(2012/01) Jan 2012

cordyceps - eys having roadshow in junction 8 next sat and are selling this for $1498 for 1/2 tael.. mummies interested can go see

u buy the cordyceps from fu hua at $100+ one is what grade? can share? thanks
1498 for 1/2 tael????????????????? its nuts lo!!!
no wonder its more expensive than gold!

kekkeeke guess we are the only 2 then
i dint take pure cordyceps when i had my #1 only took those with chicken essence :p

after this #2 thinking to close shop liao so better "bu" back my health but is to EX!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!

Thanks</font><font color="0077aa"> X, zhuzhu and Moscato</font><font color="aa00aa"> for sharing on childcare/ playschool.. Sounds like 18months the age around when most kids start.. Need to add another point to the 'To recce' list!</font>
<font color="0077aa">Lush</font><font color="aa00aa">: Think you really need to start thinking about IFC, from what I've heard from a number of people, the queues are really insanely long, mostly cos most IFC can't take in too many babies. So envious of your Europe trip.. Though I cannot imagine sitting through such a long flight at this point.. Plus.. I'm barely 5 months and have put on 7 kg already! Eeeks...</font>

<font color="0077aa">jingles</font><font color="aa00aa">: I'm also intending to get some wall decals for the bb room, IF I have the time and energy.. That one lower priority.. I'm into Winnie the Pooh and some of the decals are just sooo cute.. Not sure if my boy will eventually appreciate it.. Ha!</font>

<font color="0077aa">jamie</font><font color="aa00aa">: Looks like jingles, adeline and myself are not in the FB group. How can we join the group?</font>
Hi mummies,

I've 3 tins of Similac Mum to let go.

Similac Mum (700g)
Expiry Oct 2013
Selling at $20 (3 tins at $50)

Self collection at Eunos.

PM me if keen.

Thank you!!
He's in learning vision.

Tried to get #2 on waitlist. But the list is too long. The person didn;t even want to entertain me. Guess have to just keep calling till i get a place. Haiz...
actually i also dont understand lei...how come there are so little IFC. If they wan encourage people to have more babies,they should build more of these... -.-
IFC ratio is very strict, 1:3
And there is also a max number of infants a centre can take.
So... if u are staying in a popular young estate like me, ie, punggol, good luck!
oh dear.. is really bad.. so thats y most likely i will hire a maid but the cost is not cheap and wish me luck in finding a gd one.
not sure if those mummies esp with #1 or more find that getting enrol in a sch is more n more difficult.

i enrol my #1 for nursery in PCF for next year and guess wat the principal said to me.. "we only take in child stay in this estate and u might not get the time slot u want.. so will hv to ballot" n lucky for me, after ballot i manage to get the time slot i wan.

this was really horrible n image we only enroll for nursery.. cant image next time for pri sch. last time dun time my mum had such headache when she enroll for me leh.
Hi Mummies,
Been awhile since i logged in, and I'm reading so many topics of discussion here!

childcare: a bit too early for me to think now but I've always heard the queue everywhere is long

health: wow so lucky to hear everyone having mom's cooking healthy food for you. My MIL has been doing bird nest for me too. We're really lucky!

FB: what's the FB name/site/thread? i think it can be more active to chat on FB if we're all having smart phones as we can read each other msgs faster

Things are improving at 21 weeks. Less insomnia, less nausea, but appetite is still the same. I get full easily so i still eat less. Surprisingly I'm never bored of fast food which is not healthy! ok time to control i guess..

Have a gd mid-week ahead!
i can imagine how headache u must be. I know the wait list of IFC is super duper long cos i stay in Punggol too

i guess i am not so fortunate....mom is working and mil is too far away. I guess if eat healthy nourish food only once a while or if not i will have to cook myself lo
yes...its true...the box of worms cost $1500 per box in EYS!!! Goshhhh really pricey! But i saw another smaller box that cost 400+, guess it should be a different grade.
punggol where?? i stay near Meridian LRT, Prime Supermarket.

