(2013/05) May 2013

Iko0508: in fact pump exclusively the milk is more...cos telling the brain to signal to breasts to produce every 3 hourly.
If latch the breast will only produce what bb require. Long term it wont hv alot of excess milk de.

Pumping is about routine... once u get the routine. The breast will understand

Hi mummies,

its been a while since i have posted here....started work this week...so sian!

Quick question to ask you gals here, do you think its a good idea that newborn sleeps with a 2 year old toddler?
Just switched my 2 year old from a cotbed to his own bed
wanted to start early so he will not be jealous when didi sleeps on his cotbed :p
Hi ladies,
I have preloved maternity clothes to let go cheaply:
- maternity jeans at $8 each
- maternity tops at $3-$5 each.
Pm me for pics if u're interested.
Can eating chives now affect milk supply? One of my preggy colleage say cannot eat becoz will decrease the supply.

I know will affect but i tht is after give birth. If so, i must dtop eating dumplin le
Iko0508: there are many factors why pump still no milk...
Not diligent enough
Pump not suitable
Shield not suitable
Blocked ducts
Blocked glands
Pumping time not strictly follow
Too short time
Not enough fluids
Etc etc....
Memphisbelle: eh....I do not intend to let my infant sleep with the elder one. Cos its both disruptive to bb and elder. And if elder goes cc, its easier to spread virus
Hello mummies!

Been so busy at work, seldom got time to log in to read all the posts. hate my boss!

Vi: papaya i thought is cooling, cannot eat so much now. But during confinement must drink papaya fish soup to increase milk supply.
Thanks 2Ks for your input n i certainly agree passing of virus to didi to be a big No of putting them together...thinking hard whether baby should sleep with me in my room or in kor kor's room..so many pros and cons to consider
Hiyo hope everyone r fine. Me as usual down w fluuuuuu hate my sensitive nose don't even know if it's flu or sensitive to the dust

Fruit loops/ diantang :
Congrat knowing gender

Diantang :
Hope usually I just think of those i like n write down then ask my Feng shui master if any of them is suitable

Glad u n bb r fine

Nvr heard of abt chive b4.
D can be Dylan, Damien, Derrick

Wahh informative summary. Hope I don't need to carry abt tt this round .

My angel is back: oh I see. I went to library and can't find books on Chinese names . Maybe I shd search the chinese website .
I also have sensitive nose every morning , maybe can see what is causes and sometime it could be dust .
Mine pump is PISA US set bought in 2011, so far so gd for me, I even passed to my friend to use early this year. Need to use a transformer for the adapter to change the voltage from 110V to 230V. For BM storage, I used both the cups and milk bags. Cups are for the fresh ones I refrigerated, and bags are used for stashing the excess in freezer.

I gave up on latching after 1st 2 weeks bcos bb could not latch properly and I got injury and bleeding problems. I pump exclusively on PSIA after that. Have to be hard working from the start. Even u see not much milk dun give up. Set up a routine like pump every 2 hours , whether u have urge to express or not. Try to pump longer oso, even u think no more to express liao. Our body will produce more upon demand. Drink more water. I think gd diet oso plays a part, I realised during confinement, got more variety of food (CL cooked a lot), I managed to express more, subsequently, I just cook simple dishes (usually 1 dish with rice), milk was lesser a bit. Eat more fish if u can, I ate fish everyday during confinement.
shirley: will look at baby centre for inspiration too! my hubbie is lazy lah.. ask him to start thinking but he say still early.. later last min he say rush again.. *shake head*

btw mummies.. can we drink ba zhen during our preg? hub's auntie gave me a bowl on sat.. i very scared but don't dare say no.. my mil every herbs also say can but say my mum more particular, some yes some no.. so she like, u ask your mum better..

Congrats on mummies knowing the gender, I'll have my confirmation by next mon.

Names: I was going through the names for boys (thou mine not confirm but high chance) and limit to 'H' coz hubby say he's 'D', mine 'E', #1 'F', #2 'G' so now #3 'H'. And the best part is mostly 'H' the meaning all belong to Arabic, sanskrit, type lor. Then told hubby since he likes to watch 'Simpson' why not name 'Homer'. Haha.

memphissbelle: dun think its a good idea to put the tod and newborn together coz newborn tends to wake up for night feeds and sometimes may even poo which will actually disturb the elder one's slp.

Rach: tot we cannot drink 'ba zhen' coz of some herbs inside? Think u better reject the next time round and at the same time maybe u can ask the medical hall pple.

Baby kicks: can slightly fel abit compare to last week but still hoping for more. Really do miss the kicks thou sometimes super painful.

JC: Chinese name ur hubby side got some words to follow? Like my hubby side they got like his generation their middle name gotta be the same then the last one will see what they lack. Like my hubby lack of water element. Then now my boy's generation will be another word. Then my in laws will take his eight characters to let master calculate and find a matching third character.
esther : i think have but i understand from my hubby not compulsory to follow one coz his nephew also never follow.

