(2012/11) Nov 2012

wow, seems like quite a number of mummies already know the bb gender. When I went for my check up last week I was in my 14th weeks. My gynae refuse to even try to check for the gender. He says too early to check and if he wants to check, he wants to be 100% sure. So now I got to wait for another 3 weeks before I can know my bb gender..such a long wait :p

Hi porky, I am in my 13th week now. My first baby
hi rin ! ur #1 is which month ? mine is in may

i still take the painkiller next day but actually the pain is bearable loh

hi josey, my gynae also wont check if before 18weeks...he say still early to knw. i m lucky to get a good sonographer as she explain a lot to me and help to peek on gender

hi wendy, so we almost the same ! must be very excited since is ur #1
Hi porkey,
i went to dr adrian during my week 14, i didnt ask for the gender but he told me himself, but he said 80% only, not 100%..im surprised he told me cos i rem my no.1 he didnt wanna tell me until week20 too..
i find him a very funny guy, dunno y..hehee..but i really had a painless labour for my #1...
hi wendy, i understand how u feel..when i got my #1, we were v lost too...worry abt caregivers and financial issue also...just take it slowly and plan with ur family. now still early, dont wait till 30weeks v stress..hehe

hi chrisq, oh so for #2 he will tell ah ? he also refuse to even peek for me when i had #1..quite pissed off w him tt time..lol..cos i was gg to BKK wanna get some baby clothes..end up i hv to buy all neutral colours..his face expression a bit funny hor sometimes..i always feel like laughing when i see him
Hey Wendy: I was thinking of taking up yoga when I got pregnant, so thought of doing prenatal yoga, didn't know that there's prenatal pilates too.
hahaa..ya ya i dunno y i also wanna laugh whenever i see him..i dunno leh...i think depends on his mood abt the gender bah..
whenever u ask him a ques, he will ans u with something u didnt expect one & the ans is very funny one lor..
oh..maybe that day he is not too busy and in good mood so will tell u haha. i ever heard him scolding a patient v loud on hp...scary leh...
Hi Pinkie, there's pilates for prenatal as well. I did some research and found one but I have not start or anything. I am still deciding exactly cos not sure if I can handle hahaha.
<font color="aa00aa">hihi ladies, how is everyone doing? Sorry i haven popped in or update the table for so long, my boy have been sick and i was hopitalized myself...

I'll go through the posts later tonight when i am off work or tomorrow and i'll update the table.

So if anyone wants to be included, please self intro

By the way, anyone keen on a mummies gathering? </font>
Elated: hope you n your boy are well! ;)

Porky, josey: my gynae also won't scan until like much later cause he say at early stage, as long as all normal, the gender is not impt!!!! Haha.
Porky: when's the motherhood expo?

Wendy: I'm planning to do yoga after 5mths, also not sure if I would be up to it. :/
Hi elated.. Was wondering what happened to u.. Hope everything is ok with ur boy n u now..

Pls include me in the table
Nick: darienna
Age: 32
Baby: #2
Gender of bb: boy (tbc)
Gynae: Dr Tony Tan
Hospital: Raffles Hospital

Will likely b gg for motherhood fair.. Want to go buy new see kai run shoes for my boy.. And also see whether got other things to buy.. Hahaha..
Porky: I got a pair at the last fair and it's gg at half price.. $32 if I remember correctly.. I previously also got another pair from spree.. Was almost $40 after shipping. so waiting for this fair to snag another pair..
Hi mummies, anyone know if it's safe to drink yakult or vitagen? I have been drinking it for 6 days.. Oops.. Hopefully it's okie..
Hi bibiteo, my mum told me not to drink now cos I used to drink almost everyday before I got pregnant. However I have colleague who drank during her pregnancy in moderation or when she feels like drinking.
I think it is not harmful so long as it is in moderation

Hi pinkie - why not? I think you can! It is good to do some exercise too.
wendy / pinkie - i found one yoga studio that conducts prenatal yoga with group class commencing 30th June.
Promotion is going at $380 for 10 sessions. You may want to consider.
They do have private class as well.

