(2011/10) Oct 2011

Anyone here BB keep vomiting? My BB has been throwing up 3x in evening/nite feeds! N it's immed aft every feed.. dunno izzit allergy or indigestion.. he has been sleeping throughout e whole day tdy n i dream feed him in e day but in e evening/nite he auto wake up for feed but he'll throw up aft he burp. He throw up a lot of 'tofu' which I assume it's past feed thou it's immed aft his feed.. aft he throw up he'll slp agn n he dun seems to be in discomfort so worrying wonder did he really absorb my BM!..

Bubblygeekypig, my bb did this twice before. Committed when she burped so I gave her gripe water from then and now she's ok. But I'm not sure if ur bb is the same.

Thanx Winny i shall try. MIL say maybe too many ppl carry him when I'd gathering over wkend Tat's y not enough rest so he'll throw up m slp so long.. hmm I was thinking BB could throw up his mucus/phelgm cos he has lotsa phelgm recently n his puke seems sticky n tofu really not e BM he had jus fed on..

It will show in bb's stool in bb has lots of phlegm. Stool will be sticky. That's what I see la when my be has lots of phlegm.

My mom says too much air so when burp, bb throw up.

As I'm giving fm, I mix the gripe water in the milk. 5ml a day.

His stool recently doesn't have e 'substance' jus e water of e 'substance' n he poo less freq like few days once n I'm on total breastfeed.. yes he throw while burping..

Hi bubbly

Your baby might have reflux. Maybe keep baby at 30degree after feeds and see if it helps.

Mummies who engaged CL, did you pay for the permit? How did you apply? And how much di it cost?

Hi mummies,

I've brand new unused Lansinoh Milk Bags to let go and Medela Therashells.

2 X Lansinoh Milk Bags (25 pcs) @ $9 each

2 X Lansinoh Milk Bags (50 pcs) @ $18 each

1 pair of Medela Therashells @ $18

1 set of Mothercare Cold water sterilisation tablets @ $6

Cash and carry. SMS me at 81988492 if you're interested

Hi Bubbly,

My bb always vomit immediately after feed. My PD say that it is reflux due to overfeed. Ask me to prolong the feeding time. Reflux will cause heartburn so they will feel discomfort. Hold them upright n burp them at least 15 mins before put them lied down.

Just to share, my BB also has reflux problems since she was borned in Oct. PD put her on Zantac and Motillum Suspension for 2 weeks but didn't really help much. Recently, after the Rotavirus vaccine, she became super cranky and had indigestion/gas problems. Thereafter I asked for Probiotic drops from my PD, and amazingly, it helped her gas, reflux and digestion problems significantly. I've used the Probiotic drops for a week and she hardly throws up now.

Hi Winny,

My bb has always been pretty gassy, given that I was bottle feeding by the end of week 1. I consistently gave Ridwind, but it only helped her to pass gas. Also changed all her bottle to Tommee Tippee Anti-colic Plus bottles. I came to my own conclusion about the Rotavirus vaccine as she's been on formula, I'm not breastfeeding and immediately after the Rotavirus vaccine, her poo changed from yellow to slight green (with bits of milk clumps in it) - that's milk indigestion. She woke up screaming in pain every 2 hours. Eventually, our cousin - who is a GP, suggested that we try probiotic drops - given that her digestive system is relatively still immature. So I called the PD and he agreed that it's worth trying given her history of reflux. He did tell me to switch to Enfamil AR, but I refused - given that the formula is likely to cause constipation.

Interestingly, her poo went back to normal and was fussing less. I also noticed that she didn't throw up as much thereafter - reduced to milk spit-ups (she used to throw up like some 60ml of milk on me!)

Also, do take note of a few things when feeding your BB (esp if he/she has reflux issues)

- Do not pat her back when you try to burp her. This will inevitably (and definitely - as I've learnt) cause the BB to throw up. After the feed, allow the baby to settle for a minute or two, gently lift the baby up and rub her back in a circular motion. If she's unable to burp, just lean her forward a bit more, if there's air - it should come through. Do be patient as well (e.g. don't rub furiously, I make her upright and about 5 mins later, the burp does eventually come through)

- After burping, try to lie her in a 45 degree angle. Hard I know - my PD even suggested proping her up 90 degrees in the stroller - how to sleep comfortably? I used to sit with her for half an hour in the middle of the night until my friend gave me a Fisher price rocker which had a 45 degree angle net. Worked great.

