(2012/04) Apr 2012

Leobaby: i dropped u a PM on FB on the baby monitor!

Actually, the other way of seeing is, mummies expecting boys won't look preggy from behind, cos all the expansion is forward, that's why pointed stomach. Whereas mummies expecting gers, will look preggy from behind due to the horizontal expansion.

For me, not true. I don't look preggy from behind, but i am having a ger. #1 also liddat. =P

cheekyduckie: same as me, don't look preggy from behind, but not pointed stomach either... also having a girl
I think these few weeks our baby is going through growth spurt, many our tummy will suddenly become bigger. I also had bad case of wind to contribute to that.

Leo baby, if there a quota or date that we can ask u to buy? Wont want to take up your quota... Anyway I will go research what I want. May Wana get some bottles and pump parts and will pm u later.

My sis is passing me avent ISIS duo pump. Anyone knows what are the parts that I can buy? Would like to change all of the spare parts due to hygiene purpose coz already pass down from 2 mummies. I can't can't any info on Philips website.
ya, i was offered a seat yesterday on the bus! the only consolation haha

i read from websites, that a week 18 baby is estimated to be ard 5.6 inch from head to rump! so that's about 14cm long! cant wait to see bb during detailed scan on 30nov.
Mossie: ISIS duo pump parts. Basically you need to get everything except the motor itself, and the tubes. All else need to buy. Diaphragm, funnels, the massaging petals, and the white plastic thingy... dunno what's it called. =P

Ni: there's also a myth that goes, mummies with boys, stomach will grow consistently throughout pregancy. Mummies with gers, will experience sudden growth spurt. Very true for me for #1. In fact, i went around undetected until after 5th month.... Even for #2 now, i am at most looking like i overate everyday @ 18 weeks.
My tummy's growing fast too! But maybe I'm underweight and prefer to wear loose clothings, most pple dunno I'm pregnant. Those who know will say why my tummy so small. Later I post my tummy on fb show you mummies and you judge ok.

Starting to get growing pains again. Like slight stitch on one side. Guess it's all the expanding going on.

Lilcatcus, my detailed scan is on 30 nov too! At TMC...
Thanks cheekyduckie! I Wana change everything also coz my sis did not buy a single spare part when she get it from her friend. Can't stand her...
Not sure if those old wives tale is true, I'm expecting girls but somehow my stomach is pointed instead of round. Thats why our initial guess was boys instead of girls until we saw the girls's 'hamburger'.

Like tangerinez, maybe because I'm quite petite in frame so my bump looks a bit weird at this point in time. I think it would be interesting if mummies post a picture of our bump on fb and fellow mummies comment..
Just played musical chairs on the train. Was on reserved seat and an elderly auntie came on board so I was very paisay to not give her my seat. Then she took it and the guy next to me gave me his. Hehe. So funny.

Not compulsory
if u know ur hubby is squeamish then he can politely decline when the gynae offers. Mine fainted even before that haha. The best is if he's by your side. Then he can encourage you and no need to see all the blood. He managed to cut the cord though. Said it was very tough. Like rubber hose!

Your hubby is so funny! Cockroach?! What clock picture?

Anyone feeling pressure between the legs? I feel it when squatting or standing sometimes. Baby alrd pressing down? So fast?

Hey I wonder if I'm in the secret FB group... Cos I don't think I see anyone's postings. My name is AXXXA tan. Profile pic is of mum+little girl in kebaya
Pinkbunny, I don't see you in the list.

Pressure down below- I felt it sometimes. Even when I walk, I thought it feels like something is going to fall out. Now I experience pubic bone pain.
Good idea to post our bumps on fb to share;)

Tangerinez I get side pains too. I read on internet that we are still expanding to accommodate growing baby... So I didn't read too much into it.

I think my tummy is pretty obvious already. Yesterday for the first time in my pregnancy I took the mrt, no one give up seats to me leh! Singaporeans! Haiz!
Mossie & pinkbunny: Same here..I've been getting those round ligament pain around the pelvis area and my back is already hurting. Can't imagine how bad it would get when the 'big egg' we are carrying grows bigger. Squatting down is also quite a chore now, am beginning to feel like an old lady.
Umbilical cord like rubber hose? Hahahaha... I wonder if the little one feels the pain when cutting the cord?

I also feel pressure down there... From week 16. Read online it's baby kicking vertically. Quite scary at first like something dropping out but now get used to it liao.