I wanted to use the word 'Rong' coz follow hubby and my daddy but some posted previously that it will jinx the elder or something.
Hi mummies

all busy choosing names liao? i m also starting to short list some names since knowing 2nd one is confirm boy boy. anyway, i will only think of english names, coz my hb will think of the chinese name. we never go look for fengshui master, just choose the names from a book we bought. just have to ensure that the name is ok, ppl wont make fun of the name
JC: ya cannot. How abt sounds abit similar?

worried79: ya that's the most impt. Initially I like a name 'Nicole' so tot that if I have a girl I will use that name but realize when read together with the surname it sounds so wrong. My hubby's surname is 'ting' so it will sound like nicotine.
i think i got mine in Popular bookstore 2 years back when i was preparing names for my #1. should be able to find some in NLB, will have more choices!

thats true! i really dun want the name to haunt my child 4 the rest of his life. no need for an amibitious name, just one that is simple and nice.
Guessed high chance is dust!! When I'm not preg, I will clean my bedroom ceiling fan wkly to fortnightly but now I can't & hubby is really busy these few days always OT
then we bought those supposingly to be gd vacuum cleaner Delphin but I can't use it also waiting for hb( again)for the mattress, curtains & ceiling fans .

Ya tts what I heard too cannot have same term as senior.

Where u bot the book? Oh coz the fengshui master is actually here to see our Plc fengshui & advise us on positioning of furniture esp cot so same time all together .

Tts funny I nvr thought of Nicole+ Ting = nicotine:p I better take note of blending with surname too
ya..once u decide a name, must call in different dialects. Make sure it does not sound weird.
Even must consider the initials especially if boy, don't want next time he go army and being laughed at.

There is this something Long Zi where he can help calculate the name based on the birth date/time right? I think like $100 like this
rach: i think ba zhen cannot drink now leh...but if after confinement yes...
cos ba zhen is suppose for ladies to drink after pregnancy to dispel dirty blood.
if i didnt get it wrongly la..

esther: your detailed scan is monday? mine also monday leh...where u doing??
sob...my hub unable to take leave...and i got to go alone again la....
sigh i knew it man.. ba zhen is for when our period finish to dispel the dirty blood.. the auntie was like: when my daughter preg i also let her drink alot of ba zhen.. then they feel that my mum very restrictive cause my mum got ask around wan.. for them, they just boil and say can.. i hear dang gui i almost fainted.. but nobody save me.. no wonder yesterday got a little bleeding.. a little bit.. heng now no more..

my detailed scan coming wednesday!! so excited!

JC: you referring to Yun Long Zi? he used to be more friendly and maybe charge $100 for names.. but now like become very atas.. all so expensive.. i went to him once in 2009.. very very zun but then squeeze me alot to buy those jade.. i also thinking of going to him to calculate name but then scared the price tag.. so now looking around for other fengshui master for chinese name for baby..
rach: yup. I think ba zhen not advisable to drink now...better after confinement...

Esther and 2Ks: next Monday you all doing detailed scan?? how many weeks are u all at now. mmm. I'm doing my detailed scan only at week 22 next wednesday =( Like a bit late uh.
rach : my colleague i think also go to him and charge $100 nia.

last time my parents also never calculate my name ..i still okie leh. I worried i calculate and i know if not good things, i will feel very sian.
rach: dang gui is no no for preggy woman...
just reject next time lah..drink more water to flush it away now..drink already dont think too much le.

there is another You Long Zi...he's my FIL friend so he charged us special rate for names. but hor...we cant find connecting names one...so my 2 boys name very different.

xuan: next monday i am 21 weeks...
i think detailed scan can be done between 19-22 weeks or something...so its still fine de. no worries
OOoo so You Long Zi charge is about $100 as well? can consider..

sigh.. ya lor.. over le don't think too much is best.. next time i run away sia!
Next time if they offer u tonic soup u r unsure of, just say u dun like drink tonic soup for this pregnancy and will make u puke. This is how I tell my parents when they want to prepare tonic soup for me.
rach, if u worry just say bring home to drink or ask yr hubby to finish for you.

yesterday my mum also boil the herbal soup. I think it should be okie bah...those 'yao cai ji' dang but i never take it, coz i never like this kind of soup eeven before pregnant.

actually hoh...i dun really taboo on food. If i like the food, i will eat it (of course not those sashmi and stuff). If i don't like, i will just tell my hubby 'hmm..this 1 cannot eat coz duno safe for baby a not'..hahaha
I oso dun feel like calculating this time. Last time calculate liao, still got a lot of feedback from relatives. Sometimes, it better not to know anything. Anyway, 1 person calculation may not be same as other one. But, still depend on my husband family la, bcos all their name all calculate one.
2K/ Esther:
U both Gynae confirmed doing next wk? Mine very weird leh when I see her the last appt( wk17), she said see next appt ( wk20 this fri) how 1st , maybe do during apps after this coming one I'm like blur blur

My frds went to him then they compare mostly same name leh .
Hi mummies,

Long time nv chat here. So busy recently..

Re: names
I'm also cracking my head to think of a chi name. But if i'm not wrong, it requires his ba zhi (8 characters) to find one that match him.. So i think gotta wait till he's born? I'm also looking for some books on chi name.. but don't know if they're good or not. Must cross-check with those websites that analyse your chi name i think.

baby kicks : i can feel it, although not to the extend of it being painful. but can feel bb moving everyday. especially on NYE, he's extremely active. Maybe he's excited about the new year. haha.

