

Crab: the 'itchy hand' part is not that true, I took a lot during my #1 preg he not that itchy hand but still kids like to touch touch here and there.
2Ks, I managed to shed more than i put on when I bf #1. Its 16.5kg for #1! My gynae quite relaxed about it probably he's used to my weight gain since #1. Think most impt i need to make sure no GD else troublesome.

Good news is today i heard he is able to deliver at other hospitals other than Parkway East. Had some bad experience and thinking whether to go for Mt A. Parkway East is only 5-10mins from my place n gynae mainly at Parkway East clinic except some afternoons at Novena clinic. Still contemplating. Anyone knows if Mt A upgrading completed? During #1 prengnacy, Mt A was undergoing upgrading.
During the hospital tour I heard the wards interior area will be completed by end of Jan this year. While the construction at the car park + new maternity wards will be 2014. I think the inconvenience is more on the parking.

Xuan - I also didn't put on any weight even though tummy quite big le, still around 1-2kg lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight. But baby is growing well, my detailed scan shows he's 400+g. Just try to eat well and have good nutrition should be okay de. =)
Chiro: the parking at mt a is quite convenient coz it's valet park and if the car park is full the nearest carpark is at macritchie reservoir and they provide shuttle bus to and fro and best part parking is cheap there.

Weight: my weight gain till now is 5kg. I dun really gain a lot thru out all my pregs. My first 2 pregs gained like 10kg each.
Thanks, Vi, Chiro and esther for sharing. I will probably do a hospital tour in 3rd trim. Was talking to my gynae and we think probably will do without pre-admission &amp; see fate. If weekday am, then I head to Parkway East for delivery, otherwise, Mt A. Coz he is mainly at Parkway and he can keep popping by to check on me throughout the delivery process unlike some gynaes who only appear at last min to deliver. =)
esther: my gynae also never ask me to watch out much for the low placenta issue. He said it's still considered okay for my stage now. Not a big issue at the moment...I'm waiting for the next appointment and see what he says.

Chiro: Initially I also lost 3kg. Just manage to gain back original weight with an additional 1kg now. how many weeks are you now? my bb also growing well now...at first doctor said bb was smaller than usual baby. was really worried cos I cannot eat much that time.
Xuan - This week should be 21 weeks by date, but ultrasound scan shows 21 weeks gestational age last Sat, plus minus bah.

Esther - that time we went tour the car park was full so was asked to park at Macritchie reservoir. Just found this a bit mafan cos need to wait for shuttle bus also.
Hi mummies.. long time No chat..

Haiz!! Really problematic.. just as I was trying to resolve my girl's constipation problem.. she fell sick.. now down with flu.. seen doc yesterday n gave her 4medicine!! Every time feed her medicine like slaughter pig.. heartpain man..

Pinktulip: realized I missed out on ur qns.. I'll be returning to Sg for delivery cuz cheaper.. hubby will visit us once every 2 weeks lo.. for my #1 he'll talk to bb n tell her to wait for him before she popped.. n sure enuff bb waited for him.. Haha! Hope my #2 will be as obedient too.. fingers crossed!

Fabbie: I love instant noodles too.. I think I'm eating like once aweek too.. Hee!

2K: I agree with u.. hk is not a bb friendly place.. so far nobody give up seats for me.. luckily I usually travel v short distance on train.. but I heard tt Sg is becoming worst due to influence of foreigners?

Re: crab
Huh? Cannot eat? I still eat leh if got chance.. Lol! Too yummy to resist la..
iko0508: after visiting HK in 2011 and 2012. its something that i noticed. hk ppl is like "i bother my own business" kind. so talking about gracious, personally i find sg still a step better la.
thats why nowadays even though i take mrt i am standing, i am fine with it, cos eventually somebody will still notice me and will give seats to me. and there are some nice chaps around still will help to approach others to ask them to give up seats to me...
anyway, to me standing is fine cos its less than an hour journey...
comfy shoes is more important!
2K: Ya.. I think more n more those pple la.. they dun care if u r carrying kids or preggy or old pple.. they just cheong to get their seats.. common sight here.. I dun mind standing too.. cuz I'm always traveling short distance.. cuz I'm staying near town..

Oh Ya! Talking abt e Chinese calendar, it predicted accurately for both pregnancies!!
Xuan: think shld be ok bah. My doc super R&amp;R one leh. Haha.

Chiro: I think compare to TMC not bad already. At least park at reservoir. If TMC no lots, they will park at those heavy vehicle parking area which is across the road.

Iko: crab ok but think da za xie is no no. Think too liang.

Vi: think TMC offers confinement food services.. M looking at their menu.. They wer saying tt there wont be much repeated dishes in their menu, so sounds kinda tempting.. But those traditional confinement food like the pig trotters are at extra charge.. Am worried abt the food portion, nt sure if it'd be small serving leh..

M more keen to get a CLbut havnt call to chk..

Bbkk: m having v bad pelvis pain too and i did chk with my gun prev if it could be pubis symphysis dysfunction or incompetent cervix but he just laughed it off n said m reading too much off the net.. He explanation tt he gave was tt bb's resting position causes the pain.. But the pain can get real bad until the noght before, i realised tt i cant get out of the bed to pee.. Tis like aft resting in a position for a while, it'll take a while before i can move my legs.. No swinging of legs onto the flr to get outta bed.. Hafta turn sideway n slowly use hands to prop myself up n them get out slowly...

Altho it beings abt discomfort, but since the gyn said nt to worry, i try nt to dwell too much into it n take it tt he's right..

<font size="+1">dear Rach, fool4love &amp; babymaine: kindly do the transfer by today and give me the address whether u wanna post or pick up the ponchos.

$32 for pick up, add $1 for postage
posb savings 158 242 311

Rach: do not accept PM, fool4love &amp; babymaine: no reply from u</font>