I probably do private class in early june and join the group class when it commences.

email : [email protected]
Dear mummies and mummies to be,

I am new here and this is our 1st baby. Was occasionally following the threads but no energy to join due to bad MS and busy work. My infor:

EDD: 19 Nov
Baby: #1
Age: 31
Gyane: Sim LN
Hospital: TMC

I was drinking tea everyday now, feel it helps to reduce the nausea feeling. Anybody know whether it's harmful to baby or not if drink too munch (2~3 cups)?
how are all mummies today ?

darienna, i got mine also half price from spree abt $20+ only

hi bibiteo, i still drink Yakult sometimes. shd be fine bah..my 1st preg i also got drink haha

hi lizliz, my gynae say no coffee or tea....
lizliz, i read 2 cups a day is ok....myself i drank 1 cup of coffee daily when i had #1 and he turned out fine.

also depends on the tea that you are drinking? i would think like if its green tea it should be fine since japanese women would continue to drink green tea during pregnancy as its part of their culture/lifestyle? anyway i guess the rule of thumb is moderation.

just to share something my gynae said about eating spicy food. alot of chinese believe pregnant women should avoid spicy food so when i asked my gynae previously, she replied "then what do the indians and malays eat?" hahah
Think they believe that spicy food very heaty.. So when baby come out, skin will hv a lot of heaty spots on the face.. Had quite a fair bit of chilli n spicy food for my #1, but turned out ok.. So up to u to believe.. But think in 3rd trimester may want to cut down since can easily cause heartburn..
speaking of curry...I have craving for Japanese curry rice!! but the weather is bad now and I'm down with flu. Got to control myself..sob sob
For those past week 12, do you all continue with the folic acid? My gynae has prescribed me the multivitamin but I still continue taking with the folic acid since I still have quite a bit left.
hi priya, i used bumwear for my #1. LOVE it! i think its more environmentally friendly then using disposables. However I only started using them when #1 was about 3 months. At 1 month they poo too often to keep washing the diapers

Not sure about fitting the working mum lifestyle but more of whether the care giver (when you are back at work) can be bothered to keep doing washing. Some of my colleagues think its a hassle so they just use disposables.

Also, you may want to wait till baby is born before buying because depending on the size of your baby's thighs, bumwear may not fit so well and you might want to consider other brands of reuseable diapers
Hi Josey - thanks for sharing, it looks fine and since you have joined before then maybe you should stick to them

dear mummies - I would like to check if you all purchase vitamins by yourselves outside? If so, any good ones to recommend or can share? There's one called Blackmore brand?

I have not been taking ever since my folic acid finishes and the gynae says it is fine. I'm seeing my gynae today. I think he will be prescribing me with the necessary essential vitamins.

josey-does shambhala conduct prenatal yoga? dun seem to find the schedule or profile.

wendy-i bot the Omega3 with DHA &amp; EPA for development of baby's brain from GNC for abt $74. But into 12 weeks doc gave me similar but with VitaminE &amp; lower DHA &amp; EPA.
Since i already have the GNC one, I probably wont buy the second round from doc. Finish up then get from from doc following mth.

swan- tell me about the oscar test! i am gg to do it on monday. can u believe it, i cant get an appointment and got to do walk in.
lola83, how come cant get appt?
oscar test is take bb's head/abdomen/wt measurements etc. to access whether bb is growing ok anot.

i started shopping for maternity wear liao! was a plus size mummy, so didn't like shopping too much before preggie. now finally can go all out look for preggie clothes &amp; no need worry abt size liao!! hahahaaa. btw was surfing &amp; found tis site got GSS sale, bought a couple of dresses here. cant wait for them to deliver <3 <3
Wendy: ur gynae package dun give calcium n multi-vits? In anycase, the ones my gynae is giving can be bought from pharmacy without prescription. Brand is obimin (multivitamin) n obical (calcium).. Buy from unity pharmacy.. Cheaper than guardian pharmacy..

Laruru: am still taking my folic acid. I forgot to ask my gynae if can stop, but from what I read online. Can stop after 13 weeks.. But no harm if continue taking..

Swan: hope bb cooperates for the scan!
Thanks Darienna. He does have package but I have not start yet hahaha. Maybe that's why. I was at pharmacy yesterday and worried that I am not taking in enough vitamins..
Porky, Thks! Hmmm your gyane is quite straight huh.. Usually they will say "can, but try take lesser loh" haha..

oreodinary, Thks! Think i am going to slowly cut down to 1 cup daily. My college (mother of 2) told me no tea, even its green tea. She said green tea is a very cool drink.

Hi Lola83, I did mine on last last Monday at TMC, have appt but still waited 50mins for registration. But it's quite fast after registration, only need to wait less than 30mins for the scan and blood test each.
Porky,my #1 is apr 09 so one mth earlier.for my #1,dr adrian did say no caffeine but dis time din leh.only say no alcohol.i hav been drinkin tea,nt daily but I check online a lil is fine.lola,i oso din hav appt for oscar,waitin ard 2 hrs but cos bb din cooperate so I took much longer cos did 3 scans.make sure u go q b4 930 though.

Elated,hope u n yr boy r both ok nw
im ok wif gatherin but gota brin my ger along if u al dun mind... Btw,any mummies stay in northeast area wif #1 wana mit up for playdates?
