Last time my TCM did advise me not to take barley, watermelon, pineapple & green bean soup esp for those who m/c previously.
I asked my gynae on what food to avoid and he was saying unless you are traditionally chinese in approach, to avoid "cooling" stuff like winter melon, pineapple and cold food. Otherwise, sensible dieting would be fine.
Shouldn't have problems drinking coffee just don't drink too much...1 small cup should be fine. Then again, depends on how strict you want to be with yourself as i know some friends who totally abstain.
I did drink 1 cup a day during the 2 week wait but now try to stop...just in case =)
For me, I do hope MS comes soon coz it's a sign right??? Now no symptoms except burps in the morning w/o food, bloatedness which makes tummy obvious =( and sore breasts that's painful to touch.
Hope the week pass faster and next week faster come soon so can see gynae =)