Hi winter bluey,
Have not decide to go back after my hospitalization leave cos my initial plan is to clear the leave after my maternity leave. I intend to to six months away from work after delivery, to cover the six month with ml, annual leave and no paid leave. If I start my leave earlier, I might need to go back after the baby is fiftth month rather than six.
Moreover there are also work commitment, my project is going live in October. Hence leaving the team in lurch at last minute is not ideal as well.
But having say that, I a, not keen to deliver earlier to risk baby Health and the cost in nicu will be very scary. I rem was about 1k a day for nicu.
On the core blooding banking, I think they are about the same. For my #1, I used cord life, this time I use stem cord. Just to put ensure, I do not put all egg in one basket.
Ya, I am a firm believer of bf. So will try to total bf for at least six months then extend my target month by month.