My biggest complaint now is the pain in my butt. I dun think it's butt cramp cos it's not a crampy feel. It's like the bone got blue black. Feels it the moment i get up from sitting, or just when I'm sitting down.
Tangerinez: The pain is exactly how you described it! The blue-black feeling, that I have towards my tailbone. Especially painful when hubby rubs on that part. And somehow, sometimes, when I walk, some sort of pain would 'rush' down my leg. This is, I guess one of the physical discomforts that we gotta endure for our little ones..
I deliver my gal at kkh, my gynae let my hb to cut the cord and he do so. He even encourage me to push when he saw bb hair.

Mossie. U can get the spare part only at the head office located at toa payoh.
I having this pain sometimes at the back of the lower spine.. sometimes after stand up..must stand up in slow motion if not the pain will be greater .. .. feel like an old lady. :p

Still visiting toilets often at this stage.. will ask gynea what's wrong with me.. haiz..

Next Tues will be my detailed scan + appointment already.. cant wait for that day to arrive , Boy or Girl?!
ni : Is very common .. my tummy is so obvious.. people can still occupied the ' yellow' seats.. and closed their eyes! I notice younger ones will give up seats.. those 50+ aunties n uncles will not! They think they deserved the seats as they consider themselves as 'senior citizen' ?? I not sure
But luckily, my bus trip is always short distance ones.. so sometimes i just stand by the side and grab hold of the pole in case you know the sudden jerk of the bus..

>> All mothers-to-be..if you are taking bus and no one offer you a seat, do grab hold tight to bus poles at ALL TIMES.... nowadays bus drivers often sudden break.. i experience quite a number of times.
Cheeky duckie
Can send again? Cos I remember you sending once and accepting but like nothing leh? Is your name AX XXX OXX? Or maybe I accepted a stranger's request?! Can trouble you to resend please? My email add is [email protected] thanks!!
Ni, BPA free bottle should change 6 month. Teat and pacifer should change every 3 month.

Mrs Tan, thanks for your remind. Agree those aunty and uncle not courtesy at all.
I also feel some pain between the legs due to the pressure. Think I have been squatting down too much and carrying heavy stuff and my gal. My gynae mentioned that the Braxton Hicks at this stage is coz I overdid it and the body is protesting and asking me to rest. So told me to take it easy....

I wanna get Avent steriliser and bottles. Can get 40% disc?
Congrats Pinky.

Leo, I read somewhere we need to change every 6 months unless is glass bottle.
Leo: the prenatal class at TMC says must change if the bottles are scratched, or turning milky due to wear and tear. same for the teats. Somehow my Avent bottles looks like brand new after 1.5 years of using, so i never change lor! haha... Teats i will change once in a while lar. Or maybe cos i have too many bottles, like 6 of them, so each one only use once a day, that's why they can last so long. =P
Sorry leh I don't seem to have any outstanding friend request liao! Very strange? :S or u PM me ur email add then I look for u?

Leo baby
My sharp eyes spotted that you can get a whopping discount for avent? Can tompang? Or do you have a quota?

Hey you still carry ur girl? Better not! My gynae advised against it from beginning of preg. Something like it will affect our placenta I think. I just explain to her the mama is already carrying one baby, got no strength to carry 2. I do miss carrying her but she's getting heavy! 16kg! But thankfully she's very dong shi and enjoys sitting on papa's shoulders

Someone brought this up some time ago, about noisy sleeping? Mine is getting worse! The moment I lie down anywhere, my nose will start to choke up then must breathe through mouth. Very gang kor! But one stand up, will be ok very quickly. Now I know why some women sleep in a half sitting position toward end of pregnancy!
I'm at gynae's now, waiting for my appt. Went for detailed scan on Thursday, evtg seems fine. Cfm is boy cos he super not shy n opened his legs wide wide :p

Talking abt giving birth, my hubby yest commented he going to bring his DSLR into the delivery room -_-" I tink when I'm abt to give birth he will also be gan chiong and will forget abt the cam? I find it kinda gross to film the whole process down... Any mummies can share?
Hey Kinky Mummy! =) my hub said that too!! but i think it's abit too bulky? and think they wont be able to concentrate on taking pics too ya? haha
I told hubby abt cutting the umbilical cord (just to tease him) and his eyes went wide open and he stammered cu-u-uu-ut what cord??? Wahaha really funny. Then he said no need la! Ask dr Wong to cut la, tell her no worries we will have chance to cut for our other babies. Act cool only!

I think he'll bring a DSLR in too ba, but not to video the bloody process, just to take nice pics of clean baby later?
I asked my hub also last night - will you cut the cord? YES. will you faint at the sight of blood? NO. Are you afraid to see a lot of blood? NO. U sure u not gng to faint? NO.

