just to share, for those with low supply and need to increase milk supply:
i prefer natural ways only so did not take any tea or medication at all when i was breastfeeding my #1. for mummies with low supply if really wan to increase supply must be more hardworking. i had low supply(20-30ml after 2 wks, increased to abt 80ml after 3rd wk, abt 120ml after 4th wk, will hit abt 200ml+ if pump interval is 6hrs, and not long after i latched fully). latching/pumping more often(every 2-3hours) really does help and you can only see the effects after at least 3 days. no nid like clockwork pump every 2 hrs but like when u dun feel that tired den just take out your pump and pump. sometimes 2 hrs, sometimes 2.5, sometimes 3, also ok. or if bb hungry just latch. if after latch and feel breasts not emptied totally u can pump another 5-10 mins to stimulate production of more milk. perservere on and dun b discouraged! of cos it's v tiring but hang in there. once u see the increase in supply, u'll b v happie! also by then u can slowly space apart your pumping sessions to a more comfy interval(but not too far apart tat your supply drops, at least every 3-4 hrs still, except at night i tend to drag abit longer like 6-7 hours till i cannot tahan the engorgement =x). increased demand will increase supply. if can preferably increase the pumping spd as well to a higher but still tolerable level, so that your body can recognise it as bb sucking hard cos still hungry instead of comfort sucking.
oh ya i also had a pump buddy, my fren with super gd supply. she pumps like clockwork and is my motivation to pump. we whatsapp everytime we pump to kip each other awake at the 3am and 6am pump session. though i slacked off when bb latched on =p. i tink it helps too!
also pls do not starve yourself to rapidly slim down and go bac to pre-pragnancy size. u will definitely slim down through breastfeeding over time cos realy need alot of energy to produce breastmilk. to have more breastmilk you need to eat more and keep yourself very hydrated. tis is very impt. i do see a decrease in supply whenever i drink/eat less.
all the above are advices from my 1 and only past experience so i cannot guarantee if it works for everyone. i mite b wrong in some explanations but these ways did worked for me, so can try if u wan to increase supply. =) gd luck and have fun!!!