(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi everyone, thanx for your support n advices. I gave in to giving mixture of FM if bb is still not full from latching. I can see she is feeding well and now latching time is abt 1 hr n this morning 2hrs, I try to dispatch her when I see her falling asleep while sucking but she will bite harder n don want to let go. Think she sucking me like a pacifier after she's full n fall asleep. How can I pull her away, nipples are getting sore after prolonged sucking like this.

Serene, i am on Domperine? Dr prescribed me this for faster milk supply production. It worked wonders, milk supply. SMS on 3rd day.

GG, I'm on antibiotics n painkiller for my c-sec wound, think should be fine to take medications otherwise the dr won't prescribe.

Oh, any of your baby has these tiny red mosquito bites look-alike rash on the face n neck? My baby has and paediatician said its normal, to give water for hydration?
Jen, did u clean bb's face & neck after each feed with bb wipes?

GG, I am taking Dompeperidone too. 1 tablet 3x a day.
Serene, how long already was the swelling? i downthere was swollen too.. piles and rectrum areas.. but now, after 3 wks, most have subsided.. still hv a little of swelling..
Jen: you need to break bb's suction first before pulling your nipple away, else will hurt your nipple. Insert a finger into the corner of bb's mouth then gently pull your nipple away.

The red rashes will clear by itself by the 3rd month. Just need to keep bb clean, don't need to do anything ah.
Serene: the nipple should be in middle when you place the flange on your breasts. Nipple shouldn't be touching the sides or rubbing against the funnel when pumping. If so, you need a bigger flange.

It could be baby saliva oso. they wear mitten, they could eat their mitten and then rub the face. dun worry. it will go away itself when bb grow bigger.
You will see the different when you not letting them wear the mitten.
So frustrated with my ameda pump. It doesn't seem to be able to pump as much milk as my avent manual pump. Bt I can't use the avent pump coz the flange is unsuitable :/
Serene123: we using the 30mm one. We thought 27mm but mrs wong like one look, 30mm better. Just follow lor. Haha.
What bluecryst say is correct.
Dear mommies, 
Sorry unable to update here, been bz with baby, still on hospital coz bb having jaundice on day 2 birth due to immature liver, also mama n bb different blood group..unable to break down waste in liver hence go into bb blood. :-(
Hazel: my swelling is in between the thigh and virgina area. when I sit down it's v painful. At first don know is serious but I mentioned this to my gynea. The said something like pus building out and cannot discharge so it swell.
Dear mommies, 
Just to share my labour signs with mommies who havent popped. I encountered all 3 labour signs : regular contractions, bloody show and waterbag burst.

felt braxton hix more often and felt like menstrual cramp, not painful but uncomfortable. Started timing the interval n duration, 5-10min apart and lasted few sec or less than a minute.

9-11am called doc n gynae asked me to go hospital check n see. Bath n eat first , then go down see doc

12-2pm waited for doc to chk me due to many appts n finally said im 2cm dilated. Stil feel cramps. 

contractions getting closer at 5min each ,become more tense but still bearable n go away after 5-7min. Checked 6cm dilation at 6pm. There was red fresh blood discharge, so called bloody show. 

contractions become more severe and abt 2-3min apart now.. I just closed my eyes n endure, hold hubby hands!!! abt 7cm dilated by then. I was trying the laughing gas but realised juz a distraction, not much help in relief the pain. I asked nurse to clear my urine coz feel full, she brought the pan n placed below me, i tried to pee but couldnt come out coz i was lying down. So i sat up, she use tube to assist to release. Then suddenly my waterbag burst!!