My hub will bring both video and dslr for the birth hehehee...

Turned 20 weeks today, 4 months to go! Yikes!!!!
My birth story- I copy from another forum

31st Jan 2006

Been complaining abt being late to all my relatives when i see them during CNY. Even ask them to contribute to my hospital charges on the gambling table since i din get the 1st doggie baby prize. al my relatives will ask me when i due when they see me and i will answer "today" ' Anyway, some of my relatives still gives me angbao.. heehee... all kena confiscated by my dear. :duh: he say all the $ will go to savings. $$$

Still went on celebrating 2nd day of CNY at my mum's house. i spend my day on the gambling table while dear on his mahjong table (wat a couple!) before i went to slp, i felt pain and uncomfort on my left side waist down. went to slp around midnite. at around 3.40am, i was waken up my dear's movement as he was getting to i felt my backside was a little wet, so i notify him that i tink my waterbag break. he panic "har? really ah?" so he pull me up to go toilet to check. As i walk to the toilet, more water gushes out so i told him confirm liao. I went to knock on my parents room, but they were too deep in slp to hear me. Had a hard time waking them up, and finally succeed after calling both their handphone 4 times. my mum went in toilet with me and confirmed my waterbag break, so i went bk room to change and grab my stuffs. my dh ask me if i still wana bath 1st and find something to eat? but i just bath before fell aslp 3 hrs ago leh and im not hungry loh, though its alwiz my plan to do these 2 things b4 i go hospital. (thankfully i din do it) my brother came out to see the comotion.. even my granny woke up too. she told me to go and be a good mother before i left.

on my way to hospital, i felt abt 3 contractions, abt 3-5 min interval. my dh ask me why i bring my make up bag n i answer " i scare got pple wana take picture of me mah" :duh: we reach tmc abt 4am. i proceed to registration while dh park his car. i pass the peron my admistration letter and her her to be quick coz lots of water gushing out. she brought me to the delivery ward. the nurses there ask me to change into their gown and took my weight and check im abt 3-4cm dilated. she den pump something into my bottom and ask me to lun for at least 5min. but my contractions came shorter... very difficult to lun. at tis moment, another pregnant woman came in to the preparation room. she was asked to change in the toilet (there r 2 cubicle inside), and the nurse also give me the green light to go toilet. Knowing tis session sure to be a loud 1, so i force myself to lun until the lady come out. But she took very long (maybe i find the time come too slow)... so i buay lun and rush in and give her a "symphony of the nite." after that, i was transferred to the labour ward liao.

The nurse ask me if i want epidural, and i told her most probably i need it i wana try the luffing gas and job 1st can? i tot my labour was still some time away. she say ok loh and lemme use the gas. My husband came in and i even ask him wana try or not, very high 1 (got a friend's husband tried it b4 when his wife in labour) den my contractions became more painful and i breathe in more... so much that i lost my conscious and went twilight zone! (dreamzzzz....) den the nurse and my hubby wake me up. the nurse ask me if i want epidural and i say no... (the gas very shiok mah)

the following happened when i in semi conscious state:
the pain come and go and i breathe harder. i saw another lady came in the room to let me hubby sign some paper. i was so much in pain that i shouted out, bang my hand on the side of the bed and crying for epidural. so the nurse came in with the form for me to sign... but i was in twilight zone again and signal her no need liao. she went :duh: after dat i was crying in pain... and she told me not to cry, later nose block and the baby cannot breathe. den i shouted out in pain... literally screaming the whole labour ward out. at 1 point of time where i was waken up from my slp again and the nurse and my dh gave me a concern look. i heard baby wailing sound, i tot something wrong happen and ask where is my baby?!! den i saw her pushing something out. i cried and ask my dh where's my baby? he went like :duh: "inside ur tummy loh... u feel urself" but i cant feel and went on crying. he tried to calm me down and say i muz trust him. den i realise i was hallucinating. the nurse den measure me and claim i have dilate 7cm and quickly call my doc. he "pia" down in he porche (zoom zoom...) ad when he reached, he told the nurse "should be anytime liao" den he went out. the nurse told me to push if i have the urge to push. she tot im not listening and snatch my mask. I scolded her screaming for my mask like a mad woman. She bo bian and pass it back to me (but my dh say she put to 100% oxygen.. .tamade... no wonder my pain came) the pain is driving me insane. at this point of time,i felt the urge. I push but nothing came out. den she ask me to push.. i scream at her DOCTOR LEH???!!! she say "push push" den i "aaarrrgghhhh!!!! DOCTOR LEH???!!" after tat no more urge to push... only pain. doctor came in and ask me to push... " HOW TO PUSH? NO MORE URGE TO PUSH!" den dos told my dh say cannot liao... she too distress liao, muz vacuum liao. So he use the vacuum and ask me to push. den my urge come but i no strength. So i use watever strength i left and push.. Push... PUSH! 2 nurses also pushes my tummy... soon i felt my baby passes thru the birth canal. i heard him wail loudly and felt relieve. Cayden Teo was born at 6.30am+

