Mummies who haven't give birth, just to share, first few days if u need to use catheter, maybe no choice must use the loop kind of maternity pad, but once can put on panties, think use sofy the super long kind of night pad is better then maternity kind which has no wings and not as long.. My 2 cents worth..
For bm, I'm not an expert, but as written in a lot of books n stuff, body produce milk according to demand.. N how body know demand is via baby suckling.. Once you supplement cos u fear that baby do not have enough, your baby will not suckle and body will not produce, something like a vicious cycle? Yesterday night baby vomitted twice and still want to drink no matter how we try to soothe her, if I have fm, sure make for her already, even my hubby ask me want to go and buy? But by the time buy come back, would be too late so I tried to latch again thinkIng "die.. Already suck till dry, how to be enough for her?" but surprisingly, she latch on for another 6 mins and went to sleep. On hindsight, if I had made fm for her, she might vomit again since its seems that she is just overfed.. First time round was too much movement after feeding..
Also not sure if you guys have already read that first few days of birth, babies do not need anything more than the few drops of colostrum from you and the need to keep letting them suckle is to let your body know that it is supposed to produce more milk..
The nipples is gonna hurt like hell but once they toughen up, you are going to enjoy breastfeeding!