hi mummies!
i just need to post this now. a long sob story but i needed to share somewhere. i was traumatised with a gynae visit earlier on. even now, after 3+hrs, i still can't get over it.
i saw streak of blood in my discharge earlier today and called my regular gynae for advise. the nurse said i should make a trip down to see my dr since the streak of blood is red. i have spotting 1+ week ago, to be on the safe side, i rushed down to see my dr. when i arrived, my dr had gone for an emergency c-sec and another delivery. my dr asked if im ok to see another gynae in the same clinic since he is not sure how long will he take. i agreed considering the long wait.
i was directed to see a female dr, she did a tummy scan and said she saw the HB. i was relieved. next, she said i must do a V-scan to check why am i bleeding again. that was when it all started. she was quite rough and the v-scan was a painful one. i have done countless v-scan before but this was horrible. after the scan, her nurse passed me a pad and i looked at her blindly, only to realise later that i was bleeding. i was shocked, it was much more than spotting and red colour. i had spotting before but not that much blood.
after the v-scan, the dr said im fine. nothing wrong with the little one and me. gave me another jab, asked me to continue with my medication and another week of hospitalisation leave to rest. her nurse told me later that it could be becos of the v-scan, that's why im bleeding more. that explain why i was in pain during the scan.
i left the clinic in a daze. i can't get over the v-scan and bleeding. my hubby was worried asked why is a v-scan required and was it safe. i have not done any v-scan since the day i tested +ve. i did some search on web earlier and it seems to be ok. i can't stop going to the toilet to see if im still bleeding and i just can't stop thinking about the whole experience.
im just praying hard now and look forward to my Oscar this Friday. hope everything will be ok.