(2012/01) Jan 2012

Snowwhite80: ya lor, i'm also moving house. But i leave most of the co-ordination tasks to my hb. Cos i cant drive! hard for me to move ard.
Bo bian leh...only collected keys in Jan and my elder girl cant go into childcare yet..so delayed until now.
so my hb will do the "moving"..i just be there for praying. :p

Vanessa: no joke abt childcare. I pre-registered my girl for Punggol childcare in Oct10. Til now still on waiting list. But I only going for subsidised childcare so more competitive. If u dont mind going for private ones, queue might be shorter.

moscato: really ah...faint..means if I want to enrol my boy at 18months, i have to prob register the moment my boy is born?! better to be kiasu than to be left without a place right? those private ones are also very long waiting list leh..super ex...haizz..everything is $$$$$
Vone and jkids, me too! I'm having a third girl. Can share clothes with sisters. Same gender, so all 3 will have better relationship, like the same type of things/ toys etc
Vanessa, I got a maternity evening gown from asos. Free shipping leh, I didn't go through vpost. Got the stuff in 2 weeks. Only thing is I chose the smallest size, uk size 8, but still a bit loose at the sides for me.
Jkids, i cant go on cruise as hubby cannot make it. Sad.
In regards to the gender issue do think that we are all so blessed to be able to concieve and have healthy babies
lets all be a happy n healthy mummies ya
Yi Chin: Is your usual size Size 8? guess if it's cheap can bring it to tailor to alter.. i have a wedding in Nov so thinking of getting a gown..but maternity evening gowns in Singapore too ex! I'll go check it out again. Thanks for your info

Plinko: Thanks for the links!

cyy: Don't sad..maybe can plan another one

I agree with you that we are all blessed mommies! Some people want kids so much but hard to conceive so if you have 3 and all same gender..it doesn't matter! as long as they are healthy!
morning mummies!
Had a major cramp at the calf this morning. Its probably the common cramps that they say occurs during the 2nd tri. Hubby was shocked when I wailed in pain..anyway, i'm just coping.

its a saturday! so time to window shop for baby's stuff today and recce if any good promo. Share some if you see any out there today k.

Have a good weekend everyone!
snowwhite: I oso have low placenta...gynea said should move up when bb grows bigger..right now i try to walk slower..other than dat..my life still function as normal..i still do the usual hanging of laundry..sometimes i oso sweep the floor...
Vanessa: Actually i wonder how the system works. If reach my queue no. but bb not 18 mths yet, will they still remember me when my bb hits 18 mths??
Hi Mummies,

Sorry for the interruption. I am a Jan '11 mommy who is letting go of a brand new lucky baby playmate (with pictures of animals printed on it)at $25. Orginal price was $30.

Also letting a baby swimming tub( used only 3 times) at $45. Bought in March '11 at $70. Self collect at CCK MRT or delivery can be arranged at $5.

Do PM me if interested. Price still negotiable. Thanks for reading.
Im travelling to Europe when Im abt 27weeks leh.. oops.. ;p But I wanna go on a long haul before bb arrives, otherwise have to wait for a long long time next time when bb is out.

Cruise, yes, they will not allow u to book if you are >24weeks. Plane still not so bad, before 30weeks with gynae's letter is fine. Actually I prefer cruise.. sigh.. oh well..

Anyone storing bb's cord blood?? My friend said must register before bb is born. There is a talk on 24 Sept with Stemcord, anyone going?
jkids: I dreamt of a baby last night. It's a baby girl..but mine's a boy leh..hahaha..prob that's y they say dreams are opposite of reality? haha..

cyy: high five back!! ^-^

moscato: good qn leh... prob they will just skip your number if baby not 18 mths yet..haha.. dunno if we can register just after baby is born or not... maybe they dunt allow such early registration.. just wondering if anyone knows how this works? can share? thank you!

