(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hazel, I tot cannot shampoo and shower only with herbs? That's what I'm doing and it's horrible,,, so sweaty!

BluC, I'm trying to latch often and avoid pumping too much.. Otherwise will engorge.. My experience from my #1 is I often get engorge when I pump too much and I end up bathing my kid with my ebm.....

I gave birth this morning at 11am, natural with laughing gas. Bb is bigger than expected, 3.37kg. Labour is abt 3hrs from water breaking. So glad to see my girl finally!

Like #1, had prob latching my girl on 1 breast. Shld i pump to stimulate?
Khim congratulations! So much faster than the 1pm that was initially expected!!!
So proud of you - no epi! Hope I can do the same.
Mummy, huh? Bb is supposed to go for blood test abt 1 wk after birth for jaundice check... Can go polyclinic.. New born has priority.. How can rely on observation?

Can use shampoo leh... I use rice wine instead of herbs. So, no sticky or sweaty feeling... If I feel sticky during the day after shower, I will wet a small towel with cooled boiled water & wipe my body.. refreshing!
Soul: tried the new flange and it doesn't hurt so much now. But dunno of its cos I've fed my baby earlier on, or due to other reasons, the supply dropped. Kinda worried as this has been happening lately. I find feeding ebm easier on the feeding time of baby, but gotta sterilize alot of things after every feed and pump. Bf is more tiring as baby can wake up till one hour plus after feeding..

NC: that's like killing two birds with one stone! Gd!

Mummy: wah, bathing with the ebm.. U really got alot of supply then... Btw, are you talking about the 1 month vaccination as per the health booklet? If you are opting for the 6-in-1 jab, you start at 2nd month instead.
Khim, congrats! Speedy delivery!

Zeal, amateurs like us cannot see jaundice easily. By the time we can see, the level is very high. Maybe your CL knows how to check. And perhaps ur bb really no signs while in hospi.. U can refer to the health booklet p56 for the list of vaccines. Pd will rec additional stuff but up to u n hubby

My pd also gave a brochure which explains the diff vaccines. Easy for first time parents to understand

Heel prick is layman terms ah. Cos they prick her heel. Is optional test to test certain intolerances and allergies. I think called metabolic test

Soul daddy, I'm using hospital glass bottles when pumping. I hv abt 15 of them. Also 4 medela bots which came w the pump n ordered another 10 off amazon (us$15 only!!). Glass bots ok for me cos seldom in 1 pump exceed 80 ml for 1 side. Prob cannot for soul mummy

For massage, I do vvv fast de. Machiam bouncing the boobs around. Also dunno right or wrong way but seems to have some effect!
Mummy, u had a natural delivery right! Which hospital? Just curious, how much was your gynae's fees as itemized in the bill?
Blucryst: good to hear that! We were using the medela standard and LC say no good. No wonder was painful initially. And SoulMummy pump too long. 30mins a side. Lol as extremely tiring. Until we went to LC couple of days or a week later then realized did all wrong. OMG! Lol
Don't worry about the amount. Will increase de. Generally after a good nap or warm shower, easier to let down. Warm towel press before pumping also help to stimulate letdown.

Ya EBM easier to gauge the amount baby has taken but more things to do. Ask your hubby or mummy/daddy to help wash?

Chewie: 15 so many!?! And the medela bottles so cheap meh? You use the medela bottle to feed baby? The teat flow not fast meh? We using pigeon bottle to feed baby but dunno wanna get other brand anot? Then the medela bottle teat flow like quite fast. I'm thinking of getting more bottles medela so pumping can wash and sterilize less items .. If not SoulMummy tired. I think I must check out the amazon website. 20 quite cheap but the medela bottle is the 150ml one? Ya if 80ml will be quite full ba.

Massage SoulMummy like quite fast also. Only when kenna blocked duct then jialat. Coz painful..
Soul daddy, this one - http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003DXX4DQ/ref=mp_s_a_2?qid=1328975836&sr=8-2
Yah I collected 8 when I discharged and 7 he week after when I went pd. my CL feed directly from glass bot using medela test. Medela bots still too big for bb now cos bb takes 70-80 max. Prob in 1-2 weeks ba
Yes we use the default medela teat. If too fast bb will choke? She is ok
I also ordered extra membranes, valves, flanges from amz so got multiple sets for use next time
Hazel, $588.50 for surgeon fee and $107 for doctor attendence fee. Total (gyne) fee $695.50. PD fee is $200 for 2 days. I took the 2 day package at mt E.

Think PD see I'm a 2nd time mummy so she didn't bother to explain much. Just say to make an appointment of I see yellow gums or yellow tights... Haha strange hor...
Thanks mummies for the well wishes.

Finally manage to breastfeed my girl on the side she rejected initially.

I still dont have colostrum yet. Any idea when it will come in? Also not sure if my girl manage to get any...
Mummy, my gynae charges me $1,800 for 3 nights stay, including surgeon fees.

