Morning babes!
U can read up about the different kinds of painkillers during labour to prepare yourself better. As a first time mom 6 yrs ago, I was clueless about a lot of things! But I realise there's so much to know when we read up. Sometimes also gynaes don't say much. U can then make a 'birth plan' eg, first, take gas mask, if really cannot then epidural etc. Don't worry lah. You'll be fine. Many women have endured birth pain & survived!
Have fun at the scan later!
♥✯✿ (bewildered)
Wong boh boi stuffed a lot of pillows?! Haha! Actually I also didn't buy a breastfeeding pillow. I just used any pillow to prop baby and position him/her well. I always remember this tip - tummy to tummy. Baby's tummy must be facing our tummy for good positioning. I realise that helps a lot! And my hubby became my "mirror" too. He helps to see if the latching is done properly. As for milk supply, I think as long as drink enough and let baby latch as much as possible, the milk flow will be there. And relax k...when we gan cheong, milk won't come out one.
Hello! I tested positve for GBS for my #1 too. I had to be put on a drip during labour. I was worried too, but just prayed all will be fine. My babies are alright. For #2, I told gynae no need to do V-swab lah, just put me on the drip. Coz i think i sure have again. But this GBS miraculously disappear after birth! During my pap smear after birth, it's gone. It only appears during pregnancy
I agree with charlie brown. Post-natal massage is important. Why don't you just engage for 3 days first, then if good u extend to 5 days? You can really see the blood clots being dispelled when you pass urine. I got a shock when I peed out so much blood cloths after the massage! But it does make me feel much better after that. Flatter tummy too after a week of massage.