(2012/02) Feb 2012

Phew, baby's temp went back to normal, no more Merlion n sleeping now.
Sweetcorn, is your bb's poo mustard colour? If yes, should be fine. Sometimes texture can be Thicker which is better than watery stool as it tends to cause nappy rashes.

Soul, how I wished I can yield just 50% of wat soul mummy pumped! My output is pathetic similar to Serene's situation. Still trying hard. Chewie- your output is also better than ours.
Serene, I'm taking same dosage as chewie. 2 tabs 3timws a day as well. You may want to increase your tabs n see if ang improvement?
Hi Jen, yes yes mustard color... Talking abt poo, my notti gal poo-ed 3 times all over my hands while changing her diapers! Lolz..... Pengz!
Jen, if i can consistent pump out 100ml I v happy already at least for now to meet bb demand. Actually I increase fenugreek intake to 3 capsules 3 times per day since I stop domperidome. But not effective or v slow.
Morning all, i finally delivered my bb natually yesterday at 5+pm. V long delivery but ended well.
I started to hav contractions at 10am on thur. Admitted to kkh at 10pm when my pain was every 10mins. I'm only 3cm. Gynea broke my water bag at 8am when i'm 5cm. Contractions become v intensed. Surrendered to epidural at 10am n only 6cm. Waited till 5+pm then fully dilated to 10cm. Tried pushing many times but failed cos no strenght. I hav been without food n water for 20+hrs sure no strenght. Hav to use vacumn plus my pushing n bb out at last.
I'm the only one successful in VBAC here. But i become a mar mummy liao. Hope to continue to stay in tis thread.
Oh ya.. Rem to still have some food and drinks after u rest for a while. Dun be dehydrated like me cos I went without food and drinks for 15hrs
Congartulations Oops! Your wish come true to have successful vbac! :) must be very happy to see your lil one!

Rest well and start yr confinement soon :)
Opps!!! Congrats!!! U got wat u wanted!! How big ur bb? Can share so how is it different for c vs natural after going thru both?
Hi Oops!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! *Hugs!!!*
At least one successful VBAC story - well done for persevering!!!!
Am glad your body obeyed you to open up!
Meifen, actually hubby smugger 2 cups of water for me after epi. N i requested for food n water b4 i push too. Tummy super empty till can't take it.i had dinner 1hr after delivery but vomitted out the soup.

Gg, my bb is 3.2kg. Viginal birth recover fast. I can walk immediately after birth, jus feel legs a bit soft from the epi. Tummy also string back faster as compared to c-sect. But now start to feel pain at anus part. Can-t pass motion.

Thanks everyone.
sweetcorn: we realize that for FM, our DD didn't poo whole day.. in the end switch back to EBM. wanted to give FM for night so she will be fuller and sleep longer.. but end up decide to give up the sleep for ourselves so baby will have a more regular poo poo cycle.

serene123: LOL.. yeah my MIL says the same thing that soulmummy is our DD private "moo moo".. honestly money is the least of our issues, if anything can be solved by money, than it isn't really a that big an issue right? Plus, breast feeding is tough work. so the men should support one way or the other. help to wash la or bottle feed etc..

chewie, have to ask soulmummy, i think she stretch 4hrs a pump ba sometimes 5 hours.. so its relative.. but the EBM supply is thereabouts above 250ML i think.. i think there is alot of bags in the freezer. after about 3 weeks onwards she stop exactly at 3 hrs per time..

Serene and Jen: SoulMummy took 2 tablets of fengureek 3 times a day 2 bottles i think the fengureek finish already. so not taking. think that plus the 3 hour initially and domperidone helps to bring in the EBM supply.

after that ok already.
Khim, just back from poly review. Jaundice level went down further, now 120. Next review 2 wks later. Today's pd is a older doc, looks experienced and he says no need to worry, is normal and say continue to bf. He says it's true fm helps to clear jaundice faster but it's not worth stopping bf as benefits far outweigh. So I will start giving my bb the ebm which I started storing yesterday.
Opps, tks for sharing. I thot c section tummy shrink faster, mine now ok already only left bit bit. But u never tried natural b4 so can't compare. U rest well and happy Bfg!!
Serene- if want can try Motherlove More Milk Plus, has fenugreek plus other herbs to help increase milk supply. They sell at TMC pharmacy and maybe at Vitakids. I take these with the domperidone.

For domperidone I also take 2 tabs 3 times a day.
Hi soul108
What brand Fm did u buy?
I use Friso, the soy based milk powder meant for easier digestion. So far my baby poo ok.
Jen, Khim, GG - thanks! bb out of nicu ytd le @13.5. But normal nursery v slow progress. Today still 11.5. Tink nid at least 1 more nite there. Sianz. I tink bb not ard I v lazy pump milk. Tink must b abit more hardworking. Must Start to b on schedule soon if not bb come bac no milk. Now every pump I get abt 30ml nia. Later bringing hospital give her.

Jen - glad ur bb better le. My #1 also had fever but she hit like 39deg. Was hospitalized for blood and urine test. In the end lucky nothing wrong. But Tink my bbs like to waste money! Grrrr! Anyways ya a meet up sounds gd! =) jia yous with ur milk supply meanwhile ya!

