(2013/05) May 2013

Bp: today my Bp measure at 138 at doc , measure only 107 at home. Doc ask me to monitor Bp everyday at home instead and record and show him next visit .

Detail scan:
Did the scan today and everything was ok . It is a boy .

Vi, yup maybe walk quite fast just now crossing the road. yup, my placenta is quite low from last time analysis by the doc. Not a lot of blood.. Just a little. I kept going toilet to check. Maybe is a blood vessel broke, cos got a little muscus red clot only. Not a nice feeling though... Sad sad.. When did it happen to u? U immediately go see doctor?
It happend early dec....
I went to see the doc the next day. Coz short of staff in my team. Cannot afford to go on leave.
Haf to rej gynae bed rest
I was told to walk slowly. Dun bend down, dun carry heavy things and etc.......
I was actually very worried but the doc assured me. In fact she say as long as no pain, then I shld b ok. After that incident, it nhas not happened. (touch wood)

Plus this is my first child. So more gan cheong.But if u still dun feel assured, go n see doc. See what he say.
2ks - I see a lot of people selling in buzzy tots... but I bua gum wan buy... scared use awhile then spoil... sobs... brand new got warranty right??
It might. But for my case, it is only one time. Ie, that particular visit to the loo, n that one wipe that shows red blood.
Subsequently, there isn't any more blood. Also, I dun feel pain. Unlike the time when I had uti.

That is why my gynae is not worried.
Vi, seeing Gynae later. I just checked. No more blood since that wipe. No pain. Will update everyone here ;)

You mummies bought prams already? So many choices to look at... Short list a few brand, silvercross, bungabee & Quinny. Any comments?
babymaine: the link some items are cheaper but not all i think. anyway, i trust tanlengleng cos she been there so long...so if really a couple of dollars difference i get from her instead. but anyway, my parts are okay, prob cos i just stop using few months back so i do not intend to change them.

the maxi cosi...i think buy new should have one year warranty? but then hor...we wont be using the infant seat till bb is 1 year old la..by then too long for that already.
during #2 time, i bought a 2nd hand at $70 and i sold it at $50. so i didnt luugi much...
hi kirigal
do keep us uodate

i believe nothing serious
but given how fragile bb can be, better to b on thr safe side

i saw some comments on the prams by mummies earlier
but i think i will only buy when the bb is born
let them try n see whether they like it. dun wan to waste money in case they hate the prams

finally weekend! tgif
2ks - ya I compared the things that I wanna get... the bp cheaper... so will get from her instead... and she dun have enough stock for what I want... my parts I throw away donkey years ago... so must get new sets and extras... last time initially I dunno I just get 1 set... end up I pump every 3 hours, I spend time on washing end up not enough sleep...
babymaine: i dont wash my parts during confinement leh...i everything put at sink then the CL will wash. then subsequent 1 month later, i drag my pumping already...so no wash every 3 hourly.
then get from BP lor..that seller around quite some time also
Vi: hee...i dont give the bb a choice...he got to sit...
but when bigger than got problem strapping them to stroller lor...like my 21 months one..naughty la..
2ks - cos #1 I never hire CL... so everything I do myself... but this one I got hire CL... I dun think I can be super mum handle 1 toddler and 1 infant... and my toddler goes to school... initially bring her to school I will die walking with a swollen below... haha...

vi - ya must force de.. if the baby stir then u carry? it's good luck to u... however sometimes due to convenience, carriers are a good choice... I love my ergo... just strap her in... go shopping everything dump into her stroller... eat also can eat in peace ..
babymaine: my both pregnancies i got engage. starting #1 i didnt and i think i almost died and suffer from PND lor.

i have a beco...but if go out i prefer stroller still for longer hours...cos can hang my diaper bag and my shopping bags...
ask me to carrier a baby + my diaper bag i think my back will break faster.
if short hours carrier is fine la...
already master how to go wee wee with the baby in the carrier also
your second boy just turned 2? so also born in 2010? mine is 27months, also very naughty. nowadays also very demanding. have to really shout and beat him. it pains me after beating him, but sometimes, really cant control.
2ks - long hours I bring both... cos I know confirm buy a lot of thing.. so stroller end up as trolley... haha...

worried79 - my girl is 28 months... and getting naughtier too...
worried79: nope he born mar 2011. havent 2 yet...going to be in 2 months time.
my one ah...spoilt brat la..nobody dares to scold him when he was younger cos he got this seizure problem.
but nowadays i used cane lor...otherwise cannot control. he always bully his korkor also.

babymaine: i skip using the beco when bb around 10 months or so...i tak boleh tahan the weight for long hours. and also #2 started walking around 11 months...
any recommendation for electric breast pump?
Some said Avent good some said Medela...mmm
Do any of you know BP selling breast pump at cheaper pricing?
2Ks, babymaine

i never use cane, i just use hand and beat. i tried not to beat him, but i shouted until no voice he also not scare one. hope he can be out of this terrible 2 soon! like purposely one lor, he know u dun like him to do certain things, but he will still try your patience, do and do again to see if u will notice...omg...
worried79: my cane is action action one...but got once i smacked him and got mark leh...heart pain like shit...LOL

after horrible 2 hor..will come terrible 3! LOL
yah, sometimes i beat wif hand also have red marks, but luckily it go off very soon. immediately after i beat him, i see the red mark, my hard soften again, and i will tell him nicely not to do it again. then he will give a very pitiful look, nod his head and cry softly. but he will be naughty and do it again.... Terrible 3? will it stop there or will there by a 4?? can't imagine liao. i was telling my hb, 2 years down the road, will have another boy doing the same naughty things #1 is doing now....
Vi, take care!! remember everything must take it slowly.. if any signs of tired, just stop and rest ok!!

