Hi ladies!
It's coming to a week since our CL left. It was sure a sad goodbye - she missed our baby and we missed her help.
She also called the next day to find out if we are ok.
Haven't seen you around!
Am glad things are going well for u. Practice makes perfect and I really have to say we women are a powerful bunch of people who go all the way for our babies.
I have been coping on my own. Even the night duties. My hub helps by taking over watching over the baby in the evening after I give her the 7pm feed so that I can eat dinner and pump.
How's your daily routine like? You coping well so far?
Thankfully my girl is like an alarm clock - once we figure out what times she's hungry and the rest of the time, if she's fussing, she's probably wanting to be carried or sleepy.
My girl now drinks around 80ml. Her typical feeding times - 6+am (first bottle feed / first pump for me) , 9am (bottle feed), 11am (bottle feed/shower time). She seldom naps in the mornings and will either sit on her bouncer for short periods else will spend time to interact with her.
1+am (latch) - will co sleep with her after she latches, we both get a nap of around 3 hours and then 4+am (latch). She will remain awake most of the evenings by then.
7pm (bottle feed) and I will pump, 9am (bottle feed) and we will swaddle her for bed. I will dream feed her around 12+ (bottle feed), she will not be awake yet or even cry for milk so just need to burp and put her back. She will sleep through till 3+to4am. I will also pump at around midnight before I sleep.
I'm using Huggies now. I actually like Pampers but it's really quite ex. I heard good things about Merries - got a sample but yet to use. Huggies is pretty decent.
I did not go to the Taka fair but hubby did. We stocked up on the Huggies Diapers - quite cheap. Will be getting taka to deliver.
So far, I get around maybe 6-7 hours sleep throughout the day. Every night around 4 hours so actually quite decent enough for me to function. Hopefully, she can drag out her night feed soon.
Phew, simply hadn't had time to on my laptop cos too lazy. Have been watching my dramas or surinf on ipad or iphone while I pump or when I have time (which is not much). Really need to multitask.