PD charges me 200-300 a day!!!! Total I paid PD $2,500, fr my bb 1 wk stay TMC NICU!

I was discharged yest but bb got jaundice so she gotta stay for UV light.
I managed to pump few drops of precious gold last night.
So I can mix these few drops into FM for bb?

Hopefully can bring bb home later.. Awaiting jaundice test results n (oso my bill at TMC...)
Regarding confinement:

My CL says can use the herbs to wash hair n body. Phew..

Last night my 1st official night of confinement at home n I perspire like crazy even with air con switched on!

N I poo poo for 1st time since delivery 3 days ago..
Ouch ouch..
It's normal to feel slight discomfort at the episotomy area right??
Managed to feed baby with colostrum, somehow sucked out by baby but i cant squeeze it out myself. She seems satisfied after each feed for these 2 days. Pd also say bb got jaundice. Need to stay for treatment..:-/
Chilli, yea, the area down there will feel sore for a while.. I cldnt pee properly sitting down! Coz bladder also swollen.. For first wk, only when I pee like a man then can clear bladder fully... My gynae gave me stool softener & fibergel. So I poo the 2nd day after delivery.. Not much discomfort.. Now, I m still taking fibergel.. Though is coming to 3 wks.. Coz my piles dropped out m were swollen after the pushing during delivery.. Now much better already..
Thanks chewie and orangeroses. So if my girl is satisfy after breastfeeding, means she manage to suck out colostrum of my breasts?
Ladies, I'm discharged n my confinement day 1 yesterday feels terrible. Hot n sweaty can still bear but wat I can't bear is the difference in opinion between the old school n our generation! Already my girl had a bit of difficulty sucking as my nipple were flat for her to bit, had to latch for at least half hr for her to grasp properly. My girl will get impatient n cry at the top of her voice, in hospital still ok cause got encouragement from nurses n LC, now at home- I get discouraging remarks from my own my mum. My mum very FM pro n keep wanting to feed bb wif FM n water! Tried locking myself in the room to concentrate BF, she knock every 10mins! Even my Hb had to tell my mum to give me time n support. How? I can feel milk engorgement but my bb cannot help to empty my breast to nipple flatness.
Jen: my parents also think that bb is not getting enough milk from me n keep asking me to supplement with FM so she feel fuller and less prone to crying. They also think water very important to keep baby hydrated. But that's coz last time we were in FM that's why need some water. But I still bf my bb anyway. As for your latching problem, if your bb still can't get it maybe u need to see a lactation consultant and seek advice? Some ppl use this nipple thingy to pull out short nipples. You can also pump out your milk first to ease your engorgement and feed bb with for the time being.
Soul: my hubby and MIL who's doing confinement for me did help with all the washing. Just that in the long run its tiring for them especially for my hubby coz he wakes up for bb night feeds too.
Mummies, can we take 'shao xing jiu' and abalone oyster sauce, for cooking meat and vegetables... if we are breast feeding? My confinement lady keep saying its ok but my gut says otherwise. Anyone knows?

Also the herbs, will it affect baby? She looks very red and pinkish all the time.. Is it normal?
I remember another mummy also using PEM confinement. Which mummy? Want to ask u if it's normal for the CL, not to know the name of the herbs she is preparing?! I'm so messed up dunno what I am drinking

Jen, jia you and don't give up! Ignore them!
Chilli, it's normal.. I also feeling sore down there and went home then can Poo.

Hazel, chewie, ur charges is for natural delivery no epi? I think cos part of tHe doctor fee is in the prenatal package. My gynae package is $2200 including natural delivery and prenatal checks scans.
Lynn, I think u can ask for 10% discount if u follow the same gynae for #2. Every year the gynae increase price... It will only get more expensive....

Can't wait to get out of the house. It's Sunday and I'm at home...
Khim - grats and speedy recovery!

Soul - waaa actually 1 litre a day also quite alot le! Can pump more now since Soulmummy going bac work den soulbaby got reserves! Heh. U can onli take wat soulbaby cannot finish. Dun fight with bb for milk huh! =x

Jen - hey dun b upset. Do wat u tink u wan to do. Ya things v diff from last time. Ur mum cares abt u and bb tats y wanna help out also. Let ur hb handle ba. U kip ur cool if not will have difficulty letting down the milk. Did u try pumping for awhile b4 try latch bb on to get the nipple out? Or try nipple shields. Flat nipple still can latch but abit more leh chey. So dun b upset. If really causing u too much trauma den pumping out will b best. Still BM. Dun give urself too much pressure ya! Take Care and rest well during confinement and grats on discharge! Many mummies also pumping out. rem dun give urself too much stress! =)
Jen, jiayou! Do ur best to bf... I thk u can try shields as well. Don't stress urself too much abt bf though as it will affect ur mood n ur supply. Tt's wat happen to me for #1, n I teared and get frustrated a lot. In the end supplement w fm.