Once bag burst, the REAL pain starts & doesnt seem to subside or having any intervals! OMG!!! 
The contraction has become the state where u hv this strong urge to poo and push out from vagina together! Strange feeling and totally uncontrollable!! So, bb juz came out when i pushed several times! With episotomy and stitching of coz!! I was so relieved and energetic after the whole event! Wasnt tired at all!! Amazing!!
Jen, tks. Am worried whether I should take antibiotics now as I know they will give once I c section Friday also. Then become 2 cycles.
Serene, yes, similar to where u have it but My swelling is nearer to the vagina area. Is like a lump Yes, it hurt when touched. I spray with antiseptic spray & put pimple cream!! now seem smaller n not as pain.. I can hv big pimples with pus down there before n during pregnancy... I also put pimple cream n when "ripe" I will squeeze the pus out.. Yes painful.. But after that it recovers.. :p
Sweetcorn, well done!! I was energetic too after delivery n friends who visited me asked me how come I dun look tired after > 24 hrs labour!!!
sweetcorn, smooth and fast delivery wor. And gd job for not taking epidural. Hope your bb will be out of hospital soon. Jia you!
Enjoying the kong fu actions done by my bb now. Very uncomfortable but I love it! Kicks and punches....! Will sure miss this when he out.
Bluecryst n soul daddy: thanks just went down to united sq mom n babes to get a bigger funnel try it later hope is less painful. I bought a 27mm one. They hv a ruler and guide u how to measure . But its ex $32 for one excludes membranes.

But at least I save $17 fr consultation
Bluecryst n soul daddy: thanks just went down to united sq mom n babes to get a bigger funnel try it later hope is less painful. I bought a 27mm one. They hv a ruler and guide u how to measure . But its ex $32 for one excludes membranes.

But at least I save $17 fr consultation
Congrats sweetcorn!! More mummies poped ha!!

Finally last wk for my confinement, hv been working hard to pump my milk... I felt very discourage, my milk never increase
mid night I let bb suck, morning I pump out max can get 100ml, then next pump only 30ml until night time pump also 30ml. My boy drink formula need 120ml. Hai yoyo, almost 3wks stil so little, I drink papaya soup, threadfin fish also like that le... I'm so tired felt want to give up bf.
hi mummies,
hw much is yr bb drking when he is 3 days old?
my son is drking 60ml/3hrs n i manage to hv only
some bm starting today.
so demoralised.... no bm like tt
Yup I am on domperidone 3x a day.

Actually I on antibiotics, painkiller, swelling pills, gastric pills for the last 1week. Thank god not fully bf if not bb also take a lot of medication.

Hazel, my pus seems deep inside. I can only feel the swelling and size like a dollar coin. If can squeeze out myself I will do it.
don feel like going for operation .
Yup I am on domperidone 3x a day.

Actually I on antibiotics, painkiller, swelling pills, gastric pills for the last 1week. Thank god not fully bf if not bb also take a lot of medication.

Hazel, my pus seems deep inside. I can only feel the swelling and size like a dollar coin. If can squeeze out myself I will do it.
don feel like going for operation .
Al, sama sama me after 2 weeks also still ard 30 ml to 40ml. So ask gynea for the medication to increase bm. Surprise he prescible 2weeks supply, few years back when I ask he act blur so give-up after 3mths that time I still can pump 80ml. But this time round milk came later after 3 days. And quantity also low.

Don give up, cos the last time I give up after 3 mths I still regret till now. U want to see ur gynea and ask him to prescribe ? Not too sure if pharmacy sell over the counter u want to ask hubby to try .

Are u taking any supplements ie fenugreek or scared tea? Try out before giving up.

Let's jia you. I also change the pump funnel cos the current one I am using is painful . So far my investment to bf is v expensive hope it will yield result.

If u want fenugreek let me know, I order 6 bottle from drugstore USA shipment reach these few days. Price cheaper than gnc ( u can buy one bottle from gnc first if I remember correctly it's $29 for 100 capsules) this is cheaper than scared tea which i finish one pack $30 in one week both hv fenugreek.
Hazel, jascmy,Al
Thanks! U girls did well too! 
im trying fenugreek to see if help with milk supply but secretion got smell one..

im having same prob as u. First 2 days latch on , 3rd day due to jaundice her apetite seems to increase i latched her 1 hr instead of usual half hour every 3hrly. Now i try to pump oso not enuf milk :-(
So we oso opt for mixture latch and FM. Boh pian

Dun worry yr turn will be soon and wish you can see your lil one soon too! 
Soul daddy, actually I am surprise too. The lady at mom n babes gave a rule with a hole for all the sizes to try. She show me how to measure using a dummy breast . So far tried the new funnel not so painful but now nipple still sore fr the 2 weeks pumping. Hopefully the soreness go away soon cos of the pain my pump gets shorter fr 30 mins both side now 20 mins, just want to faster get over with. But I still stick to the 3hrs pump.
Serene, supply increasing slowly.. In the las 3 wks.. Ranges from 30-60 ml per pump. My gf told me slowly.. Not So fast.. Also fenugreek, my gynae restrict me to 1 tablet 2x a day only... Dunno why..
Hazel, huh fenugreek so little i took 8 per day. I better cut down cos my friend took 8 too.