Opps - grats ya!!! So happie for u! Dun walk too much first and dun carry #1 too much. Let wound heal abit first. =) and take stool softener. V impt!!! Keke

Ann - most impt bb healthy! Grats ya!

SL & bina- grats and welcome!

GG - I 2 times natural liao but both times my tummy still look 5 mths preggy after delivery! LoL so tink depends on individual? Csect shrink faster? Mebbe if got #3 I should csect... Hmmm...

Any mummies got stitching prob? Gynae says my stitching knot got pulled into the flesh tats y I'm in pain now. Could walk 6 hrs after delivery but now Cannot move too much. Every step is painful. Tink cos my #1 sit on my tummy and jumped on me cos she too excited to see me in hospital. Felt a tug on the wound and now the after effects kicked in. Jialatz. Anyone experienced the same prob? Anything u did to alleviate the pain? I bought sitz bath and perineal spray. Not much effect.
Hi Mummies!

Congrats to all who have delivered!
I'm a new Feb mummy too. Delivered on 8Feb! It's my 2nd baby.
Looking forward to all the great sharing!
Btw, how do I join the facebook group?
Bee mummy, How's the taste? I tried scared tea before troublesome need to boil.

Just now I pop by guardian at hougang, ask domperidome surprise that this branch don req prescription only name and ic. Any one want to buy can try if the branch don sell can go another branch. They selling motilium brand.
I don't know how much Motherlove More Milk Plus increases my milk supply because I do not pump. But I have read reviews where adoptive mothers hoping to lactate use the Motherlove More Milk Plus so I would guess it should have a decent effect?

I take the capsules which may not work as fast as the extract, but it is more convenient and allows me to not have to "taste" the supplement.

BTW in addition to baby acne, anyone have a bb who is getting red "patches" on the face? The patches my baby is getting is flat and red, almost like she was in the sun (though I have not sunned her at all) - assume this is just normal newborn rash?
hi ladies:

sorry had been mia as i was warded n gave birth finally ... i made it on the last day of feb...29 feb!!
... ward not much babies....nobody wanna give birth on that day but guess i'll jus tell baby it was her choice! haha. well i lost the VBAC challenge
gynae told me not to proceed as i was not dilating again after bloody show n 3 days of contractions n finally on wed when he checked i was only 1.5cm dilated n bb is supposedly big. my birth canal too deep n baby not descending and head circumference hit the max to exit canal so he told me not to continue to wait and i was "cut" haha...
i had a fantastic anesthetist " this time no vomiting or shivering" n i think my dr did a gd job. he gave me a compression tape on top of the wound.....only dunno how is he going to take out that thing!!! dun wanna think so far. worst thing...i was suffering bad cough n was having contractions all the way to the ops theatre!!! after ops my first cough was so painful
hiaz...as a result. no confinement food for me for now

bb has jaundice 14.6 and under light now. she is a small drinker...i latch 3 hrs in the day n night for 1 feed she can go 6 hrs without milk! dunno is she under drinking n shld i give her FM. i m now expressing after i latch. only get a pathetic 10-15ml max. today is my third day...is it normal? already suffering engorgement and sore cracked nipples... welcome to motherhood!!! haha



i shld have asked u to PM me yr mobile. we r at TMC !! i gave birth 2 day after u! we might have been in the same flr n our babies are neighbours!!! r u still there? i'm staying extra 2 nights as i m sick n i do not wanna go back sick with bb to care for with a new CL. plus bb needs photo light


did PT give u compression bandage or normal one? he say 1 wk after discharge go back n take off the knots....mine is so sticky n plus he use tight compression...i wander if it;s painful to take out. but it helps push in the wound n "tummy flab" 2nd day i add a tummy binder on top of it n force myself to walk up n down the ward to ease the muscle pain. it seems the 2nd csect is easier to bare than the first
if everything is so tight...will the knots get grafted into my skin? ouch..

breast supply medication:
i have been on so much medication for cough n throat and was wandering if i can take fenegeek or what else works for u ladies?

we;ve been in touch ya. so u know wat;s happ la. but i still wanna say: i'm so proud of u!!!! u r my hero!
beemummy: my boy used to get it when he was about 1mth to abt 4 mth...he used to salivate alot..causing these rash looking like thing regulary...need to always clean with water...cos sometimes have milk when it gets on the face will also cause it...old people will say cause we kiss them too much(which i did not :p)
Thanks for sharing!!
Since my boy so lazy to suck n he very sleepy... I'm thinking ask hb suck better then bb suck... Haha..
I also take 2 caps fenugreek 3time a day, but domperidone always forgot to eat, also drink alot papaya soup, sesame power, oat meal... My max only 100ml.
I read that one of the side effects of taking fenugreek is loose stools.
Do any of the mummies experience that?
Also read that bb may become more fussy aft mummy takes fenugreek. My bb always gets cranky around 9+pm every night!
Congrats, opps! Finally can see ur bb boy. N good job abut successful vbac.

