Snowwhite80: ya lor, i'm also moving house. But i leave most of the co-ordination tasks to my hb. Cos i cant drive! hard for me to move ard.
Bo bian leh...only collected keys in Jan and my elder girl cant go into childcare delayed until now.
so my hb will do the "moving"..i just be there for praying.
Vanessa: no joke abt childcare. I pre-registered my girl for Punggol childcare in Oct10. Til now still on waiting list. But I only going for subsidised childcare so more competitive. If u dont mind going for private ones, queue might be shorter.
Bo bian leh...only collected keys in Jan and my elder girl cant go into childcare delayed until now.
so my hb will do the "moving"..i just be there for praying.
Vanessa: no joke abt childcare. I pre-registered my girl for Punggol childcare in Oct10. Til now still on waiting list. But I only going for subsidised childcare so more competitive. If u dont mind going for private ones, queue might be shorter.