Hi all mummies! I just finish my confinement! Hooray! My BB boy is born on 05 Feb.
Just to share: 3 days before he is born, my gynae do internal check and i'm 3.5 cm dilute with braton hicks only. He advice me to induce but i reject him. Haha... 3rd time mummy very thick skin... I told him i wan fully natural. So he say see u soon! My BB dun wan to see him soon le... wait for another 3 days before labour pain come.
Admin to hosp after 12hrs of contractions counting at hm. Nurse dun allow me to go hm after check that i'm 5cm dilute at 11.30pm. I popped moments after 2.30am. Another round of drug free delivery!
Now i can't wait to move back hm (as now staying at in law hm, so uneasy...)! I'm also taking fenugreek, 4 to 6 cap per day. My bb drink every 2.5 to 3.5hrly. So i latch one feed on one side, pump empty another side after feeding (abt 100ml). The expressed milk will be kept for his next feed. So i can rest in between and also allow my milk to "build up". If i lazy to pump empty, i'll latch him to another side for his next feed. I've give 1x FM in the night feed, so that my hubby or helper can help me feed. Using Avent manual pump too. Didn't plan to BF for long, so didn't invest on gd pump.
Any gd way for quick milk let down? I pump out the foremilk and can feel not empty all, so continue pumping, but the let down so slow for the hindmilk. Sometime to empty one side take 20 to 30 mins. But latch only take 10 to 15mins.