(2012/01) Jan 2012

Silsilly, I had spotting just as I hit 13 week. Rushed to kkh to see dr sadhana, she did an ultrasound n v scan for me and found baby still healthy and cervix closed. Really had a scare! Now back on duphaston for 2 weeks. Quite weary that just got off duphaston and everything seems going on well and now this happens again. But spotting has stopped, think due to the meds again. Good to hear that u getting on well, the many supplements u get shows ur doc is a v cautious doc

Jingles: Yah it may not be good to hire someone a relative knows, it's like baring your family lifestyle back to your relative. The benefit comes if the CL feels similarly constrained - since this is my friend's daughter, I must try my best. Coz the problem is if there is a problematic CL! My friend saw her CL switching on the aircon, relaxed in my friend's massage chair and having the tv blasted loudly which can be heard from outside her room while her son is sleeping. She wonders if the tv vol will disturb her child's sleep.
Hi hi just finished gynae appt relieve relieve bb ok 9cm at 14n half wk, took blood for 3X test mmm then 3am wait , really hope no need amniotic test
Btw if shopping at BHG for shoes our Malay mommies here pls double confirm w the staff before you try the brand cos I know now some of the brands there uses pig skin

Jingles : maternity clothes- pantang- I never tot of that just can save money can Liao ke ke ke
X: I fully understand ur excitement... :)

I now wear flats..bot those not X ones like from Kiki or Antonio club..get those with better base..more friction

I think i must hv walk too much these 2 days, yday had some very slight brown discharge...give me a scare..
jingles: in my previous co, we all share maternity clothings...our colleagues just pass on to the next one who is preggy..not pantang lar..cos we only need it for 9 mths..i just bot a few new ones..some of those can use my colleagues one..i will use
My MIL can read my mind, I was craving for black vinegar pig trotter. She told me this morning that she have brought the pig trotter from the wet market. Wow thanks to the BB and the weight loss in 1st tri.
<font color="660000">hi mummies,
For confinement catering do they use slot of ginger? A few people told me if breastfeeding gotta avoid too much ginger coz it's too heath for baby n it can aggravate jaundice. My first confinement my mil cooked but with less ginger coz my son had bad jaundice n needed to b hospitalized n i was breastfeeding. This time dun think she can cook with 2 kids to help look after so thought of catering but worried that number 2 might hv jaundice too...</font>
Hi ritzc,
Just went to see my gynae 3 days ago.. My baby measuring at 7.5cm.. Everything seem to appear fine.. Thank god! The pills are soooper huge!! I stopped duphaston when I hit 12 weeks and now must eat 3 gigantic tablets lor..
Glad that ur baby is doing fine.. Now can see the head and body very clearly right? I guess with the 2 weeks of duphaston, u wont be spotting no more.. By then, the placenta would have been fully developed..
My baby was in a 'push-up' position and I could see his/her legs dangling.. So cute..
I still have on and off nausea and vomiting.. Bleargh.. But the symptoms are slowly waning off..
You still have MS now at 13 plus weeks?
Ms carpe diem - ya sometimes it's tough la. But as I don't have any good recommend on CL too and if I get my own it's also tikam tikam from agent. So I rather get wat they recommend. Rather than later if get one no good from agent, and it's no good, they will say..... See told u liao, get our friend u don't wan...haiz it's not easy when families step in for decision making. Somehow reminded me the time when I got married.... Need to get so many consensus -.-

Hq - positive! Things will go well

X - went pazzion today and got shoes!! Very comfy and happy now
thanks for recommend

Zhuzhu- wah office rotate maternity clothes ah?! Very family culture hor
but doubt our office will b so friendly towards each other. Here all play clique. If u not in the group, they won't be so friendly towards u.
Jingles: Agree! Hopefully she belongs to the category of "my friend's daughter so better take good care type.". And agree it's better to get one based on recommendation.

Stella: Had just come back from a Medela Seminar which touches on jaundice too. Based on what is shared, it's a myth that ginger will worsen jaundice. Aside from either 1 or 2 types of jaundice, the best way to help the situation is to feed your child more regularly. Somehow, having your child feed and digest more aids in the recovery of jaundice. Aside from those 1-2 types of jaundice (which gets worse with breastfeeding), in most cases when breastfeeding, mothers are encouraged to take food that contains good stomach bacteria (i only remember yogurt) which goes indirectly to the bb through breast milk and which aids in the recovery of jaundice.

Don't ask me for the names of those 1-2 specific types of jaundice, so many technical terms, I got a headache halfway and just focus on some essence of the message.
as far as i know, there is nothing the mother can or should do to avoid jaundice in their baby. it is just a commonly occurring syndrome that usually resolves itself without any complication.

