pofy, carry till 40weeks, bb will be very big.
erm if u will miss pregnant days, u can always get pregnant again. LOL
missy, wow raspberry tea pop out baby early? LOL, i think i don't wanna try cause i still got some work to settle though technically i'm not working anymore. haaa...
My mucus plug haven't come out yet, so i think labour for me still no signal yet....i still go out as per normal cause hubby working, at home v bored. I told him not to waste his leave till i give birth, then take 2 weeks 1 shot. LOL
Today went to Mother & Baby Fair look look see see then wanna collect goodie bag which consists of bb samples etc etc, they almost didn't want to give me cause my hubby was not with me! Stupid right?
Luckily alot of people behind started complaining then they have no choice but to give everyone who queues for it.
Inside consists of a travel changing mat, huggies 30pc big size wet wipes, Kodomo Powder lotion which i have been wanting to try, body lotion and some vouchers. I like the changing mat best, great for putting into diaper bag for bb later.