Seems like hv to be patient.

I order 6 bottles gnc 200 capsules for 6 mth seems too much. . Any one interested i am letting go 2-3 bottles. Per bottle selling $30 exclude local postage. Gnc selling 100 capsule at $29.90.
Serene, ya.. I even asked my gynae again if I got the dosage wrong. He said correct.. Maybe he didn't wan me to feel engorge but slowly let milk supply increase. I hv been taking alot of fish meat n fish w papaya soup. I dun wan to latch bb on, coz she will bite me. V painful
Serene123: that's interesting. Don't worry. The BM will come around 2-3 weeks time one. It's impt not to over pump. LC say stimulate and pump should not exceed 5mins per set and about 3 sets.. So should not pump 30-45mins one..

Are you putting lanolin after each pump? It will help heal faster
Soul, I only squeeze out some bm and apply over. Cos lazy to thoughly clean before next feed. What to do milk supply low hv to squeeze out every single drop to meet the minimum supply 30ml ;)
Thanks mummies! But really tired Ho.
Serene, my dr gave medicine for increase milk but seem not really help. Just now I ask my husband buy fenugreek, if he buy from Natures farm got discount 30% cheaper then GNC. Tmr he wil buy for me to try, hope it will help.
heya, just to let you know, I bought my mother's milk tea and fenugreek from www.iherb.com. It's cheaper than buying in GNC even after conversion from USD. They ship globally at a minimal fee. Buy in bulk cheaper.



They have many different brands so do your research to see which ones are good. You can read the reviews too. For me I take the ones above.
Hi Feb 2012 mommies!

I gave birth to my baby boy on 2 Feb via c-section. Till date (day 12), my bm supply is still very low...yesterday I still managed to pump ard 50-60ml but today, I can only pump up to 40ml each time...

I started taking fenugreek since day 3 after delivery and had engorgement after that...my breasts were so hard and painful that I had to use cabbage theraphy. I heard it is not good to use cabbage as it will cut down the supply. Not sure if that's the reason for my low supply.

Can I check if any mommies taking fenugreek and domperidone together? Does it help to increase supply?
If use cold cabbage, must not cover the nipples. If not supply will drop. I m Tsking fenugreek n domperidone together. It does not create miracle too.. Still need a few wks to build up the supply.. I hit 3 wks tomorrow since delivery, supply still low but slowly can see the increase.. Patience!
I covered the whole breast for the whole nite! sigh.......

Hazel, so u mean supply will go up after a few weeks? Coz I was told if we dun build up the supply soon, then chances of supply going up is very slim
just to share, for those with low supply and need to increase milk supply:

i prefer natural ways only so did not take any tea or medication at all when i was breastfeeding my #1. for mummies with low supply if really wan to increase supply must be more hardworking. i had low supply(20-30ml after 2 wks, increased to abt 80ml after 3rd wk, abt 120ml after 4th wk, will hit abt 200ml+ if pump interval is 6hrs, and not long after i latched fully). latching/pumping more often(every 2-3hours) really does help and you can only see the effects after at least 3 days. no nid like clockwork pump every 2 hrs but like when u dun feel that tired den just take out your pump and pump. sometimes 2 hrs, sometimes 2.5, sometimes 3, also ok. or if bb hungry just latch. if after latch and feel breasts not emptied totally u can pump another 5-10 mins to stimulate production of more milk. perservere on and dun b discouraged! of cos it's v tiring but hang in there. once u see the increase in supply, u'll b v happie! also by then u can slowly space apart your pumping sessions to a more comfy interval(but not too far apart tat your supply drops, at least every 3-4 hrs still, except at night i tend to drag abit longer like 6-7 hours till i cannot tahan the engorgement =x). increased demand will increase supply. if can preferably increase the pumping spd as well to a higher but still tolerable level, so that your body can recognise it as bb sucking hard cos still hungry instead of comfort sucking.