Yah just like echo said, it doesn't seem to be a preventable condition. By nature, there'll be some mothers with children more prone to jaundice.
Oh and just to add, feed and digest more doesn't indicate more vol per feed, I'm referring to number of feeds per day. So bye-bye to sleep!
Silsilly, mine at week 12 Oscar was sleeping didnt move much but heartbeat was strong at 164. Dun know whether it is cause I was napping for an hour before that and nearly forget about the appointment. Week 13 that day scan the bb is still lying quite comfortably but at least this time it rocks its legs gently. Next scan I will take lots of sugar drinks and hope it will be more active, cant wait for it to kick me to make me more aware of its presence!

I don't know whether my spotting is due to my v infection, I'm getting more itch since week 10 due to frequent urination. Sadhana says I only got a bit of protein in my urine but it's fine. When I asked her the cause of the spotting, she did not give me a clear answer to that except that ultrasound shows my placenta and bb r growing fine and cervix closed and will give me 2 more weeks of duphaston. Really hope by then it will not occur again coz it's such a pity when I can track bb's growth all along. Also all this happens just after I thought my pregnancy was stable and start letting ex colleagues know I'm pregnant. V sianh.
ms carpe diem - ya got to take their recommendation of CL positively

ritzC - take care...

mummies not sure if you have experience any cramps on side of tummies? as well as lower part of tummy? had this crampy feeling (similar to mense cramps) on left side of tummy and lower tummy since yesterday....and though it faded away today....still feeling a bit queasy at that area...is it tummy expanding/bloaty problem? pls share
jingles: the passing of mat clothings oso within our lunch kakis group..so happened dat we all get preggy after one another..so can pass around lor..

I rem gynae say when ur tummy is expanding..u will have slight mense cramp like feeling..
If it's sharp fleeting painat the left and right side by the pelvic, can be due to ligament being stretched. There's one running from pelvic area to top of uterus. Common cause for side pelvic pain
zhuzhu/birdbrain - thanks for the advice
ya i also think its like tummy expanding...its at the area around pelvic area and below the ribs area ....quite uncomfortable.

mummies - i found this interesting portable plasmacluster device in BEST last weekend and you may wish to buy for your office
Its slightly bigger than a handphone and can kill bacteria near your cubicle area...this is good for working mummies which is facing lots of sick ple in the office now.
Hi morning everyone.. I called PEM confinement agency a few days ago. They quoted me $1950 for confinement done before 16 Jan and $2850 for confinement done after 17 Jan (latter is because it will hit CNY). On top of that, I will need to pay the levy (as their nannies are all Msians) and 2 angbaos (of any amt) to the nanny. I;m wondering if it's a good option. But if so, maybe I will just take the before 16 Jan package since my EDD is 1st week of Jan. Because I heard most 1st time mummies will deliver earlier..
Argh.. our EDDs will hit CNY, everything also expensive! grrrr...

Hi May, I also had a blood clot about a mth ago (Im 16wks now). Went for checkup 1.5weeks ago and gynae said it's no longer there (was estatic when she said that). So Im sure yours will disappear too.

I passed by Tanglin's Mother &amp; Child on Sat. Took a brochure. Their pre/post natal yoga is $110 for 4 lessions! But there were quite a no. of expat mummies there, so I think it's more for the expats.. Tanglin is not that convenient for me, think I will not sign up for it. Will explore KKH's classes.

btw, have you booked your delivery rooms already? TMC asked me to book already when I next go down on 20 Aug. Are you opting for Single rooms? I was looking at TMC's rates, gosh they have so many rates for the single room suites! Some of them are really expensive! I guess it's more for the richer parents or the Zoe Tays of this world.. haha My hb said simple single room good enough la. ;p
lush - i am also looking around for confinement nanny.....but will see if my parents recommend one is willing to do for me or not....so fast book delivery rooms already??? wah..tat is fast lei
so far my gynae yet to ask..
I just went online to check out Natal Essentials.. after reading the earlier comments.. wow.. it's about $30/meal... wow... must tell hb to set aside more $ already. ;p
<font color="aa00aa">Lush, wow does Natal Essentials work out to $30/meal? That is ex but portions are huge right? Can ask hubby to share some food. Am planning to order from them too, but my sister is delivering in late Sept &amp; ordering from them as well - will ask her for her feedback to be sure its worth it

Booking the room - have already booked mine at TMC cos they asked me to. Opted for the single bedder like the last time too. Don't bother to upgrade to the single premier (can't remember what its called, but its the next most ex) - they assigned me that room when I checked in for delivery for #1, and the only diff is that there is a small circular dining table on the corner (rather than the counter type table) &amp; the bathroom is abit bigger.</font>
Hi Jingles.. heheheee.. Im checking out the prices as I have not decided if it's more worthwhile to get a CL or just to ask mummy to do it and order confinement food.. ;p

MayC, ya I heard the portions are good enough for 2, but have not tried it myself so not sure if it's really enough for 2.

My friend also recommended http://www.confinementfood.com/confinement-food-menu.html

it's also about $30/meal! wow... shall force hb to eat with me to save $. hahaha..

yes, I shall just stick to single room then.
Lush - have to make sure hubby doesn't eat too much though - confinement food might be too heaty for men

X - The cashier asked me to book when I signed up for the pre-natal package with my gyne. I don't remember what date I mentioned - think I told her around 2nd week Jan &amp; for 3 nites cos its C-sec.