- Lastly, if you don't have a rocker - letting her lie in a bouncer (those cheaper ones) that you can get from Kiddy Palace will also help.

Also, the phlegm you are talking about - that's not phlegm but stomach acid mixed with milk - Do you ever notice that it smells sour? Your BB would also be crying excessively after each throw up cuz the acid burns her oesophagus (it's painful!). So yes - do try to limit too much movement after each feed.

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65

- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)

- Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym @ $15

- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leeoh & Jasmine

I suspect lotsa issue on his vomit, acid reflux is 1 of them but I tot it's too often n consecutive few times n it nvr happen b4 so wonder if it's really acid reflux.. and I alr prologue his feeding hrs till recently I c tat he slim down! But surprisingly aft hr throw up I dun c e discomfort on him- no crying.. so scared to burp him now cos it might meant throwing up! But so far in e noon it seems better as i feed him wif more upright position. Keep my fingers crossed!


my BB gg for e jab soon too.. worry abt his crankiness as he alr is! Will try ur burping method.

hi bubblygeekypig,

my bb going for the injection on 2/feb and i'm going back to work on 8/feb. *faint*

I also worried about crankiness.


Any mommies here feeding bb FM? My bb's stool is green now. Is this normal?


My BB's jab on 12/1 n I'm back to work on 1/2 so still got a bit of time.. but he every wk diff pattern so diff to guess war's he like


Tried ur burping method my BB didn't burp but i dream fed him so maybe he doesn't move tat much n therefore not much air i'll try agn next feed.

Bubblygeekypig, I chose to have the injection after CNY otherwise she gets cranky during that period then I'll faint.


U r right cny will stay out if cranky outside will be worse! Brought BB to nearby shopping over Xmas I can't even have a proper dinner! I stay in nursing room for more than 1/2hr jus to bf n change him wif him struggling n crying loudly tat e other mummy at e other cubicle ask BB to hush hush cos her BB is affected by my BB cries! by e time I back to my dinner it's cold n e rest have finish theirs!

Hi mummies,

How's everyone?

So fast Xmas over and CNY coming, means I need to return to

Work soon. Super sad at the thought of it (especially with that new crap boss of mine).

My baby's 1st 6+1 jab is right after CNY n I understand from nurses that this jab can cause fever. I hope it wun b too serious coz I will b back up work after that and can't tk care of her as much as now.

Also my bb's checkup with PD surgeon is schedule in early feb. I dunno if I can tk leave to tk care of bb if she needs to be operated on. I've been monitoring the lump on her hips and I dun think it grew anymore bigger for the past 1month


Dun worri abt surgery. Last I understand unless it's life threatening, pd/surgeon usually dun recommend surgery for bb. For my case, we hve been told to monitor growth of lump n to go back for review on the dates given n even if we choose surgery it's after bb is after a year at least. this is for my case at least. Not sure abt others. Cross the bridge when it comes co's too many issues to worry abt until I get panic when I think of it. I get scared then I panic then I start to pace n I can't get anything done n it goes on in vicious cycle. Sigh.


U r not taking the full 4 mths tats why going back on 6 jan is it? Cos my delivery date is near yours n I go back after cny n I worry I count wrongly. Already I m dreading return to work ESP now when bb can respond to me. HE smiles at times at me. Sigh.

pofy - glad to hear from u,yup i m taking abt 3.5mths, he is gg to ifc on 3 jan, i m also dread to go back to work...sigh.. low moral [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

worry abt he gg to ifc, abt my work, m i able to cope etc...

ur son gg to ifc too?

gonna to miss him lots

vaccine - the upcoming vaccine will cause fever? my son appt is 1 wk before cny...oops

sweetsnow - dun worry too much, enjoy ur break before it ends soon...everything will be ok.

rubbing face - my son keep rubbing his face esp eyes n nose while slping...y? anyone encounter this too?

hey mummies, i have 2 bottles of probiotics drop to let go at 37/each... collection at sengkang, let me know if u r keen k.. my bb has side effects from the drops...

sms me, 90992007 thanks~


my pd also adv me to have the 5-in-1 & Rotavirus. I would prob ask my pd to schedule earlier.

Bubblygeekypig, I never bf my bb when I bring bb out coz I worried she's cranky. Haha.. I'm not as patient as u.

Libra bb, my bb too. Rub her face till very red. She also rub her eyes.. And my mil doesn't want to wear mittens for her so she start to suck her hands.


