Khim, my hubby's PD friend also told us not good things abt AAT. Was told she ever screwed up things before n hv to refer the cases to other PDs to resolve. But my gynae told me she ever nursed a premature bb of 350g back to full term...
To me, some checks she did r not necessary & she didn't seek our consent before doing. Eg, she said belle has single umbilical artery (SUA) instead of 2 when she couldn't find the other artery at her umbilical cord when she did the drip. So, she sent her for an ultrasound of her organs (kidney, liver, etc). I google online what is SUA & found out that the other artery is redundant once bb is born. During pregnancy, if SUA, pregnancy is high risk as there is a concern of bb gets the nurition fr mummy, etc. Also, I had all my checks done at KKH specialist clinics before I followed by gynae to TMC in jan. no way KKH missed the SUA thing during 5 mths scan. I told my gynae that she did US on belle co of SUA. My gynae first response was the same as me as shared above. He also said US is not necessary since belle is safely born. What crap is that meh.. The US cost A few hundred bucks!
Also, when belle was in NICU coz of lung infections, she sent her for chest ray almost every day! Why wan to subject the young bb to so much radiation. Medication also takes time to response & can see she was gettin better when she cld breathe better without panting..
To me, she is super KS.. A gd PD shld do what r required not coz due to KS.