(2013/05) May 2013

Toking abt in laws seems like it applies across except for a few which are really rare. Like mine leh coz my #2 had very sensitive tummy like having fruits right before slp, he'll pooin the middle of the nite and the prob is he dun make noise and continue his slp, then by morning when I realise its too late his bum starts to have red rash. So told them and guess wat, they go and say my boy, say everything also wan to eat now bum pain pain already lor. Me and hubby shake head.

Sometimes really cannot tahan but wat to do cannot comment anything coz still need their help. Keep quiet and swallow down.

nlimm: think the scanning will take very long time so he dun wan to do. His schedule is quite packed as he'll only go in the clinic at 1pm. Morning he'll go room visiting or will have those scheduled c-sect.
Haha esther.. guess the in law stories will never end.. believe we all have our own stories to share..

just a little question before our day in office will end soon at 6PM... in 2011, my sis gave birth to my niece.. 3 months later was my wedding.. so my super pantang mummy say i can't visit her at hospital and i have to wait for my niece to be full month before i can visit them.. so i followed..

now i'm gonna due in May.. my sis is not preggy and my niece will be about 21 months then.. my mummy just told my sis the same thing.. that she can't visit me in the hospital and have to wait for my baby's full month before she can visit me.. she say no good for her job..

what logic sia? can share some enlightenment?
anybody interested to buy nursing ponchos??
i had used this brand previously for #2 and i love it, material good and can cover properly...
but hor...too bad i left it in the airplane forget to bring down

tot of asking whether mummies here interested? if yes, maybe i can email seller and get better price?


click on dec2012 updates to view
Hi , am hv been quiet for some time coz busy of work only able to go thru some thread here.

Rach: i oso singed up for Mr. Wong prenatal course but havent receive any sms from them.

Baby movements: i felt very frequent kicks fr my bb especially at night and morning . Thinking my bb boy is trying to tell mama he is active and fine there. haha.

Tau sa piah: ya, i like tau sa piah too, is my favourite since i am a smal gal.

Detailed scan: will go for my detailed scan tmr 2pm, cant wait to see my bb ~~. Can we request more scan picture from the sonographer?

IFC/Nanny: still busy looking for IFC and nanny since last year till now, I think no hope for the IFC coz every IFC i called is full hse and only able to put name udr waiting lists.
Pray hard to God, hope to find a good nanny to take care of my bb.

Maternity leave: mummies, wat is yr plan for the ML? I planning to take abt 2 mths ML and will return to work aft tat, and the balance of 2 mths ML will keep for future needs.
tsm: 2 months only u she de baby ah...
for me, i will work until give birth, then i will one shot take all ML.
cos i dont want to be disruptive to my work also when i go back.
tsm: i just received the SMS about 2:30pm.. first one is to say the class on 22nd will be changed to tonight and the class on 29th will be changed to 22nd.. yours fall under any of these dates?

2Ks: Oooo the poncho looks good! If we buying bulk together, i'd love to get the black one!

maternity leave: i should be working until give birth and one shot take all.. the remainder must be cleared within 1 year right? my boss did ask me consider to take 3 months and leave the rest for future.. but i'd rather take all 4 months.. haha..
rach: ya...the poncho is very good...it cover everything...u wont be exposed. i lift up my tshirt and nurse...doesnt have to wear special what nursing clothes lor.

lets see anybody else interested...if got bulk orders, i can coordinate and check with supplier.
2ks: of course i will she bu de, but no choice coz i scare lost job aft ML so hv to return to work soon.

but hv to see whether can get a nanny or vacancy in IFC or not, otherwise need spend more leave to take care of bb liao.

I wonder y the Gov keep urging married couple to hv children but in fact the infrastructure like IFC is never sufficient to fulfill the need.

sometimes very upset coz my hubby and I dun hv any family member or relatives here so need to depend to outsider to take care of bb.

Rach: my 1st class will b start in Feb fo4got which date liao, mayb will receive sms at end of Jan?
I am enjoying my bb's kicks.