GG, good tt ur bb's jaundice dropped. My girl still look very yellowish. Will wait until next Thu for check up. Today we try giving my girl red date drink. Old pple say can help reduce jaundice. Not sure how true, so just try.
U b totally feeding ur girl ebm or mix w fm?

Congrats to u too, pineapple!

Wah, souldaddy, soulmummy really good. How long does it take her to build up to this supply? My average now is 100ml n my girl is 3 weeks old now...

Chilli, I got diarrhea when I took 3 capules of fenugreek 3 times a day. Now I taking 2 capsules 3 times a day, no more loose stools. My girl has a lot of air, not sure if its related to fenugreek though...
Is ur bb having colic? From what I know, colicky bb fuss abt the same time every nite.
Congrats oops! Envious of your successful vbac..

Pineapple, congrats too.. 29 feb is a very special date..

Khim n chilli quek, I never experience any loose stools n bb also nv fuss.. Works well on me.. In fact, now my supply is very established that I no longer need it. But that's from my own personal experience..
pineapple: Congratulations!!!
If you're talking about the big beidge colour bandage, yes PT gave me that.
It really works! Yes my c-sec is SOOOO much more comfortable this time, my prev gynae wasn't him so I am not sure if it's because I'm a second timer or it's because he did an excellent job. I know he took 3 x as much time to sew and clean me up as opposed to my prev gynae. My recovery this time was also 3 x faster. I only have praise for him and his dedication! Don't worry, the nurses will use some sort of alcohol wipe when taking out the bandage. So it's only a bit cold - not painful. After 1 week, you will go to his clinic to take out the knots. Again, not painful. Yes eat your pain killers and walk walk walk! It will help in your recovery.

Yes I am envious of Oops too! But it's ok la huh. Baby is out safe! And oh my, we know we tried!
Khim, my gal is back to tbm now. Stopped giving her fm since doc say still better to bf. But am struggling to catch up on supply cos I also try to give my no 1 some bm over wkends when he is back. Supply like fluctuate, sometimes only 90ml, sometimes hit 150ml. And left side seems to have some blockage.

Hope my bb won't become more yellow again after returning to full bm. My CL uses a a fair bit of herbs, for red date drink as well as herbal soups for meals. And alternate nights herbal tonic soups for supper eg pao Shen, cordycept.

Do mummies here take hard liquor tonic?? My CL say she going to 'dun' martell w chicken. Ok to take and bf after 2 hrs ma??
Tks Jojo! My CL uses fair bit of glutinous rice wine in her cooking too. Already finished 2 bottles, I was like huh so fast? She use it to fry chicken or pork etc. So as long latch/pump only after 3 hrs shd b ok?
Hi so many post on upping milk supply. Eat I did n works well for me was take 3 fenugreek 3 times a day after morn afternoon n nt pump. Do it for two days n milk kicks in. Now no need any more med. My worry now is too much milk bottle freeze up. Need to buy milk bag. Any brand to recommend?
I took 2 capsules 3 times per day, already loose stools lo

How to identify colicky bb?

U didnt pump for 2 days?!? Wont ur breasts be painfully engorged?
Chilli, if not diarrhea, I thk its ok. This is one of the side effects.
Colicky bb tends to have wind in their stomach and they will fuss and cry for hour, usually about the same timing almost everyday. n u can't really pacifier them much. This is what I read.

My milk supply seems to b dropping today... I've been taking all the medications but seems like no help..
when can my supply increase?
May I kn any mummies got order baby full mth buffet fr Xin yi pin catering. I thinking of ordering but will like to get feedback on the food is it nice and portion from mummies who had order.tia for sharing ur feedback.
Opps! Congrats on ur successful vbac n ur bundle of joy!

I just had my dd's full mth celebration in a restaurant at west coast recreation centre. Food was reasonably good but location kinda out of place. They have Pte rooms too.
Khim, my supply also dunno why drop! Today there were twice only get 60ml!

I went taka fair, v crowded. Tk weekday will b better. Bot quite a lot of stuff there.
Re: full month celebration
I will b doing at home cuz more convenient. Catering from my bro's fren. Will b having cupcakes too! Hehe...

GG, yah lor... I a few times 50 mo only. So depress!
Thot u still confinement? Can go out shop shop ar?
Any idea if Avent is doing at trade in for old milk bottles? Any good buys at Taka fair?
GG: up to you. Taka Fair crazy. We were there morning and the crowd and prams and pushing later on was just terrible!
We bought diapers x 6 infant size and x 8 small size.. Maclaren stroller .. Wipes .. Cotton balls.. basically stock up the necessities.

Not missing much.. Usual fare..

Khim: now baby 2 months le so at least 4-6 weeks to build steady supply above 120ml? Now average 250ml and above. 1st morning pump most. Prolly 300? Don't worry .. Take lotsa liquid and fenugreek 2 bottles enough le. We stop taking fenugreek already.

Serene123: missed your post. One tablet 3x a day. I think
It was motilum. My bad.

Sweet corn: lmao. Can't remember for the life of me.. Erm not S26.. The only only that comes in very small tin though. Enfalac !
