(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hello Ginn,

i should be in my 34-35 weeks now. edd brought forward from mid oct to 1st week oct based on bb's size?

yeah. trying to keep cool.

me tired too but i try to keep awake.


pofy, during my 1st preg i looked like a whale towards the end though i just gained 10kg throughout whole preg. had severe water retention on my legs. people were just unforgiving in their words. but i tried to heck care them and went on to PBF my elder boy for 2 years until he self-weaned during my 3rd-4th month pregnancy this time round to lose all the excess weight.

the day i came back to work after ML, their stunned faces gave me a sense of triumph in a good way cos on top of the 10kg i lost, i lost additional 7kg. now people said "whoa you lost so much weight". this preg i gained 6kg so far and they said "you look so much better compared to last time". maybe it's my character bah. i take such comments as a motivation to achieve my weight loss target. maybe it'll help for you?

i've no comments about postnatal massage cos i read there isn't much benefits to it anyway, particularly for c-section cases like mine.

Hi pofy,

Don't worry about milk supply for now. I am also worried when I had my #1. I got very desperate bcos my milk supply didn't came in after 3 days and everybody was insisting that I should give my gal FM. The situation was so bad until I broke down and cry for almost an hour in front of my hubby. He got a big shock becos I had never cried so badly before. Luckily he is also pro-breastfeeding and went shut the "noises" up for me. So don't be surprise if you are under similiar stress when u popped. Just believe in urself that you can do it. Tell ur mind to relax and that your baby need your milk to stay strong and healthy.

Most of mothers in the older generation don't believe in breasfeeding and they have been brain-washed to think that FM is the healthiest milk for babies and that only FM can make the baby full (as FM are thicker than BM) and stop crying (old generation mothers always thinks that baby cry bcos they are hungry!). But the WHO (World Health Organization) had already proven that the nutrition and anti-bodies present in breast milk cannot never be replaced by any FM.

The reason why formula kids looks more bigger size than breasfed babies is because formulas contains cows milk fats. So the "big" are actually FATS. So please do your best (not easy though) to ignore the old wives tales.

My 2nd one will be popping soon. And this time round I am sure that I will not hear such noises again especially after seeing how healthy my #1 is [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So let Jia You together! :D

Checkup this fri at wk 33

also most comfortable in dress but feel too exposed if wear dress to Gynae. Lol. Hate pants now.


Looking for:

1) Pregnant women from age 18 to 40, stage of pregnancy is 13 to 36 weeks,Singaporean or PRs, Chinese, Malays and Indians.

2) Mothers who is feeding their infants from 0 to 12 months old using infant formula brands currently.

Incentive reward: $30 NTUC Voucher Interested, pls reply:-

Group : 1 or 2

Name :

Hp no :

Mother Age:

Brand consume :

Baby age :

Pregnancy stage in weeks :

SMS to 94311188 or Email to [email protected] by 25/8/11.


Hi Mummies

I had a scare last week. I was at week30 exactly and i admit my tummy was really big. I had some work related dinner at Morton to attend and the dinner ended around mid nite. While I was driving home, i feel my stomach was hardening ( i never thought much of it as i alway have that during work).

After i shower and lie in bed with my ipad in hand, i felt a warm gush of discharge and i realize it was blood ! I call hubby and called Gynae (he just return from oversea) and we rush to Mt E. I had a contraction and lucky my gynae was quite swift in action - give me steriod jab to mature baby lungs and drip to relax my uterus. I was in hopistalsed till satruday.

So far, we manage to delay the pre-term labour. And i am under bed rest now. Gynae did a scan for me at week 30, the baby is around 2kg. But i really have a shock. I always thought i am the tough and strong kind, i work till i deliver for my #1, and drove to work myself till i deliver... I never expect this time round, the stress of my project/work had such a implication on my pregnancy. IT put me in perspective now, i need to slow down ......

I hope i can carry baby too full term (week 36 minimum). I deliver my no 1 at week 36 plus in 2008.

On breastfeeding, i mamange to BF my #1 for 10 months exclusively. He sort of held me hostage as he can differentiate between FM and BM. He refuse FM (all different brands) since young. So i have no choice .... But it is a good journey and and i hope i can BF my #2 for long as well. Tips to share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] buy the best breastpump within your range (better to be dual) and pump away every 2 to 3 hours. even if nothing come out initially. My Medela PIS was fatanstic and it save me lots of time ....i sold away when i stop BF . This time ihad invested in Medela free style, i hope it is just as good but lighter ...