Lush: envy leh...Europe!! i heard about storing bb's cord blood but it's very expensive wor..prob will go read more abt it before deciding if I'll go for it
Vanessa, I normally get size s here.
My brother getting married in nov. Don't want to spend too much on a gown which I may not get to wear again. Even the gowns for rental at maternity exchange are over $100! I got a maternity gown from Asos for only 30 pounds plus free postage. Not a bad deal.
good morning to all!

anyone drink essence of chicken? i read somewhere that we cannot drink now - but why?

what do u eat to "bu" now? black chicken/black bean soup?!
morning mummies
low placenta
heard that all these will help to reduce:
- not to wear heels
- not to strain yourself in anyway like hang clothes up the ceiling racks or hang out to dry (get HB to help)
- to place feet up while watching TV and sleeping

dreamt of bb
yes i did

it was quite vague but it was sweet lo...HB also dreamt of her

cord bank
yes..i will like to but I jst saw the pricing its def. not cheap to have it lo....

i had been drinking red dates and longan. Will be starting to drink cordyceps when I hit 3rd trim. Heard that Bb will b red and bubbly if drinks that.

mothercare sale
incase you are not aware, you have to bring along your POSB/DBS card for the sales! I just went down last Sat w/o it and cant buy anything
Vanessa: i suppose our bb will be always on the 1st of the queue until they hit 18 mths?..LOL

re cordblood: i donated my elder's girl's cordblood. Can retrieve back if in need, provided it has not been used by people. By donating, it also gives us priority if we need to source from the public bank, if we cant use the bb's cordblood.
I have been taking plain chicken essence and birds nest about 1-2x a week. Will start taking chicken essence + cordyceps in 3rd trimester. I got no one to boil for me, so I just take those from bottle. Better than nothing...
I don't take the expensive cordyceps. I buy those that come bottled with chicken essence, or those that come in capsules. Much cheaper than if you buy the actual thing and cook it yourself.
Hi, I am selling away the Haenim play yard to clear space
1) 6 panels Haenim Normal Play Yards (Blue and Red design) to let go at $65*
Consist of the following :
• 1 Activity (Normal) panel
• 2 Doors
• 3 Plain panels

Condition is 6.5/10

* Buyer may want to buy replacement parts+:
• Suction pads (A few have dropped off due to wear and tear )
• Bear stickers (Decorative purposes only, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional
• Mirror sticker (Not reflective, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

Self collect. Interested buyers may email to [email protected] for viewing.

+Replacement parts can be purchased from SMH Bulk purchase spree:
<font color="aa00aa">Afternoon mommies, haven't logged on in a couple of days...

Re. tonics
- Just read in yesterday's New Paper that babies in SG are getting bigger! Mostly due to better nutrition of mommies.. They interviewed some recent mommies with big babies (anything >4 kg's considered big) and these mommmies have been consuming chicken essence and bird's nest on a weekly basis.. Now I'm confused as to whether and how much of these we should take!

Re. Cord blood
I always thought it'll be like and insurance for the baby if we can afford to store it privately. Just saw Jen's post on Stem Cord and did a double-take! And what Moscato said about donating it and getting priority in time of need makes a lot of sense too! More decision making! Arrgh</font>
i just eat as usual, seldom hv any tonics for #1...
but i guess the supplements we take, is quite sufficient for the baby rite??
tonics is for the mummies to build up our health rite??
i guess all in moderation...i will just take on/off...for essence/cordyceps, i will try to space out in a 2 weekly basis, and alternate between essence/cordyceps

yahh...i guess so...the english vitamins we are taking should be quite sufficient. Taking these chinese herbs is more like a booster...rather than an essential.
Happy mid-autumn festival mommies!

think i ate too much mooncakes..haha..now got sore throat and cough..haizzz... regret now lo...

