I'm back from my shopping/eating/massage trip!!! Anyone missed me? Bangkok was great!!! Didn't get a lot for my girls (but got a really cute matching set that they can use for CNY 2013 haha) but surprisingly a lot for myself. And foot massage everyday. Shiiiiiok
Can't write much cos I fly off tomorrow for long haul trip and haven't event packed! But just want to share my 2 cents on sleeping:
For first couple of days our baby slept in her cot in her room with CL. Then I realised CL didn't wake me to BF baby in the night and gave formula instead so I brought her back to sleep in our room, sometimes in our bed, sometimes in the playpen. That continued for a few months even though she slept thru at 6 weeks.
Then we tried to move her to her own room but she would cry and cry. And cos our hearts were made of tofu, we gave in. At one point, even dragged our queensized mattress into her room to sleep on the floor!
Then at about 1 plus or 2 she became ok to sleep in her big girl bed (the princessy looking one from ikea. A normal single bed, not kiddy bed) without rails or safety guards. No more cot from about 1 plus cos she could climb out of it!
But we had to lie there with her until she got super drowsy and then leave. But the prob with that was that we were so tired that we often fell asleep there. Only when she was 3 that we decided to really be firm and train her to sleep on her own. We'd read like always, and sing, then tell her "I'll sit right here till you fall asleep but I won't lie on the bed with you".
So started off by sitting next to her bed and with every night, inch closer and closer to the door. No talking or anything. After a week we were out of the room. A big step but we were stagnant there for a long time. She was ok for us to "sit right by door" but would come out often to check if we were there. Sometimes would wake up in the night and panic cos we were not there so come to our room and we'd have to put her to bed and stay with her.
But it's all paid off. She started waking less in the night and now she either falls back asleep on her own or comes to me (once or twice a night) and I walk her back, kiss her and maybe sing one song and she's happy.
Sleep training is VERY tiring and requires A LOT of patience. But worth it. I'm glad we started now. Didn't want it to coincide with the arrival of the baby (I.e "baby comes and you don't want me?")
Hope this helps!