Tsm: my boss asked me to take 3 mths. And clear the rest slowly. But i dun think i have time to clear. I prefer one shot take.
2ks: same here. My mum spoils my boy. When i discipline my boy, she will go sayang. I said no toys for him, my mum said buy for him. I just had a row with her. How can I discipline him like that?!

If i want to rant abt my in laws or mum, i have alot to rant. They dun really help in taking care of my boy, thats why my boy in full day cc. They only play with him, or sometimes feed him or cook for him thats all.
Xuan/ diantang:
Mine $750 unlimited visits & each visit with scan and with pic. Not sure if detailed scan is in gotta call n ask, I rem the nurse mentioned all inclusive except supplements n any extra tests etc but detailed scan not consider as test right

Oicc no wonder . Mine in at 9am till 5pm, hospital visiting etc always b4 9 am or sometimes in late pm

Oicc guessed need wait for another wk or so then can pop by.
Decided to withdraw my boy fr his new cc, can u imagine their headquarter pax actually see my post sharing abt my true observation, call the p ask for my nos n ask me to repost my post at kiasuparent forum! How can there be such a thing?! No wonder I don't see bad comment of this cc. Tomm straight after work at 3 ,have to run a few ccs le

Charliebrowm/ worried79/ 2ks/ inlaws:
Haiz grandparents always spoilt the kids . My fil actually tell me discipline is u parents' task, my task is to pamper my grandchildren
My angel is back: my package only start from ard week 22 , include 2 detailed scan, consultation , 2 ctg check and 1 post natal consultation =$749.
My angel is back: I do agree, but really hope that my mum and in laws will pamper the grandchild at the right time. I feel is ok to pamper, but not when I am disciplining.
charliebrown: my mil is still ok...she know what we are doing. cos she always say, in order not to let the youngsters hate the old ppl, she must go with the flow...so sometimes even she see things she dont like, she wont say so much...
but my own mum...sigh...say sooooo many times she still dont understand.

last time i used to nag and show faces etc. but now, i find that its a blessing to still have grandparents around. kids that grow or have grandparents are really fortunate kids. the grandparents love and our love are different de.
that is why until now...i still remember my dearest grandmother.

anyway i also nag until sian la...now i let go abit lor. they wont be with us forever. our kids grow up and they will slowly understand de.

look on the bright side!
2k : if u r getting the poncho, than can include me too

Maternity Leave : i going to take whole shot. Partial is okie if the boss agreed lah..but i think not fair to the other colleagues also. one of my ex colleague she also take partial only. End up, she clear on every Fri after she come back and her team is pissed with her. She take means other people cannot take liao
think everybody have some sort of family issues that other ppl cant see even when other ppl think that all is well.

i am fortunate that my MIL do not really interfere when we are trying to teach her things. Bt i agree that grandparents love and parents love are really different.

Maternity Leave: I plan to take 1 week before my EDD using annual leave and take 2 mths of maternity leave followed by 1 week of annual leave, the rest of the ML leave would take slowly for the next 1 year.
okay i tabulate c what the response hor...then i go email seller. the price keep increasing cos quite good...i see website selling $38 per pc. but i hope we can do BP then can save some bucks.

1. 2ks - 1 pc
2. rach - 1 pc (black)
3. JC - 1 pc
4. fool4love - 1pc
wah.. talking about in laws sia.. shooting non stop one. but the only topic that makes people piss off. LOL

but like my hub keep nagging at me saying.. SINce im not staying with my in laws but with my parents. they have only have weekends to see my child. so i just have to close my eyes and let them do whatever. but i HATE to go there on weekends cus his dad always smoke in the toilet that makes my WHOLE ROOM stinks when my door is open. but another way round i turn to my hub and say APPRECIATE ME that at least i stay weekends with ya parents whereas if we have our own house we wont even have 1 week to let ya parents to see our child. isnt that true? the older u gets u wont even get to see ya grandparents every week le. my PIL is all buay zi dong one lor. but usually why have such problems cus our brought up is different from the opp side. thats why theres a lot of conflict here n there lor.

but really recently my MIL damn emo n it gets me n my SIL nerves these days. i think she reach to the age liao. hormones changes. i told my hub how about i give her a ELMO T-shirt to brighten her feelings.. hahahaha