All these while i was holding my dh hands... no, that was an understatment. I was literally dugging my nails into his hands and pulling his shirt. i ask him to go take picture of baby and show to me while the doc stitch me up. (i din even know when he cut me up :duh: ) My whole labour was 2hr plus without epidural, not by choice though. I was too high on luffing gas and everything happened too fast. But the look of Cayden makes me no regret of going through all this for him
Pinky, I also went for detail scan on Friday afternoon, walk in and out 3 times... At the end, bb still not cooperative, so can't see the spine and hv to go back again next Friday morning,.. All seems alright except the spine.. Perhaps it will be fine! And good news is, I am having a baby girl this time
. My first one is a boy... We are very happy as boy really need more energy to look after.. Will get exhausted if 2 boys at home as my boy very active and tends to be mischievous
But no matter what, so long as we have a healthy baby, gender will come after it...
Jojay, I can understand how the feeling when have to keep going in and out of the room. Congrats on having a princess this round
mine first is a gal this round is a boy. Hopefully he not playful and naughty as her sister. Because my gal is super active and cry baby. But Gal r fun to doll up and can go shopping with mummy.
Mossie: I do agree the laffing gas is... very dreamy... the nurses gave that to me while i was waiting for epidural. after a while, i told them dun want liao. cos i falling asleep. so i just REN! until the epidural came. strangely enuff, once the epidural went in, my dilation like super speed up, within 45mins baby come out liao. i got to ask the nurse to lower the epidural somemore. cos too much, totally no feeling. quite funny actually. the epidural good lar, at least i quite enjoyed the birth process mah! hahaha... and i can still hear my hb's silly comments, and laff with him.

Pinkbunny: Added u to grp already. please hunt for the intro thread and intro!
Cheekyduckie, I have send u my email for adding to the fb. U saw it?

Tokkie, when I see your post it remind me when I having my gal. My father in law reaction is the same as ur mum in law. I cried and I dun believe I having a gal, I went to another clinic to double check again regarding the gender. And it true is a gal. I cried and because my relatives and friends also say never mind next round try for a boy. This make me more sad and miserable. Today thinking bk I feel I was foolish. I very happy to have my gal and see her laughter and cried everyday. She bring me lot of joy. I hope u feeling better now.
Hi mummies, dun get upset due to in law 's response... U can sometime imply them boy or gal is from their son's sperm: X or Y。 and share with your hubby your feeling. Can ask ur hubby to tell them indirectly baby healthy is more important!!!
Now, I learnt not to too care about their feeling or else you will be suffer... There is always a gap in mindset with in law...last time, before I had my son, and they didn't stay with us... I treat them very good like my own parents!
Sadly, our relationship clash after had my son and now they stay with us... A lots of conflicts ..
So, now I dun really talk much to them to avoid misunderstanding.. Also not to make hubby in difficult position.
Anyway, just some sharing here..may be I the only unlucky one
Cheeckyduckie, yes, I will not scare of the delivery time with epidural. I was so painful when the contraction pain come... The gas never help me at all. I felt nothing after the epidural, no feeling at all when my son come out...
So, this time round, I will still choose epidural although it is not cheap!
A little question here... How long is the epidural needle and is it painful? I got phobia when they say inject near spine
i live halfway around the world from my MIL but still can have conflicts!

same, i think laughing gas didn't help for me either.

re epi needle: don't know how long and don't want to know! i just know that it made me very happy and i changed from monster to nice human being again after the drugs settled in

some people say babies born when mum is on epi are not 'zeng xin' (alert) and all but no leh, my daughter came out and was really curious and kaypoh about everything straightaway.

don't need to worry about it now ok? maybe your pain threshold is very power and you won't even need it? for me, i thought i could tahan but it got really bad cos i dilated super slowly

let me go dig out my birth story to share.... hopefully it won't scare anyone! haha. (not scary one la, just normal birth story nia)