On C-sec date, nope - gyne hasn't discussed that with me - would be during the 3rd trimester depending on how fast baby is developing, &amp; around 38+ weeks.
Confinement catering
Since portions are huge... maybe just cater for lunch, can eat it for both lunch and dinner.

Since ur sis will be trying natal essential in Sept, do let us know her feedback on the taste, portion and delivery service.
lush - confinement food cannot anyhow eat for guys ah...v heaty. My hub eat too much already got mouth sores...so...not recommended. My vote is...as 1st time mummy better get a CL lo...cos at least got ple look after you mar...and as 1st time mummy also suaku suaku :p

(x) - lunch/dinner eat same food v bored de....its best to have variation...doing confinement already sucks...at least the variation can cheer u up
morning ladies,

may: how are you now? hope everything is better. i had a clot with #1 from 1st trimester. it didn't grow so stayed there until delivery.

jingles: well, if u have no better alternative then just look on the bright side and take their recommendation lor. treat this as lesson #1 in how to handle 'helpful' relatives. there will be plenty more chances when the baby really comes along.

jaundice: my girl had quite high jaundice and was quite sick. i'm avoiding any form of chinese herbs this pregnancy just in case it causes. but think to be safe, avoid chinese herbs from 35-36 weeks onwards. the pd's were telling me to cut down on ginger intake during the initial part lei. so dunno myth or not. after my last experience, really don't want to take any chances this time lor.
Maddie: So strange, your pd tells you to avoid ginger to avoid jaundice? Then it's different from what the pd from TMC says in the Medela Seminar.... wonder who's right....
hmm i guess everything in moderation is best...any mummies know when is the best time to eat chinese herbs? i heard cordyceps is best consume from 5th month onwards?
my CL from #1 was from my elder SIL's reccomendation. My 2nd SIL also used her. So when it was my turn to look for one, I was sort of told to use her too.
She just didnt work out for us at all. She is quite lazy &amp; dirty too and hb was the one dealing with the washing of bottles n sterilizing them. Hb also gotta wash our own clothes, which was actually her duties as highlighted by the agency.
Anyway, long story short, I couldnt stand her after 2 weeks but couldnt chase her back coz she is like a "family frd" to my elder SIL. Lesson learnt. This time, I will just do tingkat.
yup, that sounds about right. i went to EYS on sat and got their advice. for now, we can take chicken essence (the basic type) and bird's nest. at 5th or 6th month onwards, can take cordyceps.
gingerleaf - well ..haiz..ya tat is the disadvantage of so call having family "recommendation". You just feel so obligated lo...cannot say, cannot scold..as what cantonese will say.....eat the cat :p

echo - thanks for the heads up...will start drinking chicken essence le
mayc - helps in blood circulation. and nowadays chicken essence comes in variety of flavours such as ginko or cordyceps or shou wu
EYS said just take the plain flavour, not with other herbs added in. I also read that some types of ginseng is not advisable for preggy cos it can trigger contractions.

benefits of chicken essence during pregnancy and confinement:
1. Enhance iron absorption and utilization. Iron is very crucial for healthy blood formation.
2. Relieve physical and mental fatigue. Boost energy.
3. Help to keep blood sugar level and blood pressure under control to prevent from pregnancy complication.
4. Help to enhance emotional wellbeing/mood.
5. Stimulates the restoration of blood.
6. Promote early milk secretion, improve milk production and maintain good quality of mother's milk
(Taken from Brands Chicken Essence website)
maybe you can take in 5th month? i suppose should be safe to take. i'm even worse, bought those with ginseng (before i was preggy), now cannot take. have to 'force' my husband to take so that it won't be wasted.
echo - i also bot the wolfberries and red dates de...guess i will just KIV them till confinement lo....kekekek cannot force hub to drink too much lei..rem their system different from ours...will too heaty de
mayc: i know of some mummies who pop 2 botts of chix essence when gg into labor. after tt pop another 1. they say not so tiring. more energised. this round im gg to try popping 1 too. hahaa

echo: how come cannot take with other herbs? thr's 1 i think w cordecpys, that one tastes nicer lei. tot if can i will take that one. hehee
jamie, i did pop in two bottles of chix essence for my previous two kids. Hahah... it didn't work on me!!! think i must be really tired from the pushing.
dunno, that's what the EYS staff said. i guess it does depend on what type of herb it is combined with. maybe for now, in early stages, best to take plain one. in later stage, maybe can take others? I'm not sure...

i actually started drinking the ones with cordecpys coz my grandma say can take liao. I agree tastes much betta..Since not advisable to take now, i will buy those with wolberries &amp; red date ones i guess..

Maddie: My grandma oso told me now can take herbs bt nearing due date have to stop taking liao.