Primary school
I dare not think so far. I aiming Mee Toh, just my downstairs. but it's a damn popular school. My neighbour tried to do PV, but they dun accept, say they have too much PV, ask what "special" skilss she has to offer. Faint ah...
i stay near punggol plaza
last time i used to enquire the IFC located near the Periwinkle area (blk 195++). Not sure isit call Eduventure....long long waiting list and priority goes to siblings scheme.

yes...meetoh no need to think...the Q is v v long...
Re: Cordyceps
I bot 1 small box at fu hualike almost 2 yrs back..after dat never buy liao..so i oos duno wat grade was dat...duno the price got increase o not
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. Hi,

I have a brand new baby cot mattress Fibrelux to let go. Bought from Takashimaya at $159 but bought the wrong dimensions and could not fit in my baby cot. Material is made of coconut husks which is more airy as compared to foam or latex material.

Dimensions: 130cm (length) by 70cm (width) by 8.5cm (thickness)

Willing to let go at $139. Provides free delivery to your house.

If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]
cordyceps - i went to eys during lunch and ask the sales there.. the cheapest was $488 but it is only 1/4 tael and grade was the worse one (of coz they din say is worse but jus say not so gd).

middle range grade for 1/4 tael is $888
kekkekee cheer bear

ya..i guess both of us saw its that lo...488 thats the cheapest...
i guess i will give it a miss..its too expensive to eat la!
hi mummies...
talkin abt ifc or childcare...

ifc - i hvnt even call up any... was thinkin to wait and see if i can cope with #2 during maternity... if can, toying with the tots of sahm... if cant cope, then look for ifc... personally will prefer ifc than nanny...

childcare for #1... my #1 will b abt 24 months when #2 is out... but my ils dont want to put him into childcare till 3 yr old... and they dont want to look after #2...

haiz... put me n hubby in a spot...
hi mummies...
talkin abt ifc or childcare...

ifc - i hvnt even call up any... was thinkin to wait and see if i can cope with #2 during maternity... if can, toying with the tots of sahm... if cant cope, then look for ifc... personally will prefer ifc than nanny...

childcare for #1... my #1 will b abt 24 months when #2 is out... but my ils dont want to put him into childcare till 3 yr old... and they dont want to look after #2...

haiz... put me n hubby in a spot...
I'm staying in punggol too! seems like lots of competition for IFC &amp; CC.. scary..

most likely getting a maid &amp; put maid n bb at mum's place.. hopefully can get a good maid as mum might need go work (flexi hrs) &amp; bb will be alone with maid once in awhile.. read alot of maid horror stories online.. stress sia.. but can't think of any better child care arrangement liao.. sigh..

also intend to send my bb to CC once he turns 18-24 mths..
haiz...seems like its really tough to get a good/perfect arrangement. and i think the ratio of IFC development is really too low...aiyoh how to cope!

not sure if u all see much more preggies this yr. went for my checks last week...seems there is an influx of preggies lo
coralinus...the orange blocks ah? i think there is this IFC opposite u - periwinkle area?
yup..i am v grateful. mum is going to quit her job to take care.
why not go to medical hall in those market.. sometimes not very expensive for cordyceps.. my mum bought a small bundle around 200 .. enough to cook 1 time.. but she said dun have to pu so many times... once a mth already can... baby too big mother also suffer
jingles, it's more brownish than orange.. the blocks near sheng shiong &amp; shell? wha.. envy.. abit hard to get my mum to quit her job (insurance agent) coz she earns quite well (i can't afford to support her.. hahah) &amp; values her independence/freedom.. can only ask her to try meet her clients in the evenings or weekends instead.. but i guess, at least she'll still be ard most of the time.. better than leaving bb alone with the maid whole day..
Good afternoon mommies!

jingles: Kate Spade is nice but like u said it's heavy so
probably will get Naraya or something...Naraya is very light..
actually LV neverfull bag also not bad i think but need to
put in the bag organiser lo...

