<font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies,
Went for checkup with my gynae yest after the bleeding. Found out there's a blood clot near the top part of the placenta. This blood clot is around 1/3 of bb's size... =(
Doc said to rest and observe and see if the clot will disappear (best scenario). Worst scenario is that it will grow bigger and cause a detachment of the placenta which could lead to a miscarriage. He also said to avoid stress (almost impossible with my nasty boss) and strenuous exercise.... This situation is complicated coz I have diabetes (dunno if it is gestational or normal diabetes)... Sigh... This pregnancy is really not easy, as compared to my 1st 9 years ago....
But I really want to compliment my gynae Dr James Lee. He is super duper patient. Can sit there, listen and explain (even the most difficult and complicated medical terms and concepts) to me for a looooong time. He can even skip his lunch just to reassure me.
I msged his mobile about the bleeding and he called back almost immediately. He even told me to give him a call if necessary at anytime in the night if my condition worsens....
Nice, long-winded gynae, he is... But I appreciate his gentle manners and when he took my blood for the OSCARS, there wasnt even a teeny weeny bit of pain. I think he shld be good in stitching then, since he is already so gentle with blood taking. =P
Am sad with my pregnancy condition. But am hoping for the best, esp when this bb comes after years of trying. Will pray it will turn out fine and also thank god for the kind and patient gynae tt i found. (^_^)</font>