It's friday again! happy.. means tmr can sleep in late again..

Happy Friday to all mummies!
Vi - take good care and rest whenever you can.

Breast pumps
2ks, and experienced Mummies got use US version of Medela Pisa before? Saw the link and about 200 cheaper, but my hubby said no warranty dun feel safe. Just wanna seek opinions

Breast milk storage
Seems like most using milk bags, I saw Philips avent got milk cups and mumsfairy got this storage bottles too. Thinking whether using cups/bottles would be more economical since milk bags not v cheap also.
chiro: i got US set for freestyle. so far okay la...but have to use an adaptor lor.
from what i know the PISA need transformer if US Set,
but my PISA is local set. i bought 2nd hand also..then after using for 2 years, it broke down. but then i can trade in at certain amount for a new set at local medela.

milk cup: the storage is not much leh. think avent one max maybe 150ml? and it occupy alot alot of space. plus the washing and sterilizing?
milk bags can lie flat for storage, can stack up...
so far i see mummies have a mixture for both.
but for me, i usually used milkbags cos it can store 300ml milk. i used bottles for freshly pump milk.
chiro - cups and bottles as storage waste space... like what 2ks said, milk bags are better... and get ziplock ones... ones like playtex are cheap but take up space too cos can't stack...
morning ladies!

it's FRIDAY! hopefully i can end work on time today...

Anyone felt baby moving at night during their sleep? I woke up to pee at 5iish last night and baby was unusually active... i could feel the tumble and movement for quite a while before i felt asleep again...

Was so tempted to wake hubbs up but he was snoring away. hahah
Fool4love: yup!!! I think usually baby are more active at night. Like my girl, she likes to kick me at my bladder and the side when I am abt to turn in for the day. The kick was pretty strong and I managed to get hubby to feel the kick. And also the hard bump at the side too..
you Gt many more chances to get your hubby to feel especially when your baby is bigger. Cos lesser room for her to move.
can see the wave also.
when we sleep on the side, will press the baby a not?

i realise i wake up sometimes with my body almost facing down.

Really? This was the first time that i actually felt such vigorious movements..

i'm using a pregnancy pillow now.. not sure whether it's useful. but someone gave it to me. so just use first
fool4love: yup. baby usually very active at night. My baby usually starts kicking at 12am when I'm about to turn in. and same as Shirley, my darling love to kick me at my bladder area. can kick from left to right, right to left...My hubby manage to feel it cause the kick can be very strong at times. hubby will just giggle away and ask baby is swimming freestyle inside, so have huge movement

Anyway, anyone has problem waking up with stiff neck. I have this problem ever since I started sleeping and lying on my sides instead of facing flat up the ceiling cos sometimes the hard bump at the side is making me uncomfortable. lying side way allows my tummy to rest comfortably on the bed but next day the neck is aching and cannot turn my neck *CRY!
haha.i just google baby boy name starting with something.

actualy we thought of a ger name liao but end up is a boy, so have to leave it to mei mei next time bah.

Already chosen a tent name till i find something better. My hubby want to follow his christian name start with D, so my choice very limited

i told my hubby since he like to eat india food so much, maybe we should call him Deepak or some India name start with D!
haha!! Deepak! omg.. D quite limited also.. i'm like searching in a stack of hay.. cause no much idea yet.. website names some are weird man.. but don't think wanna spend on buying a baby naming book..
Hi mummies,
I haven posted for quite some time, just catched up with 4 pages of thread...

Detailed scan done yesterday 100% boy, all good, weight 387gm, my BP 138mmhg. Price of scan plus consultation $180 (SGH)

Went for financial couselling also, A1 class must pay $2K plus cash even after CPF deduction. This is of cos the cost just for 2 day 1 night normal delvery w/o epi.. Hai, so ex for a govt hosp right?

Congrats for those who know the gender, can go shop liao.

And for those who are bleeding, pls takecare ok? after 28weeks then fetus more safe...
my hubby say Dexter. I say i dun wan my son to be a serial killer!!! THan i super busy leh, must help him cover his crimes. Haha..

sian man, raining when want to end work and today hubby is not picking me
Fool4love: baby is growing after and getting stronger thus the kick is more vigorous.

Xuan: same! My girl will be active ard 11 plus 12. Can feel the kick even more when turn to side to sleep.

Rach: baby centre?? They should have a lot of names for you to choose

Jc: to top up, Dylan, Daniel, darren, denzell? Haha.. That's funny.. I like the joke you told your hubby abt the name.

Fruitloops: congrats! And also to those who know their gender. Its shopping time!

My baby was 'shy' too! it keeps blocking the important part with its leg. But gynae and sonagrapher says that it's most likely a gal. So i'm stocking up on all the cutesy stuff.

Hope your baby can be more 'guai' than mine.
JC: I agree . Must think carefully . Sometime the direct name may sound funny though it sound ok in Chinese words .
Sisters, Where to find the ideas for Chinese name ? In the library?
Hi Mummies, went to check on my bleeding. Baby is absolutely active. No problem. Cause of bleeding. Cervical polyps. So gross. My Gynae did a small procedure n took it out. Ask Gynae if girl or boy, so far girl ;) Good to hear that ;)
hi kiigal
glad to know that u n bb are well

i will def get but hope to do it atfter bb born
at least know he is confortsble in it too

Re: breast milk
Wow! U mummies have alot of milk hor.. until need to use milkbags to store in freezer.. must seek advice from u guys How to have so much milk.. mine not even enough for my bb lo.. need to top up with formula.. izzit cuz I dun latch? I pumped exclusively using Pisa..
