Gilera, for the nipple cream, what i have is the medela one. I have a friend who told me that we could start to apply some cocoa butter on the nipples so that it wouldn't crack and bleed ? Not sure how this might work but she is a 2nd time mum and she told me, she's doing it now as hers bled during her first one.
I went for my last 2 checkups, gynae was saying the baby's head is down and pressing on bladder. But i wonder if the baby will turn head up again???
Creamdonut, ya, now i also dilemma to bring own pump or use hospital's sterilized one. maybe make it simple, use hospital's. I dont' intend bottle feed but just in case i have engorgement and becomes painful and need to manual express. So, if baby doesn't wanna latch on, at least can use the breast pump to stimulate milk supply and give baby.
I went for my last 2 checkups, gynae was saying the baby's head is down and pressing on bladder. But i wonder if the baby will turn head up again???
Creamdonut, ya, now i also dilemma to bring own pump or use hospital's sterilized one. maybe make it simple, use hospital's. I dont' intend bottle feed but just in case i have engorgement and becomes painful and need to manual express. So, if baby doesn't wanna latch on, at least can use the breast pump to stimulate milk supply and give baby.