Yeah! Just now squeeze my nipple n manage to see colostrum. But not sure bb did drink or not. Cuz I feed her for almost 1hr plus, n she still cry. N the thing is she didn't feed for almost 6hrs cuz she wanna sleep n refuse to open her mouth to feed. Really getting a bit helpless...
Hazel - oh ya I collected the bb journal from nlb le. I ask the lady for bb journal she gimme a blur face. Ask me issit pre-birth kit? Den I was like should b ba?!? LoL! Anyways it's v nice! Thanks!!!!
Khim - actually nb cannot slp so long without feeding. Max 3-4 hrs must wake her uP to feed. Try stretching her or changing her diaper to wake her up. Sometimes bb too hungry will b frustrated and cannot latch properly. When she latch u feel pain or no? If pain bb mebbe latch But not getting anything? Got burp her? Did u watch the dunstan video? See if it's cos of other thing she crying?
Mummy, I m natural with epi. My gynae didn't hv a package or prenatal checks n delivery.. No oyster sauce coz natural also hv wound down there unless u fully recovered... Shao xing jiu, are u asking if breast feeding can take liquor? I took.. Dom $ Martell... My bb is red n pinkish from d1 she is born! Massage lady n my mum all Said is gd... N that bb will be fair n rosy next time when she s older... Massage lady even asked me if I took lots of birdnest!
Hazel, icic so red pinkis good,.. I was worried it's the herbs and jiu that is making her red. Baby mah, better be safe than sorry. So u pay ur gynae as and well u visit? how much per visit?

Oh, can we take birds nest during confinement?
Chewie, ur gynae also @mtE.. Same as mine, should be about the same price.. How much was ur prenatal and delivery package? Who's ur gynae?
Mummy, bird nests is considered cooling dessert.. Better not..
Every visit will cost me abt $100, including scan of $20 & night clinic surcharge 0f $12. My gynae's clinic is the only clinic that has night clinic twice a wk.. & I always go night clinic
Zeal, I think diff dr diff charges ba. I'm w dr kek lp. No pkg. each visit 100-200. Gynae fees was abt 2.5k. In total, I prob spent just over 10k without claiming medisave. I extended 1 night. And yup mine is normal without epi.

Khim, I think the nurses also consider no fussing and crying as being full. So they only bring to u when bb cries

Jen, I'm on total bf but through ebm. Just 2x a day let her suckle. It has allowed us to sleep through the night (except waking up to pump) n gauge when the bb is hungry, monitor how much she's taking etc. LC said it's my decision if I wanna express fully, it's more work cos of cleaning up and there might be psychological hurdle for some mummies. I'm happy w our decision n feel close to bb all the same, knowing I'm doing my best n not getting stressed over this
Evon: we changed from single to double pump. But using the bigger flanges(funnels).

Chewie: thanks. It's heck of a deal. Very good. We not using medela bottles to feed.. Using the pigeon ones. Hmm.. Coz that time like quite fast the flow. But the extra bottles will come in handy for EBM.. Cheap!! Yes if too fast baby will choke..

Jen: congrats on your delivery! Chewie and the rest gave good advice. We also met some resistance initially but its all ok now and in fact everyone became quite supporting. All the best k?

Bluecryst: it's for a while., after that baby should sleep through the night and it will be better de.

Xia: is it? SoulBaby taking about 70-75ml now so dunno if will have enough for her. Haha.. SoulMummy dunno when wanna stop also.. Leave it to her to decide coz it's tough work.. Haha won't fight with DD la.. Walao.. Later SoulMummy hammer me..

Zeal: Shao Xing is rice wine. Should be fine. But oyster sauce probably not ba?
My cough and throat not getting any better even after gynae medicine. Cham man, can't imagine coughing away while gynae is cutting me up!
I think I should tell my CL not to use the 'hua diao jiu' and the shao xing jiu.. Cos frying meat will not be more than 100degrees.. Unlike soup.. It's 15% alcohol content. Worried it will affect baby. Do u think I should tell her and take the jiu away?

I also think the abalone oyster sauce cannot... But I'm ok with the vegetarian oyster-flavored sauce. Should I also keep it away? Hmm... My CL very strange it seems. Today sg cooked a very pepper-ish pork dish. Is pepper a confinement ingredient?
Pepper as in white peppercorn or black? White peppercorn like those we use in pig stomach soup is a confinement ingredient, gets rid of wind.

If u not comfy with the wine/oyster sauce, let her know. But quite common to have wine dishes eg rice wine with chicken
stir fry.
Hazel, my gynea's night clinic is at bt timah plaza. I think is from 7-1030pm.. Can't really rem gg the hours.

Chewie, my prenatal package is $2200 and doctor fee $700. MtE 2 nights package for Natural no epi.. Total without medisave claim is about $6k + if I include the parental package lor.