Now that i am not working, i can be more active in the forum ...hee heee

hi mummychanel,

glad to hear u are fine. good reminder we should take things slowly. my job is also very stressful. i could feel my blood pressure building up just now so i guess need to take things slowly.

indeed stress can induce premature labour. do take care!

all mummies take care! jia you!

Mummychanel > glad that u're fine and everything is over. Was helping you to worry when reading thru ur post. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Recently I keep having cramp(like menses cramp), it's like on and off, am getting abit worried because I did not experience this when I had my first one. And I'm now only 31 weeks..

Hi esther,

I will be week 31 tomorrow. It is scary experience but a wake up call for me. Till now , my gynae not able to identify the cause of bleeding. Really just relax and slow down. I alway thought I can cope and handle stress very well. I think I do, but my baby an uterus is not loh....

So just slow down and relax, if concern talk to your gynae.

mummychanel, glad to know you are alright now! your experience sounded so scary! your bb is growing v well at >2kg. mine's 2067g at 33 weeks. take good care of yourself and try not to be stressed! rooting and praying for you!

creamdonut, will buy the cord spirit once the 1st bottle runs out. we'll be going back to our PD at the same hospital so it's quite convenient. your gynae didn't say anything means it's a good thing. if i not wrong a fellow mummy mentioned here her friend gained only 3kg throughout pregnancy which is like the bb's weight, so envious of her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks. I asked just for reference because a friend was telling me i should do it but budget constraint so I should be skipping massage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ben Ben,

Thanks. Its ok. I used to her and others comments already. i will try my best to breastfeed. Can good, cannot then i will just let nature takes its course. I am these days so stress up with so many worries that my hubby told me to just take things as they come. i worry this and that till i have bad nightmares for those short periods i can sleep at night. sigh.


your story is a wake up call for me. i have been stress at work and also with all the negative comments i have been hearing. yesterday i told my hubby about your story. thank you for sharing.

i guess i have to take it slow. i hope to carry baby to full term too. sometimes i think i am silly. all the wild thoughts, worries of unknown future and then i get myself all stress up and frustrated and no solution and in the end i have to tell myself to stop if not affect baby. sigh. its such a vicious cycle.


i can't shave before i see gynae. sigh. i can't even trim because my big tummy is blocking my view. these days i can't even cut my toe nails which is irritating me. yeah. hahaha, i try to be abit mei mei infront of doctor lah. paisei to wear my grandma panties and faded or with holes. hahahaha.

as for the our sizes. i say heck lah. sometimes i wonder why the 3rd parties have so much to say. small say small, big say big. what is it to them anyway? its none of their business. i find that they are very insensitive. sigh

Hi creamdounut,

I am on hospitalisabtion leave now, after that I have yet to decide to go back to work or just clear leave. I have about 20 days of accumulated leave carry from last fiscal year. So I can stay at home in sept and in oct I start my maternity leave.

Hi luv, thanks for your support.

Hi pofy, you are welcome. The intent of me sharing the experience is to remind all mummies the stress are taking toll on our baby. So try to slow down...

I am officially week 31 today. 5 more weeks to go for a healthy and full term baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] every single day is a bonus for me and my baby.

mummychanel: I think u shld juz take leave n stay at home n rest if possible. There was another mummy due in oct and her bb is out at 30 weeks, need to be in NICU for a month but the bb seems healthy.

I dun tink too much into ple's comment leh, maybe i too blur to tink too much.. my workplace all guys so even better, they dun care/notice how u look..

BF: my mum is super into BF, she said thats the best way to lose weight after giving birth. anyway, BF is free, FM have to spend money to buy leh. if can, of course BF lah.

dress: I wear dresses nowadays for gynae visits too but the nurse will place a blanket on my lower body to cover the panty. anyway, my gynae is a lady.. hehe.

Dearest mums/mums-to-be

Anyone opted for the cordbanking?

Understand there are two private ones.

Stemcord and cordlife. Any suggestion which one to take up?


hi mummies,

one of our mummies has popped at week 30 as she shared on the facebook group! her baby is nicu but thankfully mummy and bb are well.

i'm getting nervous now.....still hope the rest of us carry our little ones to full term!! yes indeed, a lot of times the stress is what we give ourselves. even in stressful situations, we can learn to just let it go and take things slow. and most importantly, not care about people's criticsm or judgement. they are not the pregnant ones. we are. we are carrying another being inside!! i try to take short leave here and there just to relax and get away from my stressful workplace too. i think ML is no time to relax as we will be busy with our newborns and even worse sleep than now. so let's treasure every day especially for all first time mummies!!

hazel: i took stemcord. stemcord stores in 2 separate banks so i thought was better.

happymomo: is that your baby kicking?? our baby's hiccups?

