Reddish/ fool4love:
Detailed info fr reddish! I rem my Gynae gotten a lady pd fr paragon for me damn ex lor. Can I request for Terrence or my #1 pd direct ? Don't wan get back tt female pd assigned again. Find her arragant n not detailed in answering my doubt lor
Ur bb shy shy ma , no hurry on gender I feel. Even though last appt Gynae said high chance tt mine is boy but I only tell u mummies, when all my Frds ask I still say I don't know yet, wanna wait till 100% confirmed.
2ks/ Chiro/ tau sha :
Drooling*** wanted to go yest after work but been rushing to view new cc for my boy damn tiring , hehe let's see if Hb mind go buy tomm
Sat n sun open too ?
2Ks, now still have mmr for nb? Thought since last yr all nb must finished both jabs by 18mths or 24 mths ,& all change to mmrv.I opted my boy for mixture coz for 2009 batch can still have mmr jab b4 pri 1 but yet i wan him to have full 2 jabs for chix pox.Diff btw Mmrv n mmr is additional of chix pox jab right(if rem correctly need refer his health bk)? Thus I opted for 1st jab Mmrv plus 2nd jab of chix pox, todate my boy still need 2nd mmr jab which I be doing it next yr most likely . Coz mmr contain high mercury in the jab n alot believe that it causes autism ESP in boy so tts y I refused to let my boy jab too early .
For #1, I latch direct fortunately he's ok
Mine ok, she's the one who told me then what I like n don't like to eat tell her
Detailed info fr reddish! I rem my Gynae gotten a lady pd fr paragon for me damn ex lor. Can I request for Terrence or my #1 pd direct ? Don't wan get back tt female pd assigned again. Find her arragant n not detailed in answering my doubt lor
Ur bb shy shy ma , no hurry on gender I feel. Even though last appt Gynae said high chance tt mine is boy but I only tell u mummies, when all my Frds ask I still say I don't know yet, wanna wait till 100% confirmed.
2ks/ Chiro/ tau sha :
Drooling*** wanted to go yest after work but been rushing to view new cc for my boy damn tiring , hehe let's see if Hb mind go buy tomm

2Ks, now still have mmr for nb? Thought since last yr all nb must finished both jabs by 18mths or 24 mths ,& all change to mmrv.I opted my boy for mixture coz for 2009 batch can still have mmr jab b4 pri 1 but yet i wan him to have full 2 jabs for chix pox.Diff btw Mmrv n mmr is additional of chix pox jab right(if rem correctly need refer his health bk)? Thus I opted for 1st jab Mmrv plus 2nd jab of chix pox, todate my boy still need 2nd mmr jab which I be doing it next yr most likely . Coz mmr contain high mercury in the jab n alot believe that it causes autism ESP in boy so tts y I refused to let my boy jab too early .
For #1, I latch direct fortunately he's ok
Mine ok, she's the one who told me then what I like n don't like to eat tell her