Re : herbs
i really have no idea abt all those herbs. didn't event take any tonic or whatsoever.. I think i'm super relax ah.
nlimm: ya...my detailed scan on monday...was pretty excited about it, cos can confirm gender and also go opp to buy my fav tao sa piah!
Hello mummies! Haven't been active for v v long... :S

Re: ba zhen
I remembered taking it during #1 pregnancy.. But got to wait till stomach big big then can take it. I've also checked with a Chinese physican on what 'bu' to take during pregnancy and he also did mentioned ba zhen when tummy is bigger.

Nevertheless, I've been drinking crysanthemum, barley, water chestnut etc as usual as the weather is too HOT!

Re: bb Chinese name
I nv thought about it yet.. Probably going jing zi long to calculate again as I've done that for #1..

Re: tai mao bi
Anyone doing this?? I nv did for #1 but I've kept my #1 taimao.. Perhaps will combine #1 & #2 taimao and do one tai Mao bi together...

Re: bb movements
My edd is early may and I've been having v frequent and active kicks till the extend that I could see my tummy protruding out when 'she' kicks... Anyone with me too??
I kept my #1 taimao in red packet. That time want to do but in the end lazy. Gd idea to do it together!
reddish: i got do tai mao bi for #1 leh...just nice shave and do it together mah...
but for #1 his hair very little then i got to choose the smallest brush and its $100 leh...
2nd one hair more...so i stingy spend $40 only..

although #3 likely girl, i will still shave her during full month

griny: hi 5! very nice leh and cheap somemore...60 cents nia...
wah...i don't think i am doing the tai mao bi.
also duno keep where

but i going to buy a snake coin this time for bb
baby name - my daughter is Germaine... and we'll be naming our son Gerome...

Chinese name - for #1 we use huaxia taimaobi to choose her name.. so will be using them for #2 also... cos conveniently located in kkh... got them the next day after delivery... hoping to use back rui for #2... forgot how much we paid for the naming package... we didn't do the brush and umbilical cord thing though... but if combine, then who keep when they grow up??
griny: i love your idea.. when my mum gives me too much soup, i'll tell her i'll bring them home and drink instead and slowly drink.. haha..

JC: i love your idea too! and i also do that.. when he ask me eat certain food i don't fancy, i'll tell him, hm i read online this one no good for baby.. ahhahahahaahh..

any mummies considering cord life? heard it's ex..
xuan: tai mao is the baby hair that comes with the baby once borned.
it will eventually drop off maybe 4 months later.
some people believe in shaving the hair upon when bb 1 month or 4 months old.
some ppl let it be and the bb eventually will shred the hair too.

so olden ppl believe in making into brush for the baby when they big can use..
but of cos nobody use brush now la...so just keep as a momento..

anyway its very small only...like a chinese brush
Ahh. Isee. Thanks 2Ks for the clarification.

Rach: Yup. I heard about the keeping of cord life and steam cord from my elder brother. He kept for both my nephews I think. He told me to kept it too. He said might come in handy in the future. *touchwood* can help in many illnesses.
there is promotion frim cordlife on sat during the tmc talk at mbs
u sign up n u get 200-250 capitalmall voucher. in addition u get 150off the plan
all these when u get the tmc fbi or sbi card.

altough i m dekivering at mt al, i applied for the card
coz got 30 off. so i paid 118 for it.
if u r keen, keep a lookout for the next roadshow or talk. sign up during the talk to get more perks
Worried 79: oh I went to my nearby lib but dun have the book. Maybe I try the bigger branch or get the names from Chinese website .

My angel : mostly my hubby did the cleaning due to my sensitive nose now. We even try to wash the blanket more often . Now I am better .
Where is the tau sa piah located? Sounds tempting =D~~
Going for detailed scan this thurs, hope everything ok.

Tai Mao bi I also first time heard, seems cute to keep as momento. Though I think I prefer not to shave bb hair, their hair always soft and nice. I love to smell babies heads keke.
worried 79: exactly. Even Chinese name also. Coz my Chinese name also classmates take and laugh at me lor. Sian leh.

nlimm: I think already also find it funny. :D for my detail scan is because I wan to do booking for TMC they need 1mths in advance. Maybe u ask ur gynae, coz I was the one who asked him.

JC: mine is you long zi calculate one. Think my in laws went to geylang. He will give u a booklet thing super steady like tat lor, still got english translation. Like my elder one he say will get frightened easily so gotta take some pre cautionuntil he turn 3. As for my 2nd one he cannot go swimming and out if town until he turns 5.

2ks: yup me Monday (14 Jan). I'm doing at TMC. U leh? My appt at 11.45am.

Rach: I nvr heard abt my in laws mentioning anything abit you long zi leh. Think they also pay hundred plus.

Xuan: detail scan is between 20 -22wks.so urs 22wks still ok.

Toking abt tai mao bi, there's also obesity can use bb drop off cord and make into stamps those very Chinese type.