Yi Chin: Thanks! will check out ASOS website for bargains

moscato: yah i hope so! 1st in line better than re-queuing again! hehe :p

abt nourishment: I take the vitamins that gynae prescribe..then birds nest once a week. I got 3 boxes of the normal chicken essence stashed in my cupboard somewhere..thought of taking it once a week...should be ok right?
as for cordyceps, it's really too expensive le..cannot afford sia..

cordblood: think donating it sounds good... gotta discuss with hubby..^-^
asos.com got really nice clothes. Order quick else, no size. Unless u are plus size like me. Hehe...

have sightly cheaper ones like a couple of hundreds. But... still way ex compared to bird nest, fish maw. I think, no point lah. Plus, nowadays alot of fake one. Dunno if we are paying for the real stuff or not. It's just a worm!
hahahahaha X true la...
the way u said made me laugh also...
its only a worm

any mummies bot any nice diaper/maternity bag? Any recommendation or advise? Think those with side pockets will be handy hur
(X): a worm! haaaaahaaaa..u just made my day! :p
ASOS website very hot hor? some of the dress style that i like no size!! arrggghhh...

jingles: heard Kate Spade's baby bag is nice but heavy...havent seen the design before though...
ya....i will also like to buy either KSpade or Juicy Couture maternity bag. But both are too heavy to carry around if you add on the bb's barang barang.
<font color="0077aa">jingles</font><font color="aa00aa">: Kate Spade has got really nice diaper bags.. But pricey lah.. Do we really need diaper bags? They just have got more compartments right? I was just thinking of using my large regular bags.. Advice anyone?

Also, I'm conceptualising the nursery (sounds nice only) for the baby and am wondering if he needs a wardrobe like adults or just a chest of drawers for his clothes.. And any tips on how to store toys and books so that the room won't look cluttered? Thinking of getting some boxes from Ikea to store them but they'll just be boxes strewn around the room and don't look any neater!</font>
<font color="0077aa">Vanessa &amp; Moscato</font><font color="aa00aa">: At what age are you guys planning on sending your kids to childcare? Is that what people refer to as playschool nowadays? My MIL will be taking care of my bb but would like to send him to playschool at some point in time so he gets to interact with other kids.. Sunday times yesterday had an article on playschool and they range from 100 to 1,500 a month! Incredible!</font>
Who was asking abt childcare services ard SK/punggol?

I stay at Punggol, and yes, it's really scary. I called the infant care (IFC) at SK/Punggol, all full and wiatlist very very long. Haiz.

My #1 is in full day childcare (cc). Fees are ex lor. After govt subsi for full time working mum, i pay cash 600+. He started going cc at 18mth.

But if u have help, then can consider sending to those 2-3hr playgroup or classes. Slightly cheaper.
me too
i am also planning for BB's room though still waiting for HB to clear the clutter in the room first. Eyeing on cutesy wall stickers and all (ha...but we will see if we have the energy to do in reality :p ) I will be getting drawers for bb's clothes. If you really wan to have boxes, you may think of getting those stackable ones.
nourishment: my mummy has started to boil pao sheng with chicken for me..alternating between this and bird nest. does anyone know if pao sheng is okay to drink? all the aunties say pao sheng is good and baby will be strong after coming out, but i didnt see anyone here drinking that! O_O LOL.

baby room: so nice that all of you are planning for a baby room! my house has got no space for baby room cos staying with in-laws. so baby will most probably be sleeping with us. anyway i think a chest of drawers will be good enough..cos baby clothes so small and cute hee. wardrobe..maybe when baby becomes 1 year old?

baby bag: i actually got this super big and cute bag from Naraya when i went BKK earlier this year..think i can use that hee. actually can just get a big bag, then buy those bag compartments layout from Muji if really need to!

lush: enjoy your trip to Europe and have a blast! hehe do take care though!
i am also eyeing on a Naraya bag!!! Cos their bags are super light and yet nice
have yet to find a Naraya spree so that I can buy it lei.