oh ya i also had a pump buddy, my fren with super gd supply. she pumps like clockwork and is my motivation to pump. we whatsapp everytime we pump to kip each other awake at the 3am and 6am pump session. though i slacked off when bb latched on =p. i tink it helps too!

also pls do not starve yourself to rapidly slim down and go bac to pre-pragnancy size. u will definitely slim down through breastfeeding over time cos realy need alot of energy to produce breastmilk. to have more breastmilk you need to eat more and keep yourself very hydrated. tis is very impt. i do see a decrease in supply whenever i drink/eat less.

all the above are advices from my 1 and only past experience so i cannot guarantee if it works for everyone. i mite b wrong in some explanations but these ways did worked for me, so can try if u wan to increase supply. =) gd luck and have fun!!!
Jen - dun let bb latch too long(max 20-30 mins each side). later become bb's pacifier like me last time! =( and ya break suction first by inserting last finger at the corner of bb's mouth like wat NC says. v impt! i remember that soreness and pain... ouch! oh ya the rashes thingy can leave alone but i noe see already v umcomfortable if dun do anything rite? heh. try using komodo's powder lotion. works for my #1 during her time. =)

GG - i tink u should go bac to see gynae instead leh cos since he/she gonna deliever for u on fri liao, best for him/her to know of your current situation and wat med u taking currently so that safer for u and bb. rest more and get well soon ya!

hazel - ur fish soup got use the fish meat or onli the bones? the last time my CL cook for me damn fishy. i just swallowed it. tis time my mummy cooking for me. hopefully better so asking ard see can make my life during confinement better not. hahahaha.

soul - when soulbaby can latch den u can ask after soulbaby latch finish for soulmummy to handexpress abit more for u. tat one sure no fight with bb. LOL! ya work and pump v xin ku. opps will noe best! she v zai to pump for so long as a FTWM! can get tips from her if soulmummy wan pump at work!

sweetcorn - hope bb get better soon! u take care of yourself too ya! =) thanks for sharing your exp! another without epi, bravo! wonder if i can do it too... hmmm... hehe
mummies still waiting - i'm still waiting as well! our babies waiting for gd day to pop! hang in there! at most 14 days more? heh. jia yous to us and our bbs!

mummies having supply probs - dun b stressed ya! kip an open mind and jia you jia you too! most impt stay happie ya!

all mummies and daddies - happie valentines day!!! <3
Xia, thanx for your advice n encouragement! Happy V day to you too!
Serene, i have only drips of colostrum at day 3 when I discharge, started domidrome that same day n next day-day 4, I can feel breast fullness n milk came in slowly.

Still trying to get my gal to sleep, she can't seem to get to sleep at night. Anyone got suggestions on how to make baby sleep? Tried music, rocking n hugging, singing lallluby but don work leh.

Opps- do enjoy every moment of your tummy kicks! Im starting to miss being pregnant, kind of sad that motherhood was not as magical. Was thinking how nice it will be if she had waited for V day today to come out.
Happy valentines day to all!!

Xia, saw GP yesterday but he prefers I dun take more medicine since delivering this fri. Ask me to 'dong' if possible. Finally settled my cordblood banking too. Is fast, the person just come explain and do paperwork and dats it!
Jen - if bb not crying just leave her b. They still dunno how to differentiate nite and day tats y sometimes nite will b up for some time and cannot zzz. Give her some time to adjust. Cannot play with her though cos if not she'll tink night time is to play and have fun. Have some boring conversations with her? Heh hopefully bore her to zzz. Or u got cot mobile? Let her look at it rotate?

GG - ya I also tink so. Tahan awhile more. 3 more days! U see if can take vit c or wat? Drink lots of water and slp more ya! Ya the cord blood thingy quite fast. Just the parts they explain the t&amp;c v lor sor. Nid to sign alot of things. Keke. If onli can just tell them same as #1. Even faster! Heh
Jen, ur girl is on BM or fm at night? U may wan to try giving her fm at night so she can sleep better with a full stomach..,

Xia, fish bones are used to make my papaya n fish soup.. I drink the soup only.. Dun even eat the papaya. I hv a separate dish of steam Ngoh fish.