Charliebrown: me too!! im enjoying the kicks and everytime i will video down to share with my hub hahah
for mi, since i stay with my in laws, i make it a point to go back to my parents house for dinner every sunday so that at least they can see my daughter and my daughter knows that they are grandparents.
need a lot of patience to stay with in laws.

even with own parents also will have unhappiness at time. imagine with another family with different lifestyle and upbringing.
Agreed with JC.I'm staying with my in-laws as well.
Everytime you buy something home, they will ask what you buy...how much you buy...all this things. like bring anything home also need to get spot check. so tiring of answering everything, like no freedom at all. but sometimes just have to close one eye since we need help from them to take card of our kids.

I left a very important document on my desk and somehow that document went missing. Just saw it over the weekend and this morning I asked my hubby he said he just saw the folder without paper. Not sure if my MIL threw it away. sigh...
Hard to question her also, later "tear face" with each other...
i m also staying wif my in-laws...thats why have so much to complain....
i wonder if we will be so sickening when we are old next time?? haha
Haha for me I am thankful I have good in-laws. We stay next to each other, so we have our privacy in our own house but yet can go next door to their place any time. My boy walks over himself next door every morn! Haha..
As such, I make it a point to visit my family every Sat evening without fail. Cos the other grandparents can get to c their grandson every day, must let mine see at least every week lor hee.
I stay with my in laws too.. my only my mil and sil... so far still okay la. But she has certain living habits which is VERY VERY different from my own living habits...

Must learn to adapt lo. One thing good though, she doesnt expect me to do any chores around the house. So i basically only take care of myself. Even my hubbs clothes are ironed by her.
who is delivering their baby in Mount. A?
Have a few questions to ask. for medisave deduction how does it actually works?

Can we just deduct medisave from just one of us? like just hubby's or my medisave? I saw my Sis-in-law's medical bill but was in total lost how they do the calculation. Cause I'm thinking what kind room to stay in...

Heard there is cap for the medisave deduction? but saw many people's bill like have almost half their medical bill funded by medisave?
wah if got people take over the ironing frm me, i will be super happy loh..haha

so sian these 2 days. Have whole day meeting. My portion is done but need to sit through the whole session. The butt also flatten liao.
i'm missing out so much.. i'm busy with my ger's constipation problem as well as name searching.. haha!!

u gers juz reminded me abt that tau sa pia.. cant wait to go back n eat it! i rem i queued for quite some times for it the last time.. but the service was fast.. n u see alot of helpers making the tau sa pia in the back scene..

Re: grandparents
YES!!!! my mum pampers my ger alot.. if she cries or wat she will go n carry her.. tell her many times liao but she still go n sayang her.. how ar? actually i dun really dare to talk back to her.. cuz i really appreciate her efforts..
my colleague told me the Expo baby fair, can skip the 1 in jan.

Feb 1 should be more large scale as it is managed by mediacorp.
Haha. Agree with fabbie - in laws only topic that pissed pple off.

Before hubby mention to me abt me being the mil in future. I already told him the boy's are going to set up their own family and will live on their own shld they need help on taking care of their kids, they are welcome to bring to me.

JC: I still tot it'll be big one leh. But nvm go see see coz my sis need to get last min things. She super lor edd on 6Feb until now haven pack bag.
iko: mine opp.. my parents dont like my gal cry.. once cry.. will either beat her or put her in a corner. till she stop crying. cus we wont wana her to everything abit of thing cry.

where as my in law is ONCE CRY.. CARRY liao.. tsk tsk tsk.. till that time my hub so hot shout at my FIL say pamper too much. after a few days later he keep nagging like have thorns in his words saying to my no.1 aiyo.. i cannot pamper u liao your daddy dont like.. im like super roll eyes lo. faints.. but okai la. at least now have improvement.. maybe they sian liao of no.1 cus my no.1 now very emo till abit thing also cry. and they suspect is cus of no.2 in my tummy.
Hi Mummies, I have a brand new bottle of DOM Benedictine to let go at $45 and one brand new bottle of Eu Yan Sang Ginger Liquer at $53. Please PM me if you're interested. Thanks!
My pil stay below my house, so still got privacy. Except for the initia
Stage when they will call my house everytime we reach home....sound like stalker...lol
Until I tell my hub....that is enough...stop monitoring