Hi Mummycoccyx,

How much did you pay for your package? Btw, do u know if cda account can still be use to pay for it after 5 years?

My bb constantly knocks on my right side for a good half an hour most evenings. Like heartbeat regular bump bump bump. Dunno wat he doing inside. More obvious when I place phone on that part then the phone unstable.

Tom checkup wk 34. Hope to see nicer scans of him.

Bb was 1.8kg at wk 32.

Hi winter bluey,

Have not decide to go back after my hospitalization leave cos my initial plan is to clear the leave after my maternity leave. I intend to to six months away from work after delivery, to cover the six month with ml, annual leave and no paid leave. If I start my leave earlier, I might need to go back after the baby is fiftth month rather than six.

Moreover there are also work commitment, my project is going live in October. Hence leaving the team in lurch at last minute is not ideal as well.

But having say that, I a, not keen to deliver earlier to risk baby Health and the cost in nicu will be very scary. I rem was about 1k a day for nicu.

On the core blooding banking, I think they are about the same. For my #1, I used cord life, this time I use stem cord. Just to put ensure, I do not put all egg in one basket.

Ya, I am a firm believer of bf. So will try to total bf for at least six months then extend my target month by month.


Like you I also have the knocking feeling on the right. Jus like what u say is a knocking feeling. I think maybe is common since both of us having it.


Wow your company allow u to take long leave ? That is very good. How I wish I can also take a six months break. I also hope to bf for at least 6 months. My company dont have fridge hence pump milk in office is not very possible. Moreover, dont have location for me to pump, only toilet.

Hi hazel,

i took cordlife.. but i tink stemcord would be cheaper den cordlife.

there is a few package depend wat type u r going for..

happymomo: i tink our baby having hiccups... i gt that almost everyday after my 31 weeks...

Hi Happy Momo,

Have not really finalised but spoke to one of the partners already. The nature of our job is project based not position based. Hence if it is a logical break, they most likely will not object. Taaking no paid leave, is quite common in the firm as we get burn out easily.

Ya, it is quite trouble to pump if there is not proper facilities. Remember to buy the dried ice pack and insulation bag to store your pump milk. Oh, sometime back i saw a thread on BP selling small portable fridge where you can put under your desk to store the milk, a good option as well. But i not sure if it is cold enuff. Oh, if your office is near mall, then cross over to the mall nursing facailities to pump. For my number 1, i was working in millenia tower and in millenia shopping, there is a good nursing room to pump (with power socket and curtain) i walk there to pump. But i pump really fast cos i was using dual pump, hence it will take me like 20minutes all in all. PP dont really notice i dissappear to pump if it is quick.

Hi mummies, my #1 also under Cordlife. #2 will be under StemCord.

Did any 1 of you experience mucus plug?

I experience once last week & once this week. The stain is like less than 1ml. which i think is minor.

Any comments on the mucus plug?

my next visit is next monday. Week 33.

Yes lets encourage each other & start to do some washing of bb clothes, & packing for the new born...

Relax & relax...

So tired!! My eyes are closing!!! Ahhhh!!! Juz calculated my leave n will b taking on 25 oct onwards since my edd is on 31 oct. Think by then most of the mummies here will have pop! Can't wait for oct to come!!!!


don't think you would have passed out your mucus plug... it comes out like a mixture of blood and jelly and its quite a lot. Mucus plug only dislodges when your cervix starts to dilate


I thought of buying a small fridge, but i think need dept's approval. hahhaa

I am now working in raffles place, anyone had any idea where to get nursing room nearby?


Need dept's approval? The small fridge that my colleague use to have is really small - those can chill a 4-6 cans of soft drink. Think can just put under the table.

genesis28 (genesis28)

I very bad i took coffee to keep myself awake, if not i keep having bad headaches since yesterday night and didnt slept well

As for ML, u intend to take whole 4 blocks? I am trying hard to save my leaves so I can rest earlier. But a bit hard to manage my leaves as I have a lot of medical appointment, due to GD.

Ginn, the mucus plug is something like a seal that protects our bb from infection throughout our pregnancy. it's a combi of discharge and blood. usually when the mucus plug is released, labour is very very near.

not all pregnant mummies saw their own mucus plug. how labour started has various scenarios such as active contractions or water bag burst. i for 1 never saw my own mucus plug cos i never experienced spontaneous labour.

HTHs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A mucus plug is a plug that fills and seals the cervical canal during pregnancy.

The plug may come out as a plug, a lump, or simply as increased vaginal discharge over several days.

