I too have very bad gastric problems even before pregnancy, went for gastric scope before and took months of pills. But since pregnancy, the gastric pain can be so bad that it causes cramp but gynae did tell me it is safe to take over-counter gastric pill Actal, i think is spelled like that, the one in yellow box.
Talking about pre-natal depression, sometimes might be not depression, might be due to hormone changes in body thus we weep more and more emo than ever. I rem during my 1st preg around 6 to 7mths, there was once i was so emo that I hide in the toilet to cry. And to vent my frustration, i went to clean and scrub the whole toilet for an hour. Then my hubby comment that maybe i should feel emo more often so that I will clean the whole house -_-"
Even now, occasionally i will drop tear thinking of the slightest thing.