Khim, someone posted that her bb used nuk & also alot of air! We also need to burp belle a few times.. Same experiences as u.. When u feed bb, do make sure the teat is filled with milk when u tilt the bottle & there is no pocket of air. My mum just told me, one hr after feed, can massage bb's tummy after warming our palms with ru Yi oil.. Bb will fart more to let out the air in the tummy.l. Now, we do massage twice a day only..
Sometimes, 30mins after feeding n burping & belle still fusses, I will burp her again.. Like wat u say alot of air..
Pigeon is another reputable brand, since I hv the 5oz feeding bottle for avent, medela & nuk, I m thinking of trying pigeon 8oz bottles.. Coz gf told me pigeon is gd. My 5oz bottle, I only bought 2 nuk bottles. The rest of avent 5oz bottles are free.. From hampers & gifts. Medela 5oz came together with breast pump.
Actually, I just bought another 3 8oz medela bottles from USA for S & M teats. When bbs r bigger n can suckle better, I will give medela bottles coz can drink faster... Currently, belle wun choke on medela S teats but the flow is faster than she drinks so will flow out from her mouth during feeding.. Wasteful loh..