Maternity leave
I intend to take 10 weeks follow by 4 to 5 weeks of my own annual leave. Then slowly clear the rest of ml...perhaps every wed off? Hahaha....but I haf not tell them. Coz waiting to see whether govt is giving us more ml

Cord life
I think u gers shld try the expo or any roadshow hold by cordlike...coz they give vouchers. For those with Thomson FBI or sbi, more discounts coz they tie up with tmc. But u haf to Chk wif them.
I took the package that include the annual fees til 21 yrs old.
Total ard 6050 wif get. But using the FDA account. So it means I jus have to put in 3000 to get govt 1 for 1. Then total will b 6000.

But better for u to go down n ask them for more info.

Is something wrong with the SMh? I m not getting the emails for ur posts......and if I rec, it is like 1 day late...strange
Vi: so ya signed on the spot? Wat's the voucher value tt was given? Think if fren's ref, is $50 voucher to the fren.. The cda acc can use for cc fees... We opted for instalments but too bad, they din bring the machine there so cant charge yet..

Thei upcoming fair's at expo fr 18 jan..
Think when it comes to mil issues, tis 家家有本难念的经 bah... Neverending issues... Sigh..

Btw, does anyone of ur pil favors a certain gender?

Wrt confinement, can chk on the estimated cost of the ingredients? Thanks..
Bewildered, yes. We sign up on the spot.
50 capitaland mall voucher to my sil coz I listed her as my referral. I think haf to quote mummy name for referral.
For me, coz I also sign up for tmc card, I got 250 (100 if doesn't haf the tmc card) capitaland mall voucher. In addition u will get 150 off the package.

So, mummies, if u keen to sign up, pls look out for bb fairs or those roadshows. More freebies than u approach them.
Vi: oh, thx for the clarifications.. The lady who attended to us din mention abt the sbi card.. -_- we!ve actually signed up for the sbi card earlier than the rdshow..
For maternity leave, I would encourage Mummies to take the full 4-month at one shot rather than break it up unless bo bian due to limited annual leave. These are the pros of taking at one shot:
1) Breastfeeding: it's more difficult to continue full BFing after going back to work as need to pump as frequent to maintain supply. When we drop pumps, our supply will decrease so hard to continue providing full BM to babies. Ideally they should be on BM for at least 6 mths.
2) Less disruptive to colleagues. It's easier to cover a person for full 4 mths than 3 mths + here n there.
3) For those in hectic industry and not as friendly workplace (like mine in banking), it's hard to take leave once u go back to work as there is really lots to do daily. Even clearing existing annual leave is difficult, not to say the extra 1-mth ML. A few predecessors split the ML last time and regretted coz they ended up forfeiting a large part of their ML and from then on, all of us newer mums took the advice and took 4 mths straight.
4) At 3 mths old, the baby is still v young and vulnerable so spending another month taking care of them 1-to-1 will be good. It is also between 3-4 mths that they start to get interactive so it's nice to witness and spend those moments with them.
5) With a young baby, it's unlikely that we will be going on long overseas trips as compared to the past so most of our existing annual leave will be quite sufficient to take here n there for checkups etc.
Captain piglet
I m also in banking....I do agree wif u on the leave...so I always haf to chop my leave early...
I think the problem is that I haf to clear all my al (ard 25) excluding the childcare leave within the yr...aesp it will b end of sep when I go back....
That is why I m thinking of shopping the maternity leave with my al instead...at least i can clear within a yr...
My mgmt has decided not to get a contract to replace me during the leave...so I guess my poor team has to go without leave during these 3-4 mths......

Also, do we haf to clear leave to bring the nb for checkups ? Is it frequent? If so, i m worried that I dun haf enough leave too....
Vi: yar loh, d lady seems like v blur lidat.. When we asked he some qns, she'll hem-haw then turn to her colleague to ask.. Think will chk with them again.. Thx!!