I thought some doses of the vacinnation in 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 are the same? The 1st jab are the same right? But 5-in-1 less fever prone?


Can share what condition ur bb is having? If not comfy to say then nvm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I brought FM out but i'll try to bf as i feel a little engorged.. if not convenient to bf then I'll feed FM.

Libra BB

My BB also keep rubbing his eyes n nose till red. We jus remove his 1 of his mittens - e most freq hand tat he'll lick his hand Haha!

Am returining back to work in early Jan..decided to stop breast feeding soon..Do you all mummies know where i can get the medicine to stop the milk supply? Can i get it from any GP?

My gynae prescribe the med to stop my supply the last time..just wonder can i don't get it from gynae..cos just for the med..i have to pay additional specialist consultation to see him..don't feel worth it..

Am i able to get the med off the shelf even better?

Quizzer, my bb is 9 weeks now bt she is only drinking 90-100ml for 3-4hr feed... m i underfeeding my bb?

oh, i have sent u a PM on the bottles, did u receive?

Hi quizzer, I already stop bf but I didn't get any med from doc. I just stop gradually. I do not get engorgement now but when i squeeze there's still milk.

My bb's going to be 9 weeks this sun and I'm giving her 120ml of milk top up with 10-20 ml of water. She's still feeding 3 hourly in the daytime but she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night already.

Winny: my bb still wake up in the middle of the night, i sld say she only fall asleep at ard 2+ 3+ in the morning and wake up 4-5hrs later to feed...

dun nod how m i gg to manage when i go back to work in mid Jan.

rejoy 28,

Maybe you can try to adjust the last feed to 10- 11 plus..if the last feed is earlier like 9 plus

you want to top up a dream feed around 11 to make baby feel fuller..hopefully..once bb got used to this routine..can start to sleep thru the night..

You can only trial and error..cos every baby is different..but at least this method works for both my boys..and they are able to sleep thru around 2 months old onward..

rejoy 28,

Sorry i didn't receive your pm.

Don't worry you are not underfeeding your bb..

if baby is hungry, they will cry for milk.

When do you need the bottles, i have started to

clear some of the bottles today..cos need the

space for the milk bags..Most probably can pass

to you this weekends.


Just read up some info about the med..didn't know the med got side effects of increasing risks to get cancer? Seems like most doc would advise to stop milk supply gradually using the natural method? I worry mine won't be so easy..cos i once had severe breast infection due to oversupply when i missed my pumping last time (elder child)..and i am going back to work in mid jan..

my decision to stop bf now is a sudden one..so quite worried the supply is not able to clear up in time.

hi sweetsnow, it's only recent la. Still monitoring.

Dear Quizzer,

u have over supply? So envious. I don't have enough. We are the opp.

So far mine ok la...only leak once awhile.

Quizzer, juz reply ur email.

My bb last feed is 10 plus 11, she would drink and play for a while then fall asleep but she wld wake up again at 1+ 2+ and feed then 'play' until 3+ 4+ then zzz....

Hopefully things wld get better soon cause i m gg back to work on the 16th, if she still like tt, i dun think i wld be able to cope with waking up every night like tt, moreover, my work requires me to ve alot of concentration.

There are 2 types of vacinnation.

One type is the modified 5 in 1 + 6 in 1. My doc advised to take this cos 1st does will start at 3 months old so if touch wood bb develop fever..she can still precribe med to bring the fever down.

As for the new 6 in 1 jabs, the 1st does will start at 1.5 months..Doc already told me before hand if bb down with fever because of the jabs..she won't advise to give fever med cos bb is too young..unless really really..necessary..


Maybe you can try to increase the feeding amount

cos i rem i read from somewhere..if bb had drink enough of milk in the daytime..they will slowly cut away the night feed? but if your bb is a small eater..then no choice..can't really force feed..otherwise vomit everything out even more worse..

Hi rejoy28, my bb fart a lot too but only has not poo for 1 day. Today's the 2nd. Fart are naturally smelly la.

Btw, my bb has been sleeping for 11 hours without crying for milk. Any moms experience this? Is it ok?

winny: my BB fart usually is not smelly only sometimes....

i dun think it is normal... usually if my bb zzz for abt 5 hrs without waking up, i wld force her to wake up to drink milk.


Winny: ya, I also will wake bb up for feed. Dun let bb sleep mOre than 2hrs in e day, if not at night bb will not sleep for long period. Unless ur 11hrs is referring to night time?