Appleseed: think can use large regular bags, just put in bag organiser lo..
at least when baby wails and u panic, can find the things u
need easier..hehe..
i just went to Ikea to see cupboards and stuff. Am getting an adult
size wardrobe and a chest of drawers..cos i'll be hiring a maid
and my MIL will be staying with us, so thought having an adult
sized wardrobe makes more sense. can put more things also..hehe
i think with kids and their toys, no matter how you try to, the
room will still look cluttered..unless u have cupboards to stuff all
things in..hehe

Currently, I'm planning to put my boy in school probably at 18 mths.
Like you say, can get him to learn things and socialise..at least not
so self-centred lo..that's what i think..and my MIL speaks chinese
and don't think she will teach my boy anything or read to him
so i think better to expose him to more learning by going to school.
It's gonna be expensive lo..but for the good of our kids, no
choice right? ^_^

(X): Me me! I'm asking about infant/childcare in SK/Punggol..hehe..
yah i heard from my coll..super long queue..got money also cant
get a place! tsk tsk...

Alice: pao sheng is good..i put that with bird's nest
Jac: my mom's like your mom lo..got job and values her freedom, and I really cannot afford her lo..haha.. I sooooo want my mom to take care of my boy instead of my MIL as my mom is very good with kids and she can read/sing to my boy lo..and she will discipline also..think my MIL will spoil my boy.. 1st grandson in the family.. i always joke with my hubby..my boy's gonna be spoilt rotten like him!! hahaha~~ my MIL not working so she is the best choice lo..sianzz..think there will def be differences..everyone ask me to close both eyes sia...but i'm the type if unhappy my whole face can tell..aiyo..also dunno how..she's gonna live in with us Mon~Fri..i think i will really go ki siao! hahaha~~ wish me luck manzzz
i also thinking :p cos eat too much good stuff..bb too big we gg to suffer also :p i heard movie stars like ada choi and gigi lai ate too much bb cant come out so have to c-sect :p

we are suppose to be neighbours...if i choose that plot last time

think naraya if wan buy may need to buy via spree...cos shop in vivo got v pte ltd range...the design i wan dont seems to have in the shop.
re: infant/cc centre

govt asked us to give birth yet give us little support in terms of having enough of the above. when i 1st tried to look for ccc for my kids, i had a hard time. all the ccc nearby were full. if not they put u on waitlist.
luckily somehow managed to secure one near my caretakers' place, better than nothing. better to book early if you can. some bk even b4 bb is born.
moscato, we r quite near each other! hopefully govt can build more IFCs, CCs &amp; pri schs in punggol to help mummies like us.. can't imagine.. so stressful when bb is born or hits 18mths &amp; 6yrs old.. sigh..
ya la...they not giving us the support we need lei...we are not calling them to give us subsidies or wat also...AMENITIES!!! we need them especially in new town!

wow! seems like alot of mummies staying in punggol...me, x, jac, moscato and vanessa (?)
jac, they are building a primary sch behind Shell, beside the chinese temple.
Guess that will be our kids' primary sch unless we move..haha..

Punggol is the town of young couples..:D

vanessa, look on the bright side ba.. MIL is better than having a maid? at least u know u won't have any maid issues.. i hope i dun have to deal with maid running away or getting pregnant or lying or stealing or abusing my bb (MIL confirm won't abuse bb for sure), etc &amp; worse leave me to bear with her maid loan (~$3k) &amp; security deposit (~$5k).. i'm really keeping my fingers &amp; toes crossed &amp; praying hard that i'll be blessed with a good one.. I also dun relle like my MIL to take care of my bb (anyway she's staying in the west &amp; she din even offer to look after my bb), but if can choose, i'll rather choose MIL over maid lo.. anyway, juz tell yaself it's max for 18mths.. then if relle can't tolerate then send bb to CC when he reaches 18mths? good luck!!