As the woman gets closer to labor, the mucus plug discharges as the cervix begins to dilate


I think mummychanel is refering to "Fridge to Go" bag. Its a bag to store ur expressed BM and keep it cool for 12 hours. But u will be freeze the bag by putting it in ur freezer every night when u go home. So its electricity free and battary free. No need office approval [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U can see this website for more details on their diff bags.


THere are some BP on this bag on and off on SMH. So do look out for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I would suggest that you get the bag on the 2nd month into your ML. By then, u should be quite certain on whether u can cope with expressing BM when u return to work. I have friends who are determined to give their bb BM before they pop. So they bought all the necessary breast pumps and accessories required (which are not cheap!). But after they popped, they gave up on BF by the 2nd or 3rd month saying its too stressful. So all the breast pumps and accessories that they bought are wasted.

#1 edd, will still go work in Sep leh.... Intending to fully utilize my ML when baby is born so count here n there will go back to work next year in April

yes i agreed with ben ben.

during my #1, i also bought everything under the sun relate to BM. End up i gave up after 2 months of trying. Cos i kept having fever. mid night, i tend to oversleep & caused breast engorgement. Fever reach record high of 40 degrees. Dr suspect I got mastitis.

Thus, #2 i am determined to try BM again! & will set alarm clock to wake me up.

another experience to share is that, when i was having fever. I have to discard all my BM. BB cannot take the milk as i was having medication.

I was so dishearted.

genesis28, u are so lucky to have so many leaves. How I wish I can have as much...

Ben Ben, Thanks I will go take a look at the fridge on the go, very interesting!


I have the "fridge to go" that can store up to 6 can of softdrink. But I personally feel that it will not stay cool enough with our weather so hot.

I use it for outing as well, pack in softdrink from the fridge. After a few hrs,the drink is just "cool" not "cold".

Hi. My #1 is with stemcord... plan to use stemcord too as got discount for repeat customers i think. Easier to manage accounts also.

Breastfeeding. Yep, i feed baby every 2 hours in the beginning then lengthen to 3 hours as the milk supply increases. Didn't have engorgement as my supply not alot - so that's a boon and a bane at the same time hee..

My main worry during breastfeeding was whether baby is taking in enough. So I brought baby to TMC lactation consultants - to let them check if I am latching on correctly. And I realised how the nurses assess was to weigh the baby before and after bfing - the weight increase is the amount of milk the baby took in. Didn't know it was so straightforward. So I plan to weigh baby regularly this round to give myself peace of mind. You can try too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Creamdonut,

Is the policy stated by your company ? Cos based on the MOM maternity leave, your have the choice to start your maternity 4 weeks before your EDD. This is because there are high possibility that baby can deliver 4 weeks before their EDD and the baby is still considered full term. It is rarely that baby deliver on the dot of their EDD. If you company is forcing you to deliver till you deliver, then make sure the HR have the preparation to send your to hospital when your labour come while you are at work. They are liable for your safety.

Hi Huishan

I do not deny BF is a lots of hardwork, in fact i remember complaining to my colleagues that is worse than my high stress project work. I nearly lost perspective of day and nite in the first few week.

I literaly have to drag myself out of bed to pump ... One of the tricks is that i get my Mum (who is doing the confinement for me when i deliver #1) to bring baby to me when he wake up for milk. SO i have no way to overslept but to nurse him. So after i nurse him one side if he sleep, by then i am already awake to pump the other breast out. If i am lucky, my son can nurse both side, then i go back to pillow once he nurse both side. During the nite, i did not bother to ensure i empty both breasts .... But i do the diligent check in the day so that my milk supply can be simulated. I only manage to stablize my milk supply like in month 2 toward 3 i remember. Later on, i found out from some books that the milk supply will establish around week 8 to 10 for most woman. So need to persist on,after week 8 That where i manage to store some milk in the freezer.

Just want to share the hardwork involve for BF for the first time mummy. Cos i was in a shock when i deliver my #1 and the amt of hard work involve to BF. Not mentally prepare at that time and the lactation consultant at Mt E are very insistent of BFing, they come knocking on my door every 2 to 3 hours to check on me !

I am not sure i can exclusively BF my #2 for long these time as physcially i am not as strong as fit 3 years back. So i will just buy the dual pump and do my best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully i will succeed.


I understand that first 8 weeks start right from baby DOB. But the next 8 weeks is flexi. I still have abt a week leave to clear so I will take 8 wks first, then clear leave, then another 8 wks. Roughly will be back to work in Feb 2012.


hi all mummies....

my EDD is on 26/10/2011 and seriously getting more n more anxious, m a first time mummy...

I juz pray that my baby would be healthy and everything intact.