Paosheng, I have also been drinking that as soup like every 2 weeks. Taste super yummy
wow.. I havent thought about childcare leh. Quite scary.. I think I will have no one to look after bb after she's borne. Other than the 4 mths ML. Hmm.. one alternative is to send her to my mum's place, but it's about 30min ride away, not that convenient to go there every morning since hubby doesnt drive. If not, I will just leave her there from Mon - Fris lor. hmmm... watched the Ch 8 infotainment show yesterday hosted by Mark Lee. He interviewed some mummies who left their bbs at infant care. quite a no. of horror stories, hear already also scared. ;p

Storing cordblood can use baby bonus rite.. so thought worth a try.. I also duno...

I have been drinking chic essence and birds nest once a week. My mum keeps asking me to drink more.. -_- Then she will add pao sheng if she is free enough to boil birds nest for me, Im also nt sure can drink or not, just drink the liquid and dont dare to eat the paosheng.

I have put on 8kg already..
I wonder if my tummy is too big. My colleague is at 6.5mths pregnant and hers look so small compared to mine. Im 5.5mths now. I ordered 2 tops and 2 dresses from ASOS last mth. In the end I could only wear 1, the other 3 are too big for me even though I ordered S. I'm not that slim, average size, just 1.56cm tall though..

hee, thanks Alicia.
I hope it will be a safe trip too. My mum keeps nagging at me for travelling such long distance ;p.
Re: Cordyceps
They have different grade..i ever bot a small box from Fu Hua for abt $100...

re: Childcare
I sent my boy to full day childcare when he hit 18 mths..even though i had my MIL to help
oh, my mum also uses a lot of wolfberries to boil soup for me. Is it safe huh? She keep saying safe.. but I thought I read somewhere wolfberries not tat safe?
Appleseed: My plan was to send my #1 to childcare when she is abt 18-20mths old. Want to relieve my mum plus my new house will be ready and of cos for her adapt to new environment before bb arrives. But she is turning 22 mths, still on waiting list..

Intend to send bb to infantcare. Will be another round of queuing for me. Hopefully my girl can get in 1st then maybe i will have priority for IFC?

As for fees, depends which childcare u choose. Cheaper one will be like PCF (PAP) &amp; My First Skool (NTUC). About $320 per month after $300 working mum subsidy. But enrichment class not included. More ex ones are those private ones like Cherie Hearts, Pat's Schoolhouse, Learning Vision, fees range from $600 to $1K, after subsidy. Usually some enrichment classes are included.

(X): which childcare is your #1 in? Can queue for IFC before bb born?..:p

cordblood: if any mummies wants to know more, u can always call SCBB to enquire. They will send the officer to meet up with u if u are interested. U can read up too:http://www.scbb.com.sg/10.frequently_asked_questions.asp
100 a box is quite reasonable lei
i shall go check out during lunch and see if really got this price range

scbb via bb bonus
i thought we are receiving the bonus in various stages lei....so no matter what we will have to pay upfront first prior to bb's arrival. Which is quite a substantial amount!

wolfberries no harm de la...
it helps in blood circulate and nourish eyes.....
Hi ladies!! Been a looonggg time since I popped in here.. Jus wondering if everyone's on the fb group yet?

Lush: have fun! I went europe for overdue honeymoon when I was preg w #1 too. Was 5mths preg at tt time. Was great cuz got energy liao. Can shop lk mad.

Alicia: ur having a girl/boy? If girl 1 chest of drawers might not b enuf! Hahaaa!

Jingles: same. Tis round we're moving out soon so #1 n #2 will have a playroom n a bedroom.
n we finally have master bedroom!! Btw, JC bb bag is really heavy, and expensive! KS lighter n cheaper. But I tink I'll jus recycle my sanrio bag frm #1's 1yo period cuz I sold off my ks that time liao..

i think i am the only person who is not in FB
yar.....i have a few JC bags..and stop carrying them when preggie. The metal parts on the bags are really too heavy! I even bot one from HK this March and no chance to carry it yet as its